Arabic MENA Press Releases

‫Miami International Holdings وبورصة برمودا تعلنان عن مشاركتهما في حفل أسبوع المستثمر العالمي قرع الجرس من أجل محو الأمية المالية 2022

برينستون، نيوجيرسي وهاميلتون، برمودا، 7 أكتوبر 2022 /PRNewswire/ —  Miami International Holdings ، Inc. (MIH) ، هي مالك بورصة ميامي الدولية للأوراق المالية، LLC (MIAX®) ، و MIAX PEARL ، LLC (MIAX Pearl®) ، و MIAX Emerald ، LLC (MIAX Emerald®) ، و Minneapolis Grain Exchange ، LLC (MGEX™) ، وبورصة برمودا ( BSX ™)، أعلنت اليوم عن مشاركتهم في حفل “ Ring the Bell for Financial Literacy 2022 ” الذي أقيم في 6 أكتوبر 2022. وسيقرع MIAX الجرس في مكتبه في برينستون بولاية نيوجيرسي، في حين ستقرع BSX الجرس في منشأة مقرها الجديد في Exchange House ، في هاميلتون، برمودا.

مبادرة قرع الجرس لمحو الأمية المالية تدعم أسبوع المستثمر العالمي ( WIW ) الخاص بمنظمة الدولية لهيئات الأوراق المالية ( IOSCO ) الذي سيقام في الفترة من 3 إلى 9 أكتوبر 2022. IOSCO WIW هي حملة عالمية مدتها أسبوع تهدف إلى زيادة الوعي بأهمية تثقيف المستثمرين وحمايتهم. تستند الرسائل الرئيسية لحملة IOSCO WIW في عام 2022 حول موضوعين: مرونة المستثمرين والتمويل المستدام.

قال توماس ب. غالاغر، رئيس مجلس الإدارة و الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة MIH : “تعد المبادرات البيئية والاجتماعية والحوكمة ( ESG ) مجالًا مهمًا للتركيز على المجتمع المالي العالمي ويسعدنا دعم حملة IOSCO 2022 WIW للمساعدة في تعزيز تثقيف المستثمرين حول العالم” “تتمثل إحدى ركائزنا الرئيسية في مجال الحوكمة البيئية والاجتماعية والمؤسسية في الترويج لمحو الأمية المالية بشكل أكبر، ونحن نعتقد اعتقادًا راسخًا أن الاستثمار في مجتمعاتنا المحلية لتوفير التعليم والموارد التجارية المسؤولة سيساعد المستثمرين على التخطيط لرفاههم المالي في المستقبل.”

قال جريج ووجيتشوفسكي، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة BSX : “يسر BSX أن تشارك مرة أخرى في IOSCO WIW ، مع هدفنا هذا العام لتعزيز التفاعل والتواصل بين المُصدرين المُدرجين وأعضاء التداول والمساهمين والبورصة”. “تعتبر سياسات ESG من العوامل المهمة التي تزيد من قيمة المساهمين، وكجزء من جهودنا لتعزيز الاستدامة المالية، نحن نعمل مع أعضائنا والشركات المدرجة لتعزيز استخدام الاتصالات الإلكترونية مع المساهمين بشكل أكبر.”

تتوفر تفاصيل ومعلومات إضافية حول حملة IOSCO WIW لعام 2022 على موقع WIW الإلكتروني معلومات عن WFE Ring the Bell for Financial Literacy 2022 متاحة على .

نُبذة عن شركة مياكس         

تمتلك شركة Miami International Holdings, Inc (MIH) . الشركة الأم القابضة لشركة MIAX ، شركة Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC بورصة ميامي الدولية للأوراق المالية ( MIAX  ®‎  )، وشركة MIAX PEARL, LLC ‎‎ (MIAX Pearl ® )، وشركة MIAX Emerald, LLC مياكس ايميرالد ( ‎‎‎ MIAX Emerald ® )، وشركة Minneapolis Grain Exchange, LLC بورصة مينيابوليس للحبوب ( MGEX ™)، وبورصة برمودا ( BSX ™).

MIAX و MIAX Pearl و MIAX Emerald هي بورصات وطنية للأوراق المالية مسجلة لدى هيئة الأوراق المالية والبورصات ( SEC ) والتي يتم تمكينها من خلال تقنية MIAX الملكية المدمجة داخل الشركة. تقدم MIAX تداول الخيارات في جميع البورصات الثلاثة بالإضافة إلى الأسهم النقدية من خلال MIAX Pearl Equities ™. تم بناء منصة تداول MIAX لتلبية متطلبات التسعير عالية الأداء لصناعة تداول الخيارات الأمريكية ويتم تمييزها حسب الإنتاجية والكمون والموثوقية وحتمية الأوامر السلكية. وتعمل MIAX أيضًا كمكان تداول حصري لخيارات التسوية النقدية على SPIKES® Volatility Index (رمز التداول: SPIKE ) وهو مقياس للتقلب المتوقع لمدة 30 يومًا في SPDR® S&P 500® ETF (SPY).

MGEX هي بورصة مسجلة لدى لجنة تداول العقود الآجلة للسلع ( CFTC ) وتقدم التداول في مجموعة متنوعة من المنتجات بما في ذلك العقود الآجلة للقمح الأحمر الصلب وتعمل أيضا كسوق حصرية لعقود SPIKES الآجلة. وتُعد بورصة مبنيابوليس للحبوب أيضًا سوق DCM ومنظمة DCO تابعة للجنة تداول السلع الآجلة، وتوفر سوقًا لـ DCM ومنظمة DCO وخدمات السوق النقدي في مجموعة من فئات الأصول.

BSX هي سوق أوراق مالية دولية متكاملة بالكامل، مقرها في برمودا ونظمت في عام 1971. BSX متخصصة في إدراج وتداول أدوات سوق رأس المال مثل الأسهم، وإصدارات الديون، والصناديق، وصناديق التحوط، وضمانات المشتقات، والأوراق المالية المرتبطة بالتأمين.

وتقع مكاتب MIAX التنفيذية ومركز العمليات الوطنية في برينستون، نيوجيرسي، بالإضافة إلى مكاتب ميامي، فلوريدا، مينيابوليس، مينيسوتا، وهاملتون، وبرمودا.

لمعرفة المزيد عن MIAX يرجى زيارة .

لمعرفة المزيد عن MGEX ، قم بزيارة .

لمعرفة المزيد عن BSX ، قم بزيارة .

إخلاء مسؤولية ومذكرة تحذيرية في ما يتعلق بالبيانات التطلعية

يجب ألا يشكل البيان الصحفي عرضًا للبيع أو التماسًا لعرض شراء أي أوراق مالية لشركة Miami International Holdings, Inc (جنبًا إلى جنب مع الشركات التابعة لها، “للشركة”)، ولا يشكل عرضًا، أو التماسًا، أو بيعًا في أي دولة أو ولاية قضائية يكون فيها هذا العرض أو الالتماس أو البيع غير قانوني. وقد يحتوي هذا البيان الصحفي على بيانات تطلعية، بما في ذلك البيانات التطلعية بالمعنى المقصود في قانون إصلاح التقاضي الخاص بالأوراق المالية لعام 1995. وتصف البيانات التطلعية التوقعات، أو الخطط، أو النتائج، أو الاستراتيجيات المستقبلية وتسبقها عمومًا كلمات مثل “قد”، “مستقبل”، “خطة” أو “مخطط”، “سوف” أو “ينبغي”، “يُتوقع”، “مسودة”، “في نهاية المطاف” أو “المتوقعة”. ويُعد هذا تحذير لك من أن مثل هذه البيانات تخضع للعديد من المخاطر والشكوك التي قد تتسبب في اختلاف الظروف، أو الأحداث، أو النتائج، المستقبلية اختلافا جوهريًا عن تلك المتوقعة في البيانات التطلعية، بما في ذلك المخاطر التي قد تؤدي إلى اختلاف النتائج الفعلية جوهريًا عن تلك المتوقعة في البيانات التطلعية.

وتظل جميع العلامات التجارية الخاصة بالطرف الثالث (بما في ذلك الشعارات والأيقونات) المشار إليها من قبل الشركة مملوكة لأصحابها المعنيين. وإذا لم يُحدد ذلك على هذا النحو، فإن استخدام الشركة للعلامات التجارية الخاصة بالطرف الثالث لا يشير إلى أي علاقة، أو رعاية، أو تأييد بين مالكي هذه العلامات التجارية والشركة. كما أن أي إشارات من قبل الشركة إلى العلامات التجارية الخاصة بالغير هي لتحديد سلع و/أو خدمات غير المقابلة، وتعتبر استخدامًا عادلًا رمزيًا بموجب قانون العلامات التجارية.

للتواصل الإعلامي:

آندي نيبو، نائب الرئيس الأول، ومسؤول الاتصالات

(609) 955-2091

الشعار –

MENA Press Releases

GMT Token builds data centers in Norway

SINGAPORE, Oct. 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — GMT Token’s team is expanding geographically and has launched a new data center in Norway.

GMT Token - Data Center in Norway

The new 20-MW data center is located near Oslo. One of GMT’s main goals is possessing the newest and most energy efficient equipment, so 2,950 new Antminer S19 miners have been installed. The number of miners at the data center is expected to increase. Because GMT strives to minimize any potential carbon footprint, the equipment will be operated by hydroelectric power.

The mining gear is located in a highly secure area with security and round-the-clock video surveillance. The miners will be cooled via an air ventilation system.

The team’s plans for 2023 are to expand and increase the company’s capabilities with Norwegian partners. In accordance with standard structures, the team will use a portion of the resources for social and environmental projects.

The temperature of the miners, for instance, is going to be maintained using cutting-edge immersion cooling. Hot water from the immersion cooling system will then be recycled for use in Norway’s agricultural sector, industrial and social programs.

Norway is one of the most environmentally friendly countries in the world. It is focused on green energy. Having a data center in this region helps to increase the project’s level of environmental friendliness and that of the crypto industry overall.

About GMT

GMT’s Certik-audited smart contract was created on April 26, 2021, with the firm launching its computing power-backed token. The project’s goal is to simplify the mining process for everyone by handling the logistics, providing around-the-clock uninterrupted service, and securing energy-efficient consumption costs. There are currently over 18,000 GMT token holders receiving daily bitcoin mining rewards without the hurdles of physically maintaining equipment. During the project’s existence, GMT has increased the hash rate of the device park from 100,000 TH/s to 735 000 TH.

Media Enquiries:

Matthew Halford

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MENA Press Releases

Miami International Holdings Reports September 2022 Trading Results; SPIKES Futures and MIAX Pearl Equities Set Year-to-Date Volume Records

PRINCETON, N.J., Oct. 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Miami International Holdings, Inc. today reported September 2022 trading results for its U.S. exchange subsidiaries – MIAX®, MIAX Pearl® and MIAX Emerald® (together, the MIAX Exchange Group), and Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX™).

September 2022 Trading Volume Highlights

  • Total U.S. multi-listed options market share for the MIAX Exchange Group reached 11.63%, representing a 19.8% year-over-year (YoY) decrease. A total of 97.3 million multi-listed options contracts were executed on the MIAX Exchange Group, representing a 12.1% decrease YoY and an average daily volume (ADV) of 4,635,039 contracts. Total year-to-date (YTD) volume reached 961.2 million contracts, a decrease of 2.8% from the same period in 2021.
  • MIAX Options reported YTD volume of 403.5 million contracts, up 5.1% from the same period in 2021, with volume reaching 42.9 million contracts in September 2022, a 2.2% YoY decrease. MIAX Emerald reported YTD volume of 238.7 million contracts, a 12.7% decrease from the same period in 2021, with volume totaling 21.5 million contracts in September 2022, a 42.0% YoY decrease. MIAX Pearl reported YTD volume of 318.9 million contracts, a 3.8% decrease from the same period in 2021, with volume totaling 32.9 million contracts in September 2022, a 10.5% YoY increase.
  • In U.S. equities, MIAX Pearl Equities™ reported volume of 2.8 billion shares in September 2022, representing a 101.8% increase YoY and a record monthly market share of 1.16%. Total YTD volume reached a record 22.4 billion shares, a 268.1% increase from the same period in 2021.
  • In U.S. futures, MGEX, a Designated Contract Market (DCM) and Derivatives Clearing Organization (DCO), reported trading volume of 310,233 contracts in September 2022, a 4.3% decrease YoY. Total YTD volume reached 2,710,629 contracts, a decrease of 3.2% from the same period in 2021.
  • SPIKES® Futures volume totaled 134,932 contracts in September 2022, representing a 14.4% decrease YoY and an average daily volume of 6,425 contracts. Total YTD volume reached a record of 673,349 contracts, a 134.3% increase YoY.

Additional MIAX Exchange Group and MGEX volume details are included in the following tables.

Multi-Listed Options Trading Volume for

 MIAX Exchange Group, Current Month

Year-to-Date Comparison
Multi-Listed Options Contracts Sep-22 Sep-21 % Chg Aug-22 % Chg Sep-22 Sep-21 % Chg
Trading Days 21 21 23 188 188
U.S. Equity Options Industry 837,127,631 763,992,378 9.6 % 845,104,433 -0.9 % 7,122,932,919 6,896,676,100 3.3 %
MIAX Exchange Group 97,335,822 110,782,472 -12.1 % 108,079,977 -9.9 % 961,153,836 989,154,877 -2.8 %
MIAX Options 42,928,688 43,883,693 -2.2 % 46,972,524 -8.6 % 403,545,842 384,130,954 5.1 %
MIAX Pearl 32,881,438 29,760,494 10.5 % 35,696,808 -7.9 % 318,918,226 331,491,709 -3.8 %
MIAX Emerald 21,525,696 37,138,285 -42.0 % 25,410,645 -15.3 % 238,689,768 273,532,214 -12.7 %
Multi-Listed Options ADV Sep-22 Sep-21 % Chg Aug-22 % Chg Sep-22 Sep-21 % Chg
U.S. Equity Options Industry 39,863,221 36,380,589 9.6 % 36,743,671 8.5 % 37,887,941 36,684,447 3.3 %
MIAX Exchange Group 4,635,039 5,275,356 -12.1 % 4,699,129 -1.4 % 5,112,520 5,261,462 -2.8 %
MIAX Options 2,044,223 2,089,700 -2.2 % 2,042,284 0.1 % 2,146,520 2,043,250 5.1 %
MIAX Pearl 1,565,783 1,417,166 10.5 % 1,552,035 0.9 % 1,696,374 1,763,254 -3.8 %
MIAX Emerald 1,025,033 1,768,490 -42.0 % 1,104,811 -7.2 % 1,269,626 1,454,959 -12.7 %
Multi-Listed Options Market Share for

MIAX Exchange Group, Current Month

Year-to-Date Comparison
Multi-Listed Options Market Share Sep-22 Sep-21 % Chg Aug-22 % Chg Sep-22 Sep-21 % Chg
MIAX Exchange Group 11.63 % 14.50 % -19.8 % 12.79 % -9.1 % 13.49 % 14.34 % -5.9 %
MIAX Options 5.13 % 5.74 % -10.7 % 5.56 % -7.7 % 5.67 % 5.57 % 1.7 %
MIAX Pearl 3.93 % 3.90 % 0.8 % 4.22 % -7.0 % 4.48 % 4.81 % -6.8 %
MIAX Emerald 2.57 % 4.86 % -47.1 % 3.01 % -14.5 % 3.35 % 3.97 % -15.5 %
Equities Trading Volume for

MIAX Pearl Equities, Current Month

Year-to-Date Comparison
Equities Shares (millions) Sep-22 Sep-21 % Chg Aug-22 % Chg Sep-22 Sep-21 % Chg
Trading Days 21 21 23 188 188
U.S. Equities Industry 239,417 222,241 7.7 % 243,296 -1.6 % 2,276,370 2,181,472 4.4 %
MIAX Pearl Volume 2,784 1,379 101.8 % 2,396 16.2 % 22,408 6,087 268.1 %
MIAX Pearl ADV 133 66 101.8 % 104 27.2 % 119 32 268.1 %
MIAX Pearl Market Share 1.16 % 0.62 % 87.4 % 0.98 % 18.1 % 0.98 % 0.28 % 252.8 %
Futures & Options Trading Volume for

MGEX, Current Month

Year-to-Date Comparison
Futures & Options Contracts Sep-22 Sep-21 % Chg Aug-22 % Chg Sep-22 Sep-21 % Chg
Trading Days 21 21 23 188 188
MGEX Futures Volume 310,233 324,299 -4.3 % 376,441 -17.6 % 2,710,629 2,800,181 -3.2 %
MGEX ADV 14,773 15,443 -4.3 % 16,367 -9.7 % 14,418 14,895 -3.2 %

About MIAX

MIAX’s parent holding company, Miami International Holdings, Inc., owns Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC (MIAX®), MIAX PEARL, LLC (MIAX Pearl®), MIAX Emerald, LLC (MIAX Emerald®), Minneapolis Grain Exchange, LLC (MGEX™), and The Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX™).

MIAX, MIAX Pearl and MIAX Emerald are national securities exchanges registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that are enabled by MIAX’s in-house built, proprietary technology. MIAX offers trading of options on all three exchanges as well as cash equities through MIAX Pearl Equities™. The MIAX trading platform was built to meet the high-performance quoting demands of the U.S. options trading industry and is differentiated by throughput, latency, reliability and wire-order determinism. MIAX also serves as the exclusive exchange venue for cash-settled options on the SPIKES® Volatility Index (Ticker: SPIKE), a measure of the expected 30-day volatility in the SPDR® S&P 500® ETF (SPY).

MGEX is a registered exchange with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and offers trading in a variety of products including Hard Red Spring Wheat Futures and also serves as the exclusive market for SPIKES Futures. MGEX is a Designated Contract Market (DCM) and Derivatives Clearing Organization (DCO) under the CFTC, providing DCM, DCO and cash market services in an array of asset classes.

BSX is a fully electronic, vertically integrated international securities market headquartered in Bermuda and organized in 1971. BSX specializes in the listing and trading of capital market instruments such as equities, debt issues, funds, hedge funds, derivative warrants, and insurance linked securities.

MIAX’s executive offices and National Operations Center are located in Princeton, N.J., with additional offices located in Miami, FL, Minneapolis, MN, and Hamilton, Bermuda.

To learn more about MIAX visit

To learn more about MGEX visit

To learn more about BSX visit

Disclaimer and Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

The press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any securities of Miami International Holdings, Inc. (together with its subsidiaries, the Company), and shall not constitute an offer, solicitation or sale in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer; solicitation or sale would be unlawful. This press release may contain forward-looking statements, including forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as “may,” “future,” “plan” or “planned,” “will” or “should,” “expected,” “anticipates,” “draft,” “eventually” or “projected.” You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements.

All third-party trademarks (including logos and icons) referenced by the Company remain the property of their respective owners. Unless specifically identified as such, the Company’s use of third-party trademarks does not indicate any relationship, sponsorship, or endorsement between the owners of these trademarks and the Company. Any references by the Company to third-party trademarks is to identify the corresponding third-party goods and/or services and shall be considered nominative fair use under the trademark law.

Media Contact:
Andy Nybo, SVP, Chief Communications Officer
(609) 955-2091

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Business & Finance

Hotel occupancy rates reached 90% in Aqaba

In the port city of Aqaba hotel occupancy rates stood at 90 percent.

1.2 million visitors entered Aqaba through its land, sea and air crossings during the first 8 months of 2022, Nidal Majali, environment and tourism commissioner at the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) said.

Commenting on winter semester, Majali said that bookings are recording a noticeable increase as a result of the momentum of international events and conferences and the return of low-cost flights to Aqaba.

Source: Jordan News Agency


Jordan achieves number of awards during Arab Code Week

Jordan has achieved a number of medals in the second session of the Arab Code Week currently taking place in Tunisia.

A number of Jordanian schools have won the Golden School Awards during the event, as one of the schools has registered 2505 activities.

Convening under the theme “Artificial Intelligence and Environmental Protection,” the event was organized by the Arab Organization for Education, Culture, and Science (ALECSO).

Source: Jordan News Agency


UN General Assembly adopts resolution on solidarity with Pakistan

The UN General Assembly on Friday adopted a resolution on solidarity with and support for Pakistan in the wake of the recent devastating floods.

The resolution, adopted by consensus, urges the international community, in particular donor countries, international financial institutions and relevant international organizations, as well as the private sector and civil society, to extend full support and assistance to the Pakistani government in its efforts to mitigate the adverse impacts of the floods and to meet the medium- and long-term rehabilitation and reconstruction needs.

Source: Jordan News Agency


Armenia and Azerbaijan agree to civilian EU mission alongside border

The European Council said Armenia and Azerbaijan have agreed to a civilian EU mission alongside the countries’ border, where the worst fighting between the two ex-Soviet states since 2020 killed more than 200 people late last month.

The mission that will start by the end of this month aims to help delineate the border between the two countries for a maximum of two months, the council said on Friday.

Source: Jordan News Agency


More than 3,000 killed by high temperatures in England and Wales

More than 3,000 heat-related deaths were recorded in England and Wales this summer as temperature records were smashed across the UK.

The joint report between the UK Health Security Agency and the Office of National Statistics found that during five so-called “heat periods” between June and August this year, 3,271 excess deaths were recorded.

Source: Jordan News Agency

MENA Press Releases

Crowdworks introduces a new data annotation platform “Workstage” at GITEX2022

SEOUL, South Korea, Oct. 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Crowdworks (CEO Park Min-woo), Korea’s leading Artificial Intelligence (AI) training data platform company, will be exhibiting its new data annotation platform – Workstage – at the ‘2022 Dubai Information and Communication Exhibition’ (GITEX Global 2022).

Built with over one hundred patented technology, Workstage holds and utilizes 5 years of accumulated behavioral data from 400,000 crowd workers, and is designed to maximize the data annotation work productivity by 5 folds – when compared to an in-house approach.

So far, Crowdworks was named a Sample Vendor in the 2022 Gartner Hype Cycle for Data Science and Machine Learning 2022, completed its first US patent registration this year, and has started making its appearance on the global stage under its global brand – Workstage.

Crowdworks is actively expanding its global influence including the MENA (the Middle East and Africa). Park Min-woo the CEO says, “As competition in the domestic and global data labeling market intensifies, it is essential to secure technology-oriented competitiveness. As we have led the development of Korea’s AI industry, we will once again prove its technological prowess in the Middle East, the center of the emerging AI industry.”

On the other hand, GITEX is the largest technology exhibition in MENA sponsored and hosted by the UAE Prime Minister and the AI Minister, respectively. Being recognized as “the new oil” in UAE, the AI industry is fully supported at the national level to be developed even further – attracting pioneers and major leagues in AI from all around the globe.

About Crowdworks

Crowdworks is the largest AI training data annotation solution provider in Korea since 2017. Crowdworks’ AI training data annotation platform ‘Workstage’ delivers qualified AI training data collection and annotation to accelerate AI development for corporations from a wide range of industries including automotive, healthcare, and manufacturing. /  Follow us on LinkedIn.

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MENA Press Releases

Shanghai Electric Celebrates Its 120th Anniversary – Accelerating Transition to Green and Low Carbon Solutions

SHANGHAI, Oct. 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Energy Integration for Intelligent Future business summit forum, hosted by Shanghai Electric Group Company Limited (Shanghai Electric) as part of its 120th-anniversary celebration, concluded successfully in Shanghai on September 26, 2022.

At this critical, historical moment for the firm, and in response to the global urgency for reducing carbon emissions, Shanghai Electric is transitioning all segments of its business to a low-carbon format. This is achieved by enhancing the capacity of new power systems and equipment, and by developing an optimal combination of traditional and renewable energy sources in a move to support the development of a modern energy ecosystem.

Liu Ping, the Director and President of Shanghai Electric Group Co., said at the forum that over the past 120 years, the firm has embarked on an innovative journey of empowering the world through efforts to expand its main businesses in pursuit of win-win cooperation and integrated development.

“Throughout this journey, Shanghai Electric has evolved into a prime example of what can be done to pave the way for China to become a key provider of high-end equipment to the world. The evolution allowed the company to transition from being a major player in its space to one which represents in-country peers as they collectively seek to export world-class equipment and technologies,” said Liu Ping.

Shanghai Electric has accomplished many record-breaking achievements both at home and abroad. Based on existing capabilities and strengths, the company expects to give full play to its three core competitive advantages – extreme manufacturing, integrated services and talent competitiveness – to build three industry-leading linked platforms covering core equipment, integrated systems and industrial capital, setting in motion what is well on track to becoming the leading development trend for the next 120 years.

Shanghai Electric is currently one of the few producers worldwide covering all categories of energy equipment. The energy sector produces more than 80% of China’s total carbon emissions, making it the largest barrier to China achieving the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutral.

Since 2021, with the high frequency of extreme weather events, coupled with the intensification of tensions around the global energy supply, many regions throughout the country experienced power shortages, highlighting the increasing importance of thermal ballast. In the throes of a massive transition from stable fossil fuels to volatile alternative energies, a consensus among participants is that, in order to achieve the goal of carbon reduction under the premise of ensuring energy security, multi-energy complementarity will be the best solution for the integrated development of traditional and renewable energy sources over the long term.

Chen Ganjin, member of the Party Committee and vice president of Shanghai Electric, noted that China’s energy structure has been undergoing a major change over the last decade, with the proportion of installed solar and wind power capacity having increased significantly, while the share of coal power has declined to half of the total, and nuclear power having returned to becoming a steadily growing viable alternative. The booming of renewable energy sources pushed power storage into a period of rapid development. However, due to the randomness and intermittency, the large-scale, high-ratio grid connection of renewable energies will pose serious challenges to the safe and stable operation of the grid.

When elaborating on the Chinese energy ecosystem landscape, Chen added that the per capita power consumption in China is relatively low when compared to other countries and regions across the world, demonstrating a huge potential for growth in power and related equipment markets. Shanghai Electric is committed to helping address the needs of the Chinese energy ecosystem in terms of power generation, transmission, storage and sale.

The group is optimizing its efforts in furthering the growth of conventional and alternative energy-powered equipment as the country continues to pursue the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Shanghai Electric has proven technical capabilities in the realms of clean and efficient coal power, safe and state-of-the-art nuclear power, as well as efficient and flexible regulation of gas and power. In addition, the group is leveraging technological innovations to enhance its portfolio of wind, solar, storage and hydrogen energy-powered equipment and storage solutions, while accelerating the transformation  and exploring of additional application scenarios for its robust smart grid equipment.

Based on its existing competitive power equipment, Shanghai Electric has made significant progress in implementing new system solutions for coal-fired power and energy storage integration; source-grid-load-storage integration; and green hydrogen and chemicals integration. Furthermore, with the ongoing energy transformation, the group is embracing new opportunities in the energy storage sector with its vanadium batteries known for a high level of safety, high-capacity scalability, and long cycle life.

In line with the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, Shanghai Electric is making efforts to establish a presence in what is being termed as “4+2+X” (where “4” refers to wind power, solar power, energy storage and hydrogen; “2” refers to intelligent industrial equipment and high-end medical equipment; and “X” refers to new opportunities in the energy sector) with a focus on supporting the carbon emission reduction in energy and industry in concert with the aim of creating a comprehensive new power system and an integrated solution for green and low-carbon industrial parks.

By capitalizing on its proven capabilities in conventional energy-powered equipment, Shanghai Electric plans to further its investments in innovative equipment and technologies involving wind, solar, hydroelectric and thermal energy and energy storage, as well as power supply, grid, load and hydrogen storage to become the frontrunner in the journey towards achieving the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, along with creating alternative energy-powered equipment and automated high-end equipment.

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