Arabic MENA Other Language Pakistan Press Releases

التمييز على أساس الجنس في القوانين المتعلقة بالعنف يُعرِّض النساء والفتيات لمخاطر أكبر

الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، نيويورك، 23 تشرين الثاني/ نوفمبر 2022 – لمنع العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي ومحاسبة الجناة، من الضروري وجود إطار قانوني وسياساتي قويٍ يُنفّذ بشكلٍ جيد. ومع ذلك،  تُحرَم النساء والفتيات من نفس الحقوق القانونية التي يتمتع بها الرجال والفتيان في العديد من البلدان، بما في ذلك بلدان  منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا. تُسلِّط ورقة السياسات  الجديدة  التي تنشرها منظمة Equality Nowأقوالٌ وأفعال: محاسبة الحكومات في عملية مراجعة بيجين +30 – التمييز على أساس الجنس في القوانين المتعلقة بالعنف –  الضوء على القوانين المتعلقة بالعنف ضد النساء والفتيات، وكيف تتواصل الانتهاكات بسبب انعدام المساواة المدوَّنة في القوانين، ما يؤدي إلى غياب وسائل الردع وتمكين الجناة من الإفلات من العقاب.

تقوم منظمة Equality Now  بمراجعة عيّنة من القوانين التي تُميّز صراحةً على أساس الجنس واصدار التقارير حولها. في اليوم العالمي للقضاء على العنف ضد المرأة في 25 تشرين الثاني/ نوفمبر، ندعو مرةً أخرى إلى التعديل أو الإلغاء الفوري لجميع التشريعات المتحيّزة على أساس الجنس.

تشير تقديرات منظمة الصحة العالمية إلى أن 30% من النساء في مختلف أنحاء العالم قد تعرّضن خلال حياتهن للعنف الجسدي و/ أو الجنسي من الشريك الحميم أو العنف الجنسي من غير الشريك. يتفاقم هذا الرقم المذهل بسبب عدم المساواة، والتمييز، والعنف المسموح به ضمن بعض القوانين.

في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، يمنح العراق الأزواج حقًا قانونيًا في معاقبة زوجاتهم ضمن حدود معينة يُمليها القانون أو العُرف. بينما تسمح مصر بعقوبةٍ أخف للرجال الذين يقتلون زوجاتهم عند ضبطهن في حالة زنا.

تُميِّز قوانين الاغتصاب عندما تُقِرُّ استثناءاتٍ لظروف معينة بشكلٍ متعمّد، مثل الاغتصاب في إطار الزواج، أو عندما تسمح للمغتصبين بتجنب الملاحقة الجنائية من خلال الزواج من ضحاياهم. الكويت وليبيا من بين البلدان التي توفر ثغراتٍ قانونية عبر نهج “تزوّجي مغتصبَكِ”.

لا يزال لدى العديد من البلدان تعريفات قانونية للاغتصاب على أساس القوة، أو التهديد باستخدام القوة، بدلاً  من تعريفه على اساس انعدام الموافقة او غيابها. غالبًا ما يتعين على الضحايا إثبات أنهن قاومن الهجوم جسديًا، ويتطلب ذلك عادةً تقديم أدلة على إصاباتٍ إضافية سبّبها المعتدي. لا يستوعب هذا النهج الطرق المتنوعة التي تستجيب بها الضحايا للاغتصاب. فهو يترك العديد من القضايا بلا عقاب ويعزز ثقافة سوء المعاملة.

يحدث العنف ضد النساء والفتيات أيضًا عبر الإنترنت، ولكن لا يوجد معيار عالمي لإنهاء الاستغلال والاعتداء الجنسيين عبر الإنترنت. النظام الأبوي وكراهية النساء اللذان يزدهران في العالم الواقعي ينعكسان ويتكرسان عبر الإنترنت، ويجب على القوانين معالجة ذلك في المجال الرقمي.

على الجانب الإيجابي، تم إلغاء أو تعديل بعض القوانين التي كان تقريرنا لعام 2020 قد سلّط الضوء عليها، أو توجد مشاريع قيد الإعداد لقوانين جديدة أو قوانين أفضل. على سبيل المثال، أُلغِيَ قانون في سوريا كان يعفي الرجال تماماً من العقوبة في حال قتلوا أقاربهم من النساء بدافع “الشرف”، وبذلك أُزيل عذرٌ مُخفِّف كان يقضي بعقوبةٍ أخف بكثير في جرائم “الشرف”.

تقول أنطونيا كيركلاند من منظمة Equality Now: “يُعدّ وجود إطار قانوني وسياساتي قوي وشامل وبيئة مؤاتية أموراً ضرورية لحماية النساء والفتيات من العنف. ينبغي صياغة القوانين من منطلق فهمٍ نسوي تقاطعي عالمي لديناميات القوى وانعدام المساواة التي تعزز العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي وتحُول دون وصول النساء والفتيات إلى العدالة”.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8702228.

Africa MENA Pakistan Press Releases South Africa

Multimillion-dollar boost for small business as more African countries join MultiChoice Africa Accelerator Programme

Johannesburg, Nov. 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — November 2022 – Following the success of the MultiChoice Africa Accelerator Programme, which secured $16 million (USD) of funding for six emerging businesses last year, the programme has been expanded to eight more countries across Africa.

Many more small businesses in Africa’s technology sector now have the chance to benefit from the 2023 programme, which provides the skills and opportunities needed to attract transformative business funding.

“We’re really excited to be expanding the MultiChoice Africa Accelerator Programme to more African countries,” said Calvo Mawela, MultiChoice Group CEO, announcing the launch. “It’s part of our long-term commitment to growing and multiplying Africa’s technology potential, which is critical to our future growth.”

The MultiChoice Africa Accelerator Programme, which kicked off during Global Entrepreneurship Week,  is aimed at established start-ups and small enterprises in specific technology sectors – healthtech, agritech, fintech, edutech, the circular economy and the creative industries.

“There is such incredible business talent across Africa,” said Mawela. “MultiChoice Africa Accelerator is an opportunity for investors and small enterprise to collaborate to multiply the impact of this talent and scale it across Africa.”

Having started in South Africa in 2021, the MultiChoice Africa Accelerator is expanding to Ivory Coast, Senegal, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Zambia, Angola and Ethiopia. The initiative equips emerging entrepreneurs to secure funding and scale up their businesses, and also provides opportunities to pitch to international investors.

African Development Bank President Dr Akinwumi Adesina has previously noted that, “the private sector is Africa’s growth accelerator”, and several African nations have backed small-business development as part of their economic strategy. The MultiChoice Africa Accelerator dovetails with these development objectives.

The MultiChoice Africa Accelerator Programme is an initiative of the MultiChoice Innovation Fund, in collaboration with Dubai-based business incubator Companies Creating Change (C3), which gives entrepreneurs access to the tools, skills and financial support to grow their business. MultiChoice has also partnered with EOH, a tech services company who will bring their expertise to the table especially in terms of tech advisory, development sprint and technical support.

The first phase of the MultiChoice Africa Accelerator Programme sees public and private-sector partners in each country nominating businesses or entrepreneurs for the programme. From there, 29 of the start-ups embark on an intensive virtual training course. The initiative is aimed at established businesses that are already operating and looking to scale up by attracting further investment.

“Start-up founders get to learn everything from how to properly research your business sector and your market, to how to create a niche for your business,” says Boitumelo Monageng, of Swypa, one of last year’s finalists. “During the workshops we were encouraged to dig deeper and I realised that we have the potential to compete on a much larger scale.”

The virtual training course takes place over several weeks, teaching start-up owners media skills, how best to market their businesses to investors, how to create attractive business plans, and to know what investors are looking for.

Later, the entrepreneurs will come together at a finals event, where 11 start-ups will be selected for the final pitch phase. They will attend a dedicated C3 boot camp to learn how to shape their story for international investors, and to get “pitch ready” before their big presentations.

“We believe SMEs in the technology, sustainability and creative sectors will be fundamental to the next phase of Africa’s growth,” says Mawela. “The MultiChoice Africa Accelerator is geared to finding the most promising start-ups, and empowering them to play this critical role.”


Elizabeth Ferreira
MultiChoice Group Ltd

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8702451

MENA Press Releases

Korea Red Ginseng Promoted in the Middle East

  • The aT Center Successfully Completes Korean Ginseng Seminar in the UAE with favorable reviews
  • Red Ginseng’s Medicinal Benefits, Including Immunity Boost, Fatigue Relief, and Safety, are introduced

DUBAI, UAE and SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (aT) held a seminar on November 10 (local time) at the Vida Hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, under the theme of “Healthy Food and Happy Future.” About 100 visitors from the healthcare industry, including doctors and pharmacists, were in attendance at the international Korean ginseng seminar.

The aT Center Successfully Completes Korean Ginseng Seminar in the UAE with favorable reviews.

In the seminar, Dr. Choi Kwang-tae, formerly president of the Korean Society of Ginseng, presented the excellent properties of Korean ginseng. Dr. Choi showed research results on the features and effects of Korean ginseng and red ginseng, such as memory enhancement, anti-cancer, antioxidant, immunity boosting, blood circulation improvement, fatigue relief, and anti-diabetes under the theme of “Korean ginseng for human health.” He also introduced the research results on the antiviral effect of red ginseng against viruses such as AIDS and COVID-19.

Dr. Ahmed Kaml, a local doctor who attended the seminar, said, “I was impressed with the research results that Korean ginseng, which is generally known to be good for recovering one’s strength, is also effective for enhancing immunity and improving memory for old people. Given the incidence of diabetes is rising steadily in the UAE due to increasing obesity, the interest in ginseng’s antidiabetic effect is high.”

Currently, there are about 200 locations of 10 chain pharmacies, including Boots and Medicina, in the UAE, carrying CheongKwanJang, the most well-known red ginseng brand of Korea Ginseng Corporation(KGC) in their stores. Of these, 50 have a separate special section dedicated to the brand, attracting the attention of local residents.

aT Center stated that this conference will serve as a platform for exchange between the UAE and Korea and a bridgehead for us for widening sales channels. Added that it will be continued to work hard to develop markets in the Middle East in the future, where entry barriers are high, in terms of complicated product registration procedures, and to expand the export base by promoting the excellence of Korean ginseng products.

The second Korean ginseng seminar will be held on November 30 at an Abu Dhabi hotel in the UAE.

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MENA Press Releases

HONOR Unfolds the HONOR Magic Vs, Its Next-Generation Foldable Flagship and the HONOR 80 Series in China

Featuring a state-of-the-art design, a revolutionary display and unparalleled performance, the all-new HONOR Magic Vs sets new benchmarks for foldable flagships

SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Global technology brand HONOR today announced the China launch of the HONOR Magic Vs and the HONOR 80 Series. The HONOR Magic Vs pushes industry benchmarks in design, display, performance and user experience, making it the perfect companion for business and entertainment. Empowering young budding creators to fulfill their creative potential, the HONOR 80 series is the latest smartphone to be introduced to HONOR’s stylish N-Series line-up, boasting enhanced videography and photography capabilities.

“We are thrilled to introduce our next-generation foldable flagship, the HONOR Magic Vs, which packs groundbreaking innovations and exceptional user experience into an elegant and stylish design,” said George Zhao, CEO of HONOR Device Co, Ltd. “The HONOR Magic Vs will be our very first foldable flagship to debut in overseas markets and we are confident that it will deliver huge advancements, transforming how people all around the world use their smartphones.”

An Industry-leading Foldable Crafted with a Groundbreaking Hinge Design

Exceptionally slim and lightweight, the HONOR Magic Vs is 12.9mm[1] thin when folded and weighs just 261g[2], making it the industry’s lightest foldable smartphone currently, and a delight to carry around. The HONOR Magic Vs also packs an extra-large battery of 5,000mAh[3], the largest battery in the same class of existing foldable smartphones currently, for all-day use. Bringing the beauty of harmony to life, the HONOR Magic Vs features a symmetrical and seamless design, giving it a premium look and feel. Thanks to its sophisticated hinge design, the HONOR Magic Vs folds without gap and delivers a creaseless display when unfolded.

Contributing to the lightweight, the HONOR Magic Vs packs with super-light gearless hinge carefully crafted with a single-piece casting processing technology, which drastically reduces the number of components of supporting structure used in the hinge from 92 to 4[4], while maintaining its durability and sturdiness. Built with aerospace-grade materials, the hinge of the HONOR Magic Vs is able to withstand over 400,000 folds[5], equivalent to more than ten years of use with 100 folds per day, creating a new benchmark in foldable smartphone design.

Large Dual Display for an Exceptional Viewing Experience

Outperforming existing foldables that often come with a long and narrow external screen, the HONOR Magic Vs boasts a 6.45-inch display[6] when folded, with a user-friendly 21:9 aspect ratio and a 90% screen-to-body ratio[7], allowing users to view content and input text with remarkable ease. When unfolded, the HONOR Magic Vs delivers a tablet-like experience with an extra-wide 7.9-inch internal display, perfect for users who seek effortless multi-tasking and more screen real estate to enjoy all their favorite content.

The HONOR Magic Vs supports a 100% DCI-P3 color gamut and delivers up to 1.07 billion colors, enabling users to enjoy stunning visuals in true-to-life colors. With a screen refresh rate of up to 120Hz[8], viewers are guaranteed an immersive entertainment experience whether they are watching movies, browsing the web or gaming.

Offering professional eye comfort solutions, the HONOR Magic Vs is packed with Dynamic Dimming which adjusts screen brightness in an intelligent and dynamic way to reduce the eye strain caused by extensive screentime. The HONOR Magic Vs also delivers an all-new feature – the Circadian Night Display, which effectively minimizes the negative effects of blue light and helps users improve sleep quality and being more energetic and productive during the day. Both screens of the HONOR Magic Vs are equipped with 1920Hz PWM Dimming technology to reduce screen flickering, ensuring a comfortable viewing experience even in low-light environments.

Computational Photography and Enhanced Audio Experience

The HONOR Magic Vs features a triple-camera system comprising a 54MP IMX800 Main Camera, a 50MP Ultra-Wide & Macro Main Camera and an 8MP 3X Optical Zoom Camera, allowing users to capture captivating images in stunning detail, delivering a superior photography and videography experience. Thanks to HONOR’s proprietary AI-enabled HONOR Image Engine, the HONOR Magic Vs boasts best-in-class computational photography capabilities, producing high-quality images across all scenarios.

Unrivaled Performance All-day Long

Powered by the Qualcomm® Snapdragon® 8+ Gen 1 Mobile Platform[9], the HONOR Magic Vs delivers flagship performance. With enhanced GPU and CPU performance and higher power efficiency, the HONOR Magic Vs enables a faster and smoother user experience. The HONOR Magic Vs is also equipped with 8GB RAM and 256GB storage or 12GB RAM and 256/512GB storage, increasing overall processing speeds and storage capacity.

Supporting 66W Wired HONOR SuperCharge[10], the HONOR Magic Vs enables the battery to be fully juiced up to 100 percent within just 46 minutes[11].

Dual-TEE Security for Enhanced Safety

The HONOR Magic Vs comes with a Dual TEE (Trusted Execution Environment) Security System co-developed with Qualcomm which offers hardware-level protection to users, ensuring enhanced privacy and security. Running the latest MagicOS 7.0 based on Android 12, the HONOR Magic Vs packs a raft of enhanced smart features to aid multi-tasking, enhancing productivity to the maximum.

HONOR 80 Series: New Companion for Vlogging Enthusiasts

Comprising the HONOR 80 Pro and the HONOR 80, the HONOR 80 Series takes mobile vlogging to a whole new level. The industry-first AI Vlog Master feature helps identify shooting scenarios accurately and recommends the best-fit shooting mode including Macro[12], Night[13], Portrait, Solo Cut, Multi-Video and HDR Video to enable a seamless photography experience on the HONOR 80 Series.  Equipped with HONOR Image Engine, the HONOR 80 Series enhances image processing and adjusts it with different lighting conditions to deliver vivid images, every time.

To deliver an exceptional photography experience, the HONOR 80 Series features a best-in-class 160MP Ultra-clear Main Camera, boasting a large 1/1.56-inch sensor with a binned 2.24µm pixel which captures more light, delivering high-quality photos in stunning detail, even in low light conditions.

The HONOR 80 Pro is powered by Qualcomm® Snapdragon® 8+ Gen 1 Mobile Platform[14], boasting a large 4,800mAh battery, running the latest MagicOS 7.0 to deliver flagship-level performance for an elevated user experience.

Colour, Pricing and Availability

The HONOR Magic Vs is available in stunning colors: Orange, Cyan and Black[15] . From 23rd Nov, the HONOR Magic Vs will be available to pre-order in China from for 7,499 RMB.

The HONOR 80 Series will be available in four fashionable colorways including Ripple Blue, Sunrise Pink, Emerald Green and Midnight Black. The HONOR 80 Series will be available for pre-order in China from 23rd Nov from 2,699 RMB.

For more information, please visit the HONOR online store at


HONOR is a leading global provider of smart devices. It is dedicated to becoming a global iconic technology brand and creating a new intelligent world for everyone through its powerful products and services. With an unwavering focus on R&D, it is committed to developing technology that empowers people around the globe to go beyond, giving them the freedom to achieve and do more. Offering a range of high-quality smartphones, tablets, laptops and wearables to suit every budget, HONOR’s portfolio of innovative, premium and reliable products enable people to become a better version of themselves.

For more information, please visit HONOR online at or email

[1]The HONOR Magic Vs features thickness of 12.9mm (Folded screen) and 6.1mm (Unfolded screen). Product size may vary with its configuration, manufacturing process and measurement methods. Specification details are for reference only.

[2] Data from HONOR labs. Data from HONOR labs. Based on the lightest version which comes in a vegan leather back. The glass back version weighs 267g. Total weight includes battery. Actual weight may vary due to product configurations, manufacturing processes, and measuring methods.

[3] Typical capacity. The rated capacity is 4900mAh.

[4] Data from HONOR labs. Compared with the HONOR Magic V, the last generation of the HONOR Magic Vs.

[5] Data from HONOR labs.

[6] With rounded corners design applying on the display, the diagonal length of the main screen and cover screen is 7.9 inches and 6.45 inches separately, when measured according to the standard rectangle (the actual viewable area is slightly smaller).

[7] Data from HONOR labs.

[8] The HONOR Magic Vs supports a 90Hz refresh rate on the unfolded screen and a 120Hz refresh rate on the folded screen.

[9] Qualcomm and Snapdragon are trademarks of Qualcomm Incorporated, registered in the United States and other countries

[10] Supports a maximum of 66W wired charging using the 66W HONOR charger and cable. Actual charging speed may vary depending on environmental conditions and other factors.

[11] Data from HONOR labs.

[12] Only available on the HONOR 80 Pro.

[13] Only available on the HONOR 80 Pro.

[14] The HONOR 80 is powered by Qualcomm® Snapdragon® 782G Mobile Platform. Qualcomm and Snapdragon are trademarks of Qualcomm Incorporated, registered in the United States and other countries.

[15] Color availability may vary by region.

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Arabic MENA Press Releases

‫إيدلمان العالمية للاستشارات تعلن عن عرضها لسياسة المناخ العالمية

واشنطن، 23 نوفمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت شركة إيدلمان العالمية الاستشارية ( EGA ) عن إطلاق عروضها الجديدة لسياسة المناخ الخاصة بإيدلمان العالمية للاستشارات. يأتي هذا العرض في أعقاب مؤتمر الأمم المتحدة المعني بالمناخ السابع والعشرين، وسيساعد العملاء على التخفيف من المخاطر، والبحث عن الفرص الناشئة والتنقل بنجاح في مشهد سياسة المناخ السريع التغير.

ويشكل تغير المناخ تحديات هائلة للقطاعين الخاص والعام. وستؤدي حتمية إزالة المخاطر من الكوكب إلى ظهور العديد من السياسات والأطر التنظيمية الجديدة. ومن شأن إزالة المخاطر عن مستقبل البلدان والأعمال التجارية من خلال البقاء في الطليعة أن يفتح فرصًا جديدة.

وقالت ديبورا ليهر، الشريك الإداري والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة إيدلمان العالمية للاستشارات: “إن مشهد سياسة المناخ يتغير بسرعة”. “ولكن لم يعد هناك أي شك في أن العالم يتحرك في اتجاه مستقبل منخفض الكربون. ويكون فريق السياسة المناخية التابع لشركة إيدلمان العالمية للاستشارات مناسب بشكل فريد لمساعدة العملاء على التنقل في هذا المشهد المتطور والاستفادة من الفرص التي ستأتي من الانتقال إلى اقتصاد الطاقة النظيفة”.

ويقدم فريق سياسة المناخ لدى إيدلمان العالمية للاستشارات خبرة عميقة في الجوانب السياسية والتنظيمية لتغير المناخ. ويضم الفريق أفرادًا من ذوي الخبرة الرفيعة في الحكومة، والمنظمات المتعددة الأطراف، والمنظمات غير الحكومية، والاتصالات والعلاقات الحكومية، وسيقوده نيكولاس شولتز، وهو هيئة قديمة العهد معنية بالتداخل بين المناخ والحفظ والتمويل.

قال نيكولاس شولتز، رئيس سياسة المناخ في إيدلمان العالمية للاستشارات: “إن تشكيل فريق سياسة المناخ يتم في الوقت المناسب، حيث تحاول الشركات في جميع أنحاء العالم التنقل في متاهة من القواعد واللوائح والمخاطر الجديدة”. “سيساعد الفريق على الحد من المخاطر المناخية لعملائنا مع تلبية الطلب المتزايد على المشورة والتحليل الموثوق به في مجال المناخ.”

سيساعد فريق سياسة المناخ التابع لإيدلمان العالمية للاستشارات العملاء على تجاوز مجموعة معقدة من التحديات، بما في ذلك:

–  فهم آخر تطورات السياسة المناخية على المستويات العالمية والإقليمية والوطنية

–  الوصول إلى الأسواق الجديدة والدخول إلى الحلول المناخية التجارية

–  التخفيف من المخاطر وتحديد مصادر التمويل الخضراء

–  التأهب للامتثال والإبلاغ

–  تطوير حملات متكاملة لزيادة الوعي لدى أصحاب المصلحة المهمين

يقع عرض سياسة مناخ إيدلمان العالمية للاستشارات خارج باريس، فرنسا، مع مواقع في الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا وآسيا والمحيط الهادئ وأمريكا اللاتينية والشرق الأوسط/أفريقيا.

 حول إيدلمان العالمية للاستشارات

إيدلمان العالمية للاستشارات ( EGA ) هي شركة متخصصة تقدم خدمات الأعمال والحكومة والاستشارات للتنقل في المشهد الجغرافي السياسي والاقتصادي المتغير اليوم. وتتمتع إيدلمان العالمية للاستشارات، التي يقع مقرها في واشنطن العاصمة بخبرة عميقة على أرض الواقع في الولايات المتحدة وكندا و آسيا ومنطقة المحيط الهادئ  والشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، وأوروبا، وأمريكا اللاتينية والهند. يعمل أعضاء فريق إيدلمان العالمية للاستشارات بسلاسة مع أكثر من 6000 محترف اتصالات عالمي لتقديم خدمات عملاء متكاملة حقًا.

للتواصل الإعلامي:
ليندسي كليفتون

MENA Press Releases

Nimo TV Launches World-Class Football Game Themed Programs to Further Explore Pan-Entertainment Genre

Nimo TV Expands Live Streaming Presence in Southeast Asia and MENA Regions

GUANGZHOU, China, Nov. 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — To share the excitement of the football tournament with fans, Nimo TV, Huya’s international business, is launching several new interactive events during the time of the exciting world-class football game event hosted in Qatar, which include Football Night, Football Girl Competition and Football Game Interactive Competition with a focus on timely game updates, pregame predictions and interactions with the audience.

The launch of the themed programs, including the above-mentioned activities, is seen as a new growth path for Nimo TV, and is expected to provide a “shot in the arm” for the leading live streaming platform. In addition to growing its presence in the game live streaming market, Nimo TV also plans to diversify the platform content that focuses more on pan-entertainment, and accelerate its growth in Southeast Asia and the MENA regions, with the aim of providing consumers with more immersive and localized interactive experiences.

Nimo TV Launches World-Class Football Game Themed Events

Nimo TV has rolled out several new entertainment programs and football game competitions with the intent to ignite the passion of fans, including Football Night, where popular broadcasters will be invited to discuss hot topics about the Qatar event online, participate in football knowledge quizzes and offer their predictions of game results. The program will be broadcasted in Vietnam on each Friday, Indonesia on each Wednesday, and the MENA region on a daily basis.

Regarding the Football Girl Competition program, broadcasters on the platform will compete to win the title of “Football Girl”. And apart from that, in Vietnam, the contest is also open to the public, where entrants vie for the “Football Girl” title through a combination of a talent competition and voting by fans. The winning Football Girl will have the opportunity to become a signed host on Nimo TV.

In the “Couples Battle” event, Nimo TV’s top game streamers will connect with entertainment streamers during the football competition and cheer for the teams they support. In addition, the platform will organize a football e-sports event in Indonesia, where top professional e-sports players will interact with football fans and share their experiences and opinions on e-sports.

While joining in the discussions and the quizzes, fans can send football cup-themed special effect gifts. They can also write posts and discuss the Qatar event, interact with other fans, and win prizes in the Nimo TV community.

Deeply Rooted in Emerging Markets, Nimo TV Expands Further into Pan-Entertainment Genre

It can be seen that besides the game live streaming content, Nimo TV has recently expanded the content genre on the platform to pan-entertainment as well. In the meanwhile, after Huya announced its third quarter 2022 financial results, Huya management said at the conference call that beginning in April, Huya strategically adjusted the international business to allocate resources to key areas. Li Meng, Senior Vice President of Huya, said that “we will continue to move forward with our international business, and allocate advantageous resources to Vietnam, Indonesia and the MENA markets. In addition to game live streaming content, we will also provide users with more pan-entertainment content.”

A recent report by mobile intelligence firm Sensor Tower* showed that the revenue from global mobile live streaming apps have seen impressive growth since 2020, with the compound annual growth rates reaching 92.2% and 21.2% in 2020 and 2021, respectively, generating revenue of more than $2 billion in 2021. For the first half of 2022, Saudi Arabia and Turkey in the Middle East region ranked the third and fourth place, respectively, in terms of revenue generated from global live streaming apps. During the same period, with regard to global live streaming app installs, three Southeast Asia countries including Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam are among the top 10 countries globally with largest live streaming app downloads.

It is widely believed that the rapid growth of the pan-entertainment market in the MENA and Southeast Asia is driven by the rapid growth of the digital sector, enhancement of network infrastructure, increasing adoption of smartphones, growing user base and higher willingness to pay among the regions.

Facing the new opportunities in the pan-entertainment field, Nimo TV has embraced market trends by adjusting its business focus. Take the important Vietnamese market as an example, rather than only develop game live streaming content, the platform’s core operation in the country has transitioned to the twin-engine development of game live streaming and pan-entertainment content, which means to increase the content proportion of entertainment and leisure live streaming categories covering sports, board games, karaoke, anime and travel challenges, etc.

Amie Lam, head of Nimo TV Vietnam said, “we look forward to more outstanding content creators joining the Nimo TV family, with each making a contribution to the platform in their own unique way. We will also strengthen partnerships with game publishers as well as global and local brands, to organize online & offline events from time to time. In addition, we plan to upgrade our interactions across sectors to promote cultural exchanges and economic development.”

In Indonesia, Nimo TV is inviting multi-talented live streaming hosts for categories of live shows, and chess and board games. The platform’s offerings in the country include outdoor live streaming, social networking, Just Chatting and voice room, among others. In addition to improving the user experience, Nimo TV also aims to become Indonesia’s leading pan-entertainment live streaming brand.

In the MENA market with high user engagement, the platform has become concentrated on Arabic-based content of Arabic culture. And building on the Arabic content, Nimo TV plans to create an ecosystem that focuses on the Gulf states to promote Arabic culture on its platform.

In the future, Nimo TV will further explore user preferences, promote more localized activities to bring more diversified experiences for users. For content creators, Nimo TV will launch more incentive policies and inspire them to unlock potential and deliver even more compelling content. With these efforts, Nimo TV intends to become a leading live streaming platform with comprehensive pan-entertainment and game content coverage.

Reference to learn more about the Sensor Tower report mentioned above, please visit

About Nimo TV

Nimo TV is a leading global live streaming platform operated by HUYA Inc. that allows millions of users from all around the world to broadcast game and pan-entertainment content. Nimo TV is also a community of players, gamers, streamers, and fans that drive conversations, promote interactive activities, and foster healthy and positive connections.

Photo –

MENA Pakistan Press Releases

Sex discrimination in violence laws are putting women at risk, Reveals New Report by Equality Now

BEIRUT, Lebanon, Nov. 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — To prevent gender-based violence and hold offenders to account, a strong and well-implemented legal and policy framework is essential. And yet, in many countries, including in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), women and girls are denied the same legal rights as men and boys. A new policy briefing by Equality NowWords & Deeds: Holding Governments Accountable to the Beijing +30 Review Process – Sex Discrimination in Violence Laws – highlights laws relating to violence against women and girls, and how violations are being perpetuated due to inequality written within the law, resulting in a lack of deterrents and impunity for perpetrators.

Equality Now has been tracking and reporting on a sampling of explicitly sex-discriminatory laws. For International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25, we are advocating for the immediate amendment or repeal of all sexist legislation.

The WHO estimates 30% of women worldwide have experienced physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime. This staggering number is exacerbated by inequality, discrimination, and permitted violence found within some laws.

In the MENA, Iraq gives husbands a legal right to punish their wives within certain limits prescribed by law or custom. While Egypt allows a lesser punishment for men who kill their wives on discovering them in an act of adultery.
Rape laws discriminate when they deliberately make exceptions for certain circumstances, such as rape within marriage, or when they allow rapists to avoid criminal prosecution by marrying their victims. Kuwait and Libya are among countries that provide “marry-your-rapist” legal loopholes.
Many countries still have legal definitions of rape based on force, or the threat of force, instead of a lack of consent. Victims often have to prove they physically resisted an attack, and this commonly requires submitting evidence of additional injuries caused by the assailant. Such an approach fails to understand the varied ways that victims respond to rape. It leaves many cases unpunished and fosters a culture of abuse.

Violence against women and girls also occurs online, but there is no universal standard for ending online sexual exploitation and abuse. The patriarchy and misogyny that flourishes in the physical world are being replicated and exacerbated online and laws must address this in the digital realm.

On a positive note, some laws highlighted in our 2020 report have been repealed or amended, or bills are in the works for new or better laws. For example, a law in Syria that completely exempted from punishment men who killed female relatives for “honor” has been repealed, removing the mitigating excuse for crimes of “honor” which sanctioned a much lesser penalty.

Equality Now’s Antonia Kirkland says, “A strong, comprehensive legal and policy framework and environment is essential to protect women and girls from violence. Laws need to be drafted from a universal, intersectional feminist understanding of the power dynamics and inequality that underpin gender-based violence and lack of access to justice for victims.”

Equality Now
Telephone: +44 (0)7971 556 340 (available on WhatsApp)
Twitter: @tararaecarey

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8702228

Arabic MENA Press Releases

‫KLEVV تطرح ثلاث M.2 NVMe SSDS جديدة في الأسواق

تهدف المتحمسين إلى الدخول إلى الأسواق الرئيسية

– Media OutReach -هونغ كونج، 23 نوفمبر  2022

KLEVV، علامة تجارية ناشئة لشرائح الذاكرة طرحتها Essencore، تعلن بحماسة شديدة عن ثلاثة M.2 NVMe SSD جديدة للمستهلكين: CRAS C930  وC910  وC730.

تهدف مجموعة CRAS M.2 NVME SSD الجديدة إلى خدمة قدر كبير من المستخدمين، مما يمكن المتحمسين من كافة المستويات من استخدام تقنية التخزين الرائدة في الصناعة.

تأتي CRAS 930 و C910 مزودة بمبدد حرارة إضافي اختياري للمستخدمين لتوسيع حرية الإعداد.

CRAS C930 – زيادة السرعة حتى في المنحنيات

بفضل دورة حياة التحمل الرائعة التي تبلغ 1500 تيرابايت والتركيز الكبير على ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت لذاكرة DRAM تم تصميم CRAS C930 لتحمل المهام الصعبة. باستخدام أحدث واجهة PCIe Gen4 x4 المدعومة من NVMe 1.4 يتم توفير سرعة قراءة/كتابة متسلسلة تصل إلى 7400/6800 (ميجابايت/ثانية) بسعة 2 تيرابايت كحد أقصى  و4 K قراءة/كتابة عشوائية تصل إلى 1000K IOPS.

جدير بالذكر أن العناصر الهندسية والتصميمية الاستثنائية تجعل CRAS C930 جوهرة التاج لمجموعة M.2 NVME SSD الجديدة من KLEVV، بما لديها من قارة على العمل على أجهزة كمبيوتر سطح المكتب والأجهزة المحمولة ، وحتى وحدات تحكم PS5. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يعد ملحق المبدد الحراري ذو الزعانف المسطحة عنصرًا مدمجًا رائعًا بما يوفره من خفض لدرجة الحرارة بنسبة تصل إلى 20٪، مما يمنح المستخدمين مرونة كاملة في اختيارهم.

CRAS C910 – مدرعة بالقوة  مع مستوى غير مسبوق من البرودة

باستخدام واجهة PCIe Gen4 x4 مع NVMe 1.4 تعد CRAS C910 الجديدة الحل الأمثل للألعاب وإنشاء المحتوى.

بالاعتماد على رقائق 3D TLC NAND فلاش المختارة بدقة فإن أطباق CRAS C910 تصل إلى 5000/4800 ميجابايت/ثانية بسرعة قراءة/كتابة متسلسلة تصل إلى 1 تيرابايت.

علاوة على ذلك ، فالمبدد الحراري المصنع من الألومنيوم المصقول بالأبيض والأسود والمدمج في الوحدة يوفر وسيلة شاملة قادرة على تبديد الحرارة السلبية بنسبة تصل إلى 10٪.

CRAS C730 – تخطي الجميع

تم تصميم CRAS C730 على واجهة PCIe Gen 3×4 المدعومة بتقنية NVMe 1.3، وهو مقبس مناسب لجميع العلامات التجارية. تستهدف اللوحة المستخدمين العاديين، وتتفوق على العلامات التجارية المنافسة بما بها من مميزات ووظائف عالية الجودة أكثر من ثمنها بكثير.

يعد التخزين المؤقت لذاكرة DRAM والرصد الذاتي والتحليل وتقنية إعداد التقارير (S.M.A.R.T.) وخوارزمية الخنق الحراري بعض النقاط البارزة الجديرة بالذكر هنا، والتي تجعل CRAS C730 أفضل حل تخزين قوي الأداء ومنخفض التكلفة في الأسواق.

يمكن للمستخدمين الاختيار من بين مساحات تخزين 512 جيجابايت و1 تيرابايت و 2 تيرابايت مع معدلات قراءة تسلسلية مذهلة تصل إلى 3700 ميجابايت/ثانية بسعة 2 تيرابايت.

توافر المنتج ومكان الشراء

تطرح محركات الأقراص CRAS C930 وC910 وC730 M.2 NVMe في الربع الرابع من عام 2022، وتوزع XXX منتجات KLEVV المعلومات حول الموزعين المحليين، يرجى زيارة الرابط الإلكتروني التالي:

معلومات إضافية 

صفحة المنتج

CRAS C930:

CRAS C910:

CRAS C730:

فيديو المنتج

CRAS C930:

CRAS C910:

CRAS C730:


تأسست شركة Essencore المحدودة عام 2014، وترمي لأن تصبح المورد الأول في العالم لوحدات DRAM ومنتجات تطبيقات فلاش NAND. بدأت الشركة العمل لتحقيق هدف واحد: “تغيير العالم، وتبوؤها موضع الريادة في توزيع أشباه الموصلات”. تتمثل إستراتيجيات العمل في Essencore في اعتماد أحدث التقنيات لتمييز نفسها عن الشركات المنافسة، وتقديم منتجات ذاكرة مخصصة ومحافظ منتجات متنوعة تلبي استعداد العملاء للمنافسة. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة


KLEVV هي علامة تجارية خاصة بشركة Essencore، من أكبر شركة منتجات تطبيقات Module وNAND Flash. ركز نطاق KLEVV على وحدات ذاكرة الألعاب الفائقة ومحركات الأقراص الصلبة. تلتزم KLEVV بتقديم منتجات ذات عالمية المستوى بجودة من الدرجة الأولى، وجميع المنتجات مصممة للهواة ممن يسعون للحصول على الأفضل في الحياة. حازت ذاكرة KLEVV / SSD على جائزة Red Dot Design الألمانية لتصميمها المبتكر لمنتجاتها في 2015 و2019 و2021 و2022. لمزيد من المعلومات يرجى زيارة

Media Contact

Yunly International Marketing
Emily Lin
Skype: emily_12554

MENA Press Releases

KLEVV Introduces Three New M.2 NVMe SSDs to the Market

Aimed at Enthusiasts to Mainstream Market

HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach – 23 November 2022 – KLEVV, an emerging memory brand introduced by Essencore, is excited to announce three new consumer-grade M.2 NVMe SSDs, the CRAS C930, C910, and C730.

The new CRAS M.2 NVME SSD lineup aims to serve a wide range of users, enabling entry-level to top-tier enthusiasts with industry-leading storage technology.

Both CRAS 930 and C910 come with an optional add-on heatsink for users to maximize their freedom in the setup.

CRAS C930 – Get Ahead of the Curve

With an impressive 1500 TBW endurance lifecycle and a significant emphasis on DRAM cache buffer, the CRAS C930 is built to withstand harsh workloads. Utilizing the latest PCIe Gen4 x4 interface supported by NVMe 1.4, it delivers break-neck sequential read/write speed of up to 7400/6800 MB/s at 2TB max capacity and 4K random read/write up to 1000K IOPS.

Exceptional engineering and design elements make the CRAS C930 the crown jewel of KLEVV’s new M.2 NVME SSD lineup, capable of running on PCs, Laptops, and even PS5 consoles. Additionally, the flat fin heatsink addon is a great inclusion with up to 20% temperature reduction, giving users complete flexibility in their choice.

CRAS C910 – Armored with Power, Cooler than Ever

Adopting the PCIe Gen4 x4 interface with NVMe 1.4, the new CRAS C910 is the perfect solution for gaming and content creation.

Leveraging strictly selected 3D TLC NAND Flash chips, the CRAS C910 dishes out up to 5000/4800 MB/s sequential read/write speed at 1TB capacity.

Furthermore, the stylish black and white brushed aluminum heatsink included with the unit provides comprehensive utility capable of up to 10% passive heat dissipation.

CRAS C730 – Go Above and Beyond

Built around the PCIe Gen 3×4 interface supported by NVMe 1.3 technology, the CRAS C730 is a jack of all trades. Targeted at mainstream users, it outshines the competition by carrying top-shelf features and functionality way above its pay grade.

DRAM cache buffering, Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.), and Thermal Throttling Algorithm are a few worthy highlights to mention that make the CRAS C730 the best powerful, budget-friendly performance storage solution on the market.

Users can choose from 512GB, 1TB, and 2TB capacities with impressive sequential read rates reaching 3700MB/s at 2 TB capacity.


The CRAS C930, C910, and C730 M.2 NVMe SSDs will be available from Q4 2022, KLEVV products are distributed by Integral Memory plc in the United Kingdom/ France/ Spain/ Germany. Consumers may visit Amazon sites for online purchase.


Product page









Established in 2014, Essencore Limited aims to become the world’s top vendor of DRAM modules and NAND flash application products. The company started with one goal: to “Change the world and be a leader in semiconductor distribution.” The business strategies of Essencore is to adopt the newest technologies to differentiate themselves from competitors, deliver dedicated Memory products, and offer various product portfolios for customer’s competition readiness. For more information, please visit


KLEVV, is a premium brand of Essencore, the major Module and NAND Flash application product vendor. The KLEVV range focused on superior gaming memory modules and solid state drives. KLEVV is committed to delivering world-class products with first-rate quality, and all products are engineered for enthusiasts who are pursuing the best things in life. KLEVV memory/SSD have been recognized by Germany’s Red Dot Design Award for its innovative product design in 2015, 2019, 2021, and 2022. For more information, please visit

Yunly International Marketing

Emily Lin


Arabic MENA Press Releases

سينوبيك وقطر إنرجي صفقة طويلة الأجل للغاز الطبيعي المسال

ستشهد الصفقة قيام قطر بتوريد 4 ملايين طن من الغاز الطبيعي المسال إلى سينوبيك كل عام، ويقوم الجانبان بالتعاون المتكامل في مشروع التوسع في حقل الغاز الشمالي

بكين، الصين، 23 نوفمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — اختبرت مؤسسة الصين للنفط والكيماويات (هونغ كونغ: 0386، “سينوبيك”) وقطر إنرجي وقعتا اتفاقية شراء ومبيعات طويلة الأجل للغاز الطبيعي المسال ( LNG ) لتوريد أربعة ملايين طن سنويًا من الغاز الطبيعي المسال إلى سينوبيك. سيعمل الطرفان معًا في مشروع قطر للتوسع في المجال الشمالي (” لمشروع”).


ويشكل اتفاق شراء وبيع الغاز الطبيعي المسال الطويل الأجل الذي مدته 27 عامًا جزءًا هامًا من التعاون المتكامل بين الجانبين. وقع رئيس مجلس إدارة سينوبيك ما يونغ شينغ ووزير الدولة القطري لشؤون الطاقة، رئيس مجلس الإدارة والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة قطر إنرجي، معالي سعادة سعد شريدة الكعبي على الاتفاقية رسميًا معًا خلال احتفال عبر الإنترنت.

وقال ما إن الصين وقطر تتمتعان بعلاقات ودية ووثيقة أثناء بناء التآزر في قطاع الطاقة. إن المستوى الصحي للدبلوماسية يخلق بيئة مواتية لكلا الجانبين لتعميق تعاونهما باستمرار.

وقالت ما: “يتوافق توقيع هذا الاتفاق مع التزام سينوبيك بالتنمية الخضراء والمنخفضة الكربون والآمنة والمستدامة”. “سيساعد إمدادات الغاز الطبيعي المسال في تلبية الطلب على الغاز الطبيعي في السوق الصينية، ولكن أيضًا تحسين مزيج الطاقة في الصين مع تعزيز أمن واستقرار وموثوقية إمدادات الطاقة”.

“نحن سعداء للتوصل إلى هذا الاتفاق، مما سيزيد من تعزيز العلاقة الثنائية الممتازة بين الصين وقطر”، قال سعادة السيد/ الكعبي. “وسيساعد الاتفاق على تلبية طلب الصين المتزايد على الطاقة النظيفة. ويمثل هذا التعاون، الذي يمتد عبر ميادين مختلفة ويستمر لمدة 27 عامًا، فصلًا جديدًا غير عادي ومثيرًا من فصول التعاون بين الجانبين.

من المقرر بدء تشغيل مشروع توسيع حقل الغاز الشمالي بحلول عام 2026. هذه الاتفاقية هي ثاني اتفاقية شراء وبيع طويلة الأجل للغاز الطبيعي المسال موقعة بين سينوبيك وقطر إنرجي، وأول اتفاقية شراء وبيع طويلة الأجل للغاز الطبيعي المسال للمشروع.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى زيارة  Sinopec .

الشعار –