Arabic MENA Press Releases

‫‫تيا لي تقود حملة ومعرض تمكين المرأة مع بدء عرض أول مسلسل رسوم متحركة لها على الإطلاق عالمياً   ست حلقات سينمائية مع مجموعة صور أفلام مبتكرة تمهيدًا لإطلاق أغنية “Goodbye Princess”  الجديدة 

هونج كونج المنطقة الإدارية الخاصة – Media OutReach – 11 نوفمبر 2022 – تيا لي أيقونة الموضة الآسيوية ومغنية البوب، وممثلة السنيما والتليفزيون تُصدر الحلقة الأولى من أول مسلسل رسوم متحركة لها   يحكي مسيرتها وكفاحها في مجالي الترفيه والموضة.

 يتمحور مسلسل الرسوم المتحركة حول الرسالة الضمنية لأغنية تيا ”GOODBYE PRINCESS” التي ستصدر قريباً وهي الأغنية التي صيغت كلماتها لكل النساء لكي يصبحن أقوى من خلال احتضان شخصياتهن الحقيقية.

يعتمد مسلسل الرسوم المتحركة المكون من ست حلقات على مسيرة تيا في مجال الترفيه. وكل حلقة مدتها 30 ثانية مستوحاة من قصة “أميرة” خيالية كلاسيكية، حيث يتم التلاعب بالرموز والصور فيها لصياغة قصة مليئة بالخيال ومشبعة بأفكار التحوُّل وتمكين الذات.

يهدف مسلسل الرسوم المتحركة إلى إظهار إصرار تيا على كسر الصور النمطية والقضاء على الانحياز وتجنب السلبية وعرض نموذج يحتذى به لتمكين المرأة.

فريق الرسوم المتحركة الحائز على جوائز المسؤول عن فيلم الرسوم المتحركة

يعكف على صناعة مسلسل الرسوم المتحركة المستوحى من أغنية ” GOODBYE PRINCESS” وكتابة السيناريو والرسوم المتحركة فريق من هونج كونج حائز على جوائز أظهر مدى الحماس والإبداع والروعة والإتقان التي يتمتع بها

المخرج واستشاري المشروع: ساني تانغ – مخرج أفلام رسوم متحركة حائز على جوائز لديه خبرة أكثر من 20 عام. وقد حاز على جائزة أفضل فيلم رسوم متحركة وجائزة أفضل صياغة في مهرجان هونج كونج لأفلام الجوال، والجائزة الذهبية لأفضل فيلم ترفيهي رقمي في مهرجان جوائز Hong Kong ICT Awards. ومن بين الجوائز الدولية التي حصل عليها جائزة الاستحقاق في مهرجان Japan TBS DigiCon6 السادس عشر – وهي جائزةً إقليمية تقديراً لجهوده في هونج كونج. تتضمن قائمة أعماله الحائزة على جوائز The Great Detective Sherlock Holmes – The Greatest Jail-Breaker و Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles و  Kung Fu Hustle و The Promise و Gatchman و Astro Boy.

كاتب السيناريو ألكس لي – هو كاتب سيناريو فيلم In Broad Daylight ومسلسل ‘In Geek We Trust’ المثير الذي يُذاع على قناة ViuTV. كما قام أيضاً بإخراج مسلسل Ritalin الذي جرى الاحتفال به كجزء من الدعاية لمشروع 2021 Golden Horse Film قسم المسلسلات.

المصورة: ماندي ماكينزي – وهي موهبة صاعدة وواعدة في هونج كونج في مجال الرسم الرقمي. تحفتها الرائعة هي الفيديو الموسيقي “of Moment” لمغني من هونج كونج هو تيرينس لام.

من ألحان: وان بين تشو – وهو فنان من هونج كونج مسؤول عن التوزيع الموسيقي لموسيقى الأفلام و urhuist. ومن المعروف أنه هو من قام بالتوزيع لموسيقى أعلى أفلام الرسوم المتحركة تحقيقاً للإيرادات وهو فيلم China Nezha: مولد الطفل الملعون (Birth of the Demon Child). بالإضافة إلى قيامه بتوزيع موسيقى أفلام ناجحة أخرى مثل فيلم Overheard الجزء الثالث وفيلم Wu Kong وفيلم Godzilla الجزء الثاني: ملك الوحوش (King of the Monsters) وفيلم In Geek We Trust.

ضم أعضاء الفريق الآخرين المخرج المنفذ ليو تشيونغ ومخرجة الرسوم المتحركة جلوريا تشان ومديرة المشروع جيجي ليونغ والمنتج المنفذ سام كونج.

دمج الرسوم المتحركة العادية ثنائية الأبعاد مع أفلام تيا وصورها الثابتة

سيتم توضيح المغزى من كل حلقة وشرحها باستخدام بوستر محوري يجمع بين موضوع الحلقة والرسالة التي ترغب تيا في توصيلها من خلال كل حلقة من حلقات مسلسل الرسوم المتحركة. وسوف يحاكي التصميم السنيمائي للبوسترات الست بعضها البعض وسيتم نشرها على حسابات تيا على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي في اليوم التالي لإذاعة كل حلقة رسوم متحركة.

سيذاع عقب كل حلقة فيلماً عن تيا وصورةً فوتوغرافية لها لتعزيز القصة التي ترغب تيا في سردها. وتهدف الصورة المجازية لصور وأفلام تيا إلى خلق تناقض قوي بين الرسوم المتحركة والواقع.

تأتي الحلقة الأولى من الفيلم والصور بعنوان “Falling in the Deep”  وتُظهر تيا غارقةً تمامًا تحت الماء.

الفريق المبدع الحائز على جوائز المسؤول عن الأفلام ومجموعة الصور

يأتي خلف هذا الإنتاج الهائل لمجموعة الأفلام والصور الفوتوغرافية اثنان من رواد الإبداع العالميين المحرفين وهما – المخرج المبدع توني سي ميلر والمنتجة كيت وينبورن (الشهيرة في مجال الدعاية الدولية وصناعة الأفلام).

توني سي ميلر لديه خبرة عالمية على مدار عشرين عامًا في إخراج الإعلانات التجارية، والفيديوهات الموسيقية، والوثائقيات، والأفلام. وقد عمل في حملات إعلانية لعلامات تجارية شهيرة مثل فيرساتشي، وديور، وشوبارد، و Issey Miyake، ورولز رويس. وقد رُشح أيضاً لجائزة أفضل فيديو (Best Video Q Award) وجائزة أفضل فيديو في مهرجان جوائز Music Video Awards (MVA’s))، كما حصل على شهادات تقدير في مهرجان الجوائز الدولية للأفلام المستقلة (Global Independent Film Awards) ومهرجان نيويورك الدولي للأفلام القصيرة (New York Shorts International Film Festival) عام 2020.

كيت وين منتجة متمرسة لديها خبرة أكثر من عشرين عاماً في مجال الأفلام الموسيقية، والإعلانات التجارية، وإنتاج حفلات عروض الأزياء في جميع أنحاء العالم. وتعيش في جنوب شرق آسيا وقد أدارت عمليات إنتاج في العديد من الدول، وقد عملت كيت في حملات ضخمة الميزانية مع شركات أبل، وفيرساتشي، ونايكي، وفيسبوك. كما عملت مع عدد كبير من مشاهير المخرجين مثل توم هوبر (المعروف بإخراجه للفيلم البريطاني الشهير King’s Speech) بالإضافة إلى قائمة من صفوة الفنانين.

مواعيد الإطلاق الرسمية:

الحلقة الأولى من مسلسل الرسوم المتحركة: 11 نوفمبر 2022

بوستر الحلقة الأولى: 12 نوفمبر 2022

صور الحلقة الأولى واللقطات المتحركة بها: 14 نوفمبر 2022

#سوف تصدر الحلقة الثانية من مسلسل الرسوم المتحركة يوم 15 نوفمبر 2022.

قنوات تيا لي (李毓芬) الرسمية:

إنستغرام @leeyufen:




نبذة عن تيا لي:

وُلدت تيا لي (李毓芬) مغنية البوب الآسيوية ووممثلة السينما والتليفزيون وعارضة الأزياء والعضو السابق في فرقة الفتيات Dream Girls في تايبيه. وقد ظهرت تيا مراراً في عروض أزياء كبرى بالإضافة إلى أدوارها في مجال التمثيل ومسيرتها الموسيقية. ونظرًا لأنها أيقونة للموضة ومصدر لكل ما هو جديد ورائج فيها فقد زينت صور تيا أغلفة مجلات الموضة والجمال وأساليب الحياة مثل مجلة فوغ (Vogue) و Elle و Marie Claire كما تشارك نصائحها عن الموضة والجمال على عدد من قنوات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي الخاصة بمجلة فوغ (Vogue).

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MENA Press Releases

Tia Lee Leads the Charge and Showcase Female Empowerment, Global Launch of Her First-Ever Animation Series

Six Cinematic Animation Episodes plus Innovative Motion Images Series as Prelude of New Song “Goodbye Princess

HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach – 11 November 2022 – Tia Lee, Asian fashion icon, pop singer, film and television actress, today launched the first episode of her inaugural animation series, telling Tia’s journey and her struggles in the entertainment and fashion industry.

The animation series centred around the underlying message of Tia’s soon-to-be launched new song, ”GOODBYE PRINCESS”, a song tailored for all females to become stronger through embracing their true selves.

The six animated episodes are based on Tia’s journey in the entertainment industry. Each 30-second episode takes inspiration from classic “princess” fairy tale, subverting the symbols and images in it, to form a story that is both full of imagination and saturated with the ideas of metamorphosis and self-empowerment.

The animation series aims to showcase Tia’s determination to break out of stereotypes, shake off biases, avoid negativity and set an example for female empowerment.

The Award-Winning Animation Team behind the Animation Series

Inspired by ”GOODBYE PRINCESS”, the animation series was curated, illustrated and scripted by a Hong Kong based award-winning team that demonstrated exquisite quality, creativity and enthusiasm.

Director and Project Consultant: Sunny Tang – an award-winning animation director with over 20 years of experience. He has won both the Best Animation Award and the Best Editing Award at the Hong Kong Mobile Film Festival, and the Best Digital Entertainment Award Gold Award at the Hong Kong ICT Awards. His international accolades include the 23rd Japan TBS DigiCon6 – Merit Award and the 16th Japan TBS DigiCon6 – Regional Award for recognition of effort in Hong Kong. His credits list includes The Great Detective Sherlock Holmes – The Greatest Jail-Breaker, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Kung Fu Hustle, The Promise, Gatchman and Astro Boy.

Scriptwriter: Alex Lee – scriptwriter of the movie In Broad Daylight and the ViuTV television hit series ‘In Geek We Trust’. He also directed the Ritalin series, which was celebrated as part of the 2021 Golden Horse Film Project Promotion’s Series Section.

Illustrator: Mandy Mackenzie Ng – an up-and-coming Hong Kong talent in digital painting. Her masterpiece is the music video ‘of Moment’ by Hong Kong singer Terence Lam.

Arranged by: Wan Pin Chu – a Hong Kong-based film score artist and urhuist. He is known to have scored the music for the highest-grossing animated film in China Nezha: Birth of the Demon Child. In addition, he has scored the music for other blockbusters such as Overheard 3, Wu Kong, Godzilla II: King of the Monsters, and In Geek We Trust.

Other team members include Executive Director, Leo Cheung, Animation Director, Gloria Chan, Project Manager, Gigi Leung, and Executive Producer, Sam Kong.

Blending 2D Animations with Motion Images and Still Photography of Tia

Each episode will be further illustrated and expounded upon by a thematic poster that sums up the theme and message that Tia wishes to communicate through each animated episode. The cinematic design of the six posters will echo one another and will be released on Tia’s social platforms the day after release of each animation.

Innovatively, a motion image and photography of Tia will also be released after each episode to reinforce the story that Tia wishes to tell. Featuring Tia, the imagery of the photography and motion images aims to create a strong contrast between animation and reality.

The motion image and photography of the first episode, “Falling in the Deep” will show Tia completely submerged under water.

The Award-Winning Creative Team of the Motion Images and Photography Series

The masterminds behind the extraordinary production of the motion images and photography series are two of the world’s leading creative professionals – Tony C. Miller as Creative Director, and Kate Wynborne (renowned in the international advertising and film industry) as Producer.

Tony C. Miller has over 20 years of global experience in producing commercials, music videos, documentaries and films. He has worked on advertising campaigns for brands such as Versace, Dior, Chopard, Issey Miyake and Rolls Royce. He has also been nominated for the Best Video Q Award and Best Video at the Music Video Awards (MVA’s), and was recognised at both the Global Independent Film Awards and the New York Shorts International Film Festival 2020.

Kate Wynborne is a seasoned producer, with over two decades of experience in music videos, commercials and fashion productions worldwide. Based in Southeast Asia and having managed productions across multiple countries, Kate has worked on large-budget campaigns with Apple, Versace, Nike and Facebook. She has also worked alongside numerous renowned directors like Tom Hooper (best known for his British film The King’s Speech), as well as other A-list artists.

Official Release Dates:

Episode 1 animation: 11 Nov 2022

Episode 1 poster: 12 Nov 2022

Episode 1 motion images & photography: 14 Nov 2022

#Episode 2 animation will be released on 15 Nov 2022.

Tia Lee Official Channels:

Instagram @leeyufen:




About Tia Lee:

Tia Lee (李毓芬), born in Taipei, is an Asian pop singer, film and television actress, model, and former member of the girl band Dream Girls. In addition to her acting roles and musical career, Tia appears frequently at major fashion shows. As a fashion icon and trend-setter, Tia has graced the covers of fashion, beauty and lifestyle magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, and shares her beauty and fashion tips through a number of Vogue’s social media channels.

Media enquiry, please contact:

+852 60777342 | +852 93793045

Africa MENA Press Releases South Africa

Huawei Data Center Facility Unveils New Partner Policies and Product Innovations

SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Under the theme “Fairness, Trust, Growth, and Win-Win”, Huawei Data Center Facility Global Ecosystem Policy and Product Launch Event was held on November 11 at Huawei’s Sanyapo Park in China. During the event, new partner policies and product innovations, including FusionModule2000 6.0, a small/medium-sized modular data center solution, and Small SmartLi UPS, were introduced to partners from across the world. This event demonstrated Huawei’s commitment to building a fair and strong partner ecosystem based on mutual trust for shared success.

In his opening speech, Mr. Hou Jinlong, President of Huawei Digital Power, said as the demand for data centers rises steeply, Huawei would continue to increase investments in the data center facility, focusing on the ecosystem, research and development, and team development. He highlighted that the company would comprehensively support partners and jointly contribute to the thriving data center industry.

Building a Thriving Ecosystem through Partner Enablement Initiatives and Incentive Programs

Partners are central to Huawei Digital Power’s growth strategy. Charles Yang, President of Global Marketing and Sales Services Department at Huawei Digital Power, released Huawei Data Center Facility Global Ecosystem Policy at the event.

According to Yang’s statement, Huawei does and will do whatever it can to set partners up for long-term success by offering partners industry-leading products and digital platforms. “Huawei adheres to a ‘Being Integrated’ Partner Ecosystem Strategy and Cooperative Principles of ‘Shared benefits as the bridge, Integrity as the foundation, and Rules as the guarantee’. Thus, Huawei Data Center Facility brings forward ‘Four Changes and Ten Policies’ to build partner-oriented sales and service systems and pave a foundation for a mutual growth path,” said Yang.

Huawei will help partner accelerate growth from the following four fronts:

Protection: We will take active measures to provide customer, deal, and regional protections, including the partner map, deal registration, and lump sum contracting, to safeguard customers’ rights and benefits.

Profitability: We will create many incentive programs to boost partners’ profits, and motivate partners’ staff to improve capabilities through enablement initiatives.

Simplicity: We will improve ease of doing business with Huawei, upgrade IT systems, and launch a one-stop platform to scale partners’ growth.

Growth: We will revamp the partner competency program and help partners build new capabilities to meet the needs of customers effectively.

New Innovations for a Low-carbon Future

At the launch event, Mr. Fei Zhenfu, President of Huawei Data Center Facility Domain, introduced two new additions to Huawei’s Smart Modular DC and SmartLi uninterruptible power supply (UPS) series –FusionModule2000 6.0 and Small SmartLi UPS.

Featuring a brand-new design, FusionModule2000 6.0 is built to meet the demands of education, government, and retail customers who are looking for smaller and greener modular data centers. With green, simplified, and reliable features, its average annual power usage effectiveness (PUE) can reach as low as 1.111. A data center with 100kW input power can reduce PUE by 30% using FusionModule2000 6.0 compared to the competitor’s solution, thus saving electricity consumption by around $27,000 each year. It minimizes environmental needs with a small footprint, low height, and low weight. From equipment, and architecture to software, each component of FusionModule2000 6.0 is designed with safety as a top priority.

In addition, Huawei unveiled UPS2000-H, a simplified, reliable, green power supply solution integrated with SmartLi Mini, to meet customers’ ever-evolving needs. UPS2000-H starts up with just one click and comes online within 3 minutes automatically, ensuring a simplified, fast and worry-free deployment. SmartLi Mini uses a pack-level fire extinguisher to prevent open flames from spreading, ensuring the superior reliability of UPS2000-H. The small SmartLi UPS solution delivers industry-leading efficiency of up to 96%, two percent higher than competitor models.

In addition, Huawei Data Center Facility Ecosystem Team made its first debut at the event. The new team will be dedicated to supporting and empowering partners to unleash their business potential.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Huawei will continue to innovate and join hands with partners to achieve win-win cooperation with highly competitive data center solutions and trustworthy partner policies.

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MENA Press Releases

Skin Reborn Every Day, Storyderm releases the renewed gold spicule peeling “Princess Peel”.

SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Storyderm, a dermacosmetic brand, released a renewed “Princess Peel,” a gold spicule peeling product.

Princess Peel is a spicule peeling product that can quickly improve overall skin problems by activating a regeneration mechanism through micro-stimulations on the basal layer.

The renewed product would minimize irritation and maximize the efficacy by enhancing the functional ingredients.

Storyderm’s spicule in Princess Peel is extracted from freshwater sponge, a sea creature composed only of cells. When dried and made into powders, it can help as a therapy for certain diseases, particularly for inflammatory skin problems since it is effective in skin soothing and anti-inflammation. It’s in a very fine white spicule powder form so the needle cannot be seen with the naked eye, and hydrolyzed sponge, called spongilla spicule because it is a kind of acicular silica bone.

The white spicule in the Princess Peel is composed of a uniform shape and size (80-300㎛) with the hyper-pure separation refining technology, making it less irritative and painful to the skin.

Princess Peel of Storyderm makes active ingredients be effectively delivered and permeated by ionization and placing 24K gold into the white spicule which is 98% pure and has a 4,500 porous structure. This enables the fast improvement of overall skin problems such as acne, scar, pigmentation, wrinkles, pore, and elasticity by boosting the quick skin turnover through the improvement of blood flow, oxygen supply, and new cell activity.

Princess Peel is a wrinkle care and whitening dual functional cosmetic with adenosine and niacinamide, which are the functional ingredients verified by the Korean Food and Drugs Administration. Combining with the ingredients, acetyl hexapeptide and oligopeptide maximizes the synergy effect.

Spicule is the ingredient that has been founded as spicule peeling system in Germany in the 1960s, which is a beauty program well-known all around the world with numerous research and clinical trials. Other than Princess peel, Storyderm has also introduced Timemachine Peel, a product that is in a powder form with 99% spicule, to the market as a steady seller by gaining a great reputation for its effects from many customers.

Company Name :  SENSCO  CO
Name: Alina Shin
Division : Oversea Sales Manager
Address: 4F, 137, Sagimakgol-ro, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Phone : +82 10 4273 8288

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MENA Press Releases


SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Safe thread lifting without surgery, the most representative lifting method with various advantages


Recently, with the development of various lifting procedures, there are many methods to perfect a natural look, and many people are getting these procedures regularly due to lower cost.

The most popular lifting procedure is thread lifting, a procedure that pulls loose skin for tightening by inserting a thin thread under the skin. The thread lifting has no side effects as it inserts medical thread into the skin with no residual thread. The procedure can be applied to any part of the body besides face lifting, and the effect is firm and lasts longer. It is a perfect alternative for customers who seek the closest effect without a lifting surgery.


With its patented design, ANCHORING DUAL COG pulls the skin tissue from all directions with the 360-degrees 4D structure, and is especially lifting effective for loose skin, double chin, saggy front cheeks, wrinkles in the forehead, and sagging eyes. In addition, PDO material is advantageous for skin regeneration, wrinkle improvement care, elasticity management, enhancing skin through collagen generation.

Especially, ANCHORING DUAL COG inserts two strands of threads with different shapes in a single shot to offer dual lifting, which could shorten the procedure time, alleviate pain, and minimize damage to tissue. The bi-directional cutting cog has no side effect of skin dimpling as it repeats lifting and fixing in short sections. The specialized ending cog provides a thorough anchoring effect by minimizing the motion of the thread, providing effective lifting and maintenance. TIMEMACHINE is produced under the highest and the strictest quality management at a GMP, ISO13485, CE verified facility.


TIMEMACHINE LIFT THREAD is a specialized professional Korea lift thread manufacturer company which has various specs such as PDO, PCL, PLLA, PLACL, and produces pressing cogs (molding cog), cutting cogs, volume thread, and mono thread. An official said, “the thread lifting method for wrinkle removal care is endlessly evolving, and the lifting effect can be advanced by using different kinds of threads for different parts, the most important is to use the qualified material and get a safe procedure from a skilled specialist”.


Media Contact
Alina Shin / +82 10 4273 8288 /

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Africa MENA Pakistan Press Releases South Africa


RoyalJet, an award-winning global leader in premium private aviation, and Jetex seals a partnership to operate on-demand private jet flights between Dubai and Doha between 20 November and 18 December 2022.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Founded in 2003, RoyalJet is one of the most respected and acclaimed names in private aviation with the world’s largest fleet of Boeing Business Jet (11 aircraft).

This partnership combines the expertise of both companies to offer elevated and seamless customer experiences both on the ground and in the air.

Passengers can look forward to a truly luxurious experience onboard a Boeing Business Jet offering a bespoke VIP configuration equipped with the latest technology. Its spacious 30-seat cabin offers every comfort for the short flight between the two cities.

Mohammed Husain Ahmed, CEO of RoyalJet, said: “The partnership with Jetex enables RoyalJet to fulfill tourism demand during this exciting period in the GCC’s history. Customers will experience the very best in-flight experience on board the world-class RoyalJet fleet, coupled with Jetex’s superb private terminal and on-the-ground facilities.”

At the Jetex VIP Terminal in Dubai, passengers are invited to enjoy priority access, personalized service and luxurious hospitality in comfortable and tranquil lounges, discover spaces devoted to well-being as well, curated art collections and even a pop-up football field. Jetex team will take care of all pre-flight formalities and passengers will be ready to depart within minutes from their arrival at the airport.

Adel Mardini, Founder & CEO of Jetex, commented: “This new, unprecedented and significant partnership with RoyalJet is the reflection of our high ambitions: embracing industry synergies to offer new services that keep customers at the center. By combining our best-in-class private terminal with the private charter expertise of RoyalJet, it will take us forward. The new opportunities offered to our customers are exactly what our teams are working for at Jetex: a unique and unforgettable experience.”

Offering the luxurious experience of private jet travel, the return itinerary is priced AED 29,000 per seat.

For reservations, please contact Jetex Premier Experience at 

About Jetex:

An award-winning global leader in executive aviation, Jetex is recognized for delivering flexible, best-in-class trip support solutions to customers worldwide. Jetex provides exceptional private terminals (FBOs), aircraft fueling, ground handling and global trip planning. The company caters to both owners and operators of business jets for corporate, commercial and personal air travel. To find out more about Jetex, visit and follow us on InstagramTwitterFacebook, and LinkedIn.

About RoyalJet:

RoyalJet LLC is an Abu Dhabi Emirates affiliated company which leads the global premium private aviation sector and is chaired by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Hamad Bin Tahnoon Al Nahyan.  With its headquarters in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, operates mainly from its Fixed Based Operations (FBO) / VIP Terminal at Abu Dhabi International Airport and the company and its employees hold multiple certifications and licenses issued by the UAE General Civil Aviation Authority and the Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority.  RoyalJet LLC, through its Abu Dhabi and Bermuda entities, owns and/or operates 11 Boeing Business Jets and 3 Bombardier Global 5000/6000 aircraft, offering aircraft management, aircraft charter, aircraft leasing, medical evacuation flights, aircraft brokerage, flight support services, FBO services, aircraft maintenance, repair and CAMO services, aircraft acquisition and disposal services and VIP aviation consulting. RoyalJet LLC is a founding member of the Middle East Business Aviation Association (MEBAA), a member of various other industry associations, and its flight and ground operations are certified by the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) and under the Wyvern Wingman program.  Its FBO is also a member of the industry leading Air Elite Network.  RoyalJet LLC is also a proud multiple winner of the “World’s Leading Private Jet Charter” category at the annual World Travel Awards and its FBO has won multiple awards for its facilities and services.

Press Enquiries:

Oleg Kafarov

Director of Portfolio Development & Corporate Communications

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8695011


Pleasant weather in most areas will persist until Sunday: JMD

Temperatures on Friday are expected to be around average for this time of year, bringing pleasant weather conditions in most parts of the country, while it will be moderate in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba, the Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD) said in its daily update.

Clouds will appear at different altitudes, with northwesterly to northeasterly moderate winds, while in Badia areas the wind could go faster, the JMD added.

On Saturday, according to the JMD, the weather will be pleasant in most parts of the Kingdom, while in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and Aqaba, weather will be moderate with clouds appearing at different altitudes, with easterly moderate winds that could go faster sometimes.

On Sunday, the weather will be partly cloudy in general, and in the after noon hours, an instable weather condition is expected to hit the Kingdom, with scattered showers, especially in the east and southeast regions, accompanied by thunder and easterly moderate winds that could go faster from time to time, according to the JMD.

On Monday, the weather instability will persist and the weather will be partly cloudy, with scattered showers in some parts of the Kingdom, which could be heavy in the south, east and parts of the central areas for a limited time, accompanied by occasional thunder, with easterly moderate winds that could go faster from time to time, the weather department said.

Today, temperatures in Amman will range between a high of 23 degrees Celsius and a low of 10C, while the port city of Aqaba will see a high of 30C, sliding to 19C at night, the JMD concluded.

Source: Jordan News Agency


NYSE stock market index hits over 2000 points

Stock market index at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on Thursday recorded a more than 2,000 points rise following a decline in inflation in October, as federal data showed.

Investors have been monitoring if interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve are having the required impact in curbing price pressures, multiple media outlets reported.

The Dow Jones index closed at 33715.37, a difference of 1202 points compared to Wednesday, the highest post-Covid 19, and the (S&P 500) index rose more than 200 points and reached 3,955.96 points, its biggest rise since April 2020.

The NASDAQ index rose 760 points to reach 11,114 points, its best level since March 2020 as well.

Source: Jordan News Agency


King meets UK PM

His Majesty King Abdullah met with United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Friday in London, covering strategic relations between Jordan and the UK, as well as regional and international developments.

King Abdullah wished Prime Minister Sunak success in his term in office, expressing Jordan’s keenness to advance the deep-rooted ties of friendship with the UK and bolster cooperation across the political, economic, and defence fields.

His Majesty at the meeting attended by His Royal Highness Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad, His Majesty’s chief adviser for religious and cultural affairs and personal envoy expressed appreciation of the United Kingdom’s economic and development support for Jordan.

The King stressed the importance of continuing close coordination on issues of mutual concern, in service of the two countries and to enhance international security and stability.

His Majesty added that collective efforts and solidarity among countries are needed to address the ramifications of the Ukrainian crisis, especially concerning food and energy security.

Concerning the Palestinian cause, the King reaffirmed the importance of working actively to achieve just and comprehensive peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis on the basis of the two-state solution, guaranteeing the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the 4 June 1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

His Majesty stressed the importance of preserving the historical and legal status quo in the holy city and preventing unilateral Israeli measures that lead to continued escalations in the Palestinian Territories.

The King added that Jordan will continue to safeguard Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem under the Hashemite Custodianship. Discussing the situation of refugees, His Majesty stressed the importance of maintaining support for refugees through the UNHCR and UNRWA.

Moreover, discussions covered regional and international efforts to counter terrorism within a holistic approach.

For his part, Prime Minister Sunak noted the deep-rooted ties between the two countries and keenness to strengthen them further, commending Jordan’s key role in the region.

The prime minister stressed the importance of maintaining bilateral cooperation towards economic prosperity, describing Jordan as one of the United Kingdom’s most important allies in the region.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan, Jordan’s Ambassador to the UK Manar Dabbas, and a number of British officials attended the meeting.

Source: Jordan News Agency


Lebanon, Jordan business forum association holds 1st meeting

The Administrative Board of the Lebanese-Jordanian Business Forum Association recently held its first meeting to discuss plans and strategies to achieve its general objectives.

The recently established association, in accordance with the provisions of the Jordan’s Law on Societies and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, elected an administrative board consisting of nine members, an association statement said on Friday.

The association, according to the statement, seeks to provide a suitable environment for consolidating relations between Lebanese and Jordanian businessmen and investors, and activating trade in both countries, which includes the promotion of goods, services and consultancy covering several sectors and domains.

According to the statement, the Lebanese community in Jordan amounts to about 11,000, who have been part of the local and business communities and include capital owners, investors and administrators in various fields and sectors.

Source: Jordan News Agency