Arabic MENA Press Releases

‫Thunes تشارك مع التجاري وفا بنك لتوسيع خدمات المدفوعات المصرفية في جميع أنحاء المغرب

سنغافورة، 18 يوليو 2022 / PRNewswire / — Thunes  هي شركة عالمية للمدفوعات عبر الحدود، دخلت في شراكة استراتيجية مع التجاري وفا بنك، أحد أكبر البنوك في المغرب وإفريقيا.

وتمكن هذه الشراكة أي من أصحاب الحسابات المصرفية في المغرب البالغ عددهم نحو 30 مليونًا من تلقي المدفوعات الواردة مباشرة إلى حساباتهم. سيتمتع عملاء  Thunes  العالميون بالقدرة على إرسال مدفوعات سلسة وفعالة من حيث التكلفة وفي الوقت الحقيقي إلى الحسابات المصرفية في المغرب.

ترتبط  Thunes  بالتجاري وفا بنك عبر  Ripple ، الشركة الرائدة في مجال حلول الشركات وسلسلة الكتل (بلوك تشين)، وتقنياتها المالية العالمية  RippleNet . سيسمح الاتصال بـ  RippleNet  و Thunes  لعملاء التجاري وفا بنك بتلقي التحويلات من جميع أنحاء العالم التي تبدأ من خلال شبكة  Thunes  في غضون بضع ثوان. يمكن الوصول إلى عملاء البنوك المغربية الأخرى باستخدام المقاصة المحلية.

المغرب هو ثالث أكبر متلقي للتحويلات المالية في إفريقيا (بعد نيجيريا ومصر)، مع وجود عدد كبير من المغتربين، وسوق ديناميكية وإطار تنظيمي سليم لتعزيز خدمات الدفع الرقمي وخفض التكاليف.  يقدر  البنك الدولي أن تدفقات التحويلات المالية الشخصية زادت بشكل كبير خلال الوباء، لتصل إلى ما يقدر بنحو 7.4 مليار دولار أمريكي في نهاية عام 2020.

قالت أسماء بن جمرة، نائبة رئيس تطوير الشبكات في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، في Thunes “المغرب هو قوة رئيسية في اقتصاد شمال إفريقيا، مع ناتج محلي إجمالي يزيد عن 100 مليار دولار أمريكي، وهو مركز مالي رئيسي في المنطقة. لقد شكلت المدفوعات عبر الحدود تحديًا كما في الماضي، سيتعين على العملاء استخدام طرق غير فعالة ومكلفة لإرسال المدفوعات إلى المغرب. يسعدنا اليوم أن نتشارك مع التجاري وفا بنك لتمكين المدفوعات السلسة بين البنوك لجميع الحسابات المصرفية في المغرب. سيكون هذا تحسينًا كبيرًا للعملاء الذين يحتاجون إلى إجراء مدفوعات منتظمة عبر الحدود، ومعلمًا مهمًا لتوسيع شبكتنا في شمال إفريقيا.”

تتماشى هذه الشراكة مع التجاري وفا بنك مع التزام  Thunes  ببناء خدمات دفع أكثر كفاءة وبأسعار معقولة في جميع أنحاء العالم، وهي مهمة وصول مالي تضطلع بها الشركة  بالتعاون مع المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي  (WEF)

قال بروكس إنتويستل، نائب الرئيس الأول للنجاح العالمي للعملاء ومدير عام  APAC  والشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا في  Ripple ، “يسعدنا أن نعلن هذا التمديد لشراكتنا الحالية مع  Thunes ، ونتطلع معًا إلى توفير تجارب دفع أسرع وأكثر فعالية من حيث التكلفة وأكثر شفافية عبر الحدود للعملاء في المغرب ومنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا الكبرى.”

وقالت السيدة نوال علمي، رئيسة إدارة النقد والمدفوعات في التجاري وفا بنك: “بفضل عضوية  Thunes  في شبكة  Ripplenet ، أصبح التجاري وفا بنك وشركاؤه الماليون الدوليون قادرين الآن على تبادل التحويلات بطريقة شفافة وآمنة وفورية.

سيسمح هذا لعملاء التجاري وفا بنك بتلقي التحويلات التي تبدأ من خلال أعضاء الشركاء في نفس الشبكة في بضع ثوان. يمكن الوصول إلى عملاء البنوك المغربية الأخرى باستخدام المقاصة المحلية.

ويسعدنا أن نعلن شراكتنا مع  Thunes ، الشركة الرائدة في مجال المدفوعات العالمية عبر الحدود، لإثراء عرض التجاري وفا بنك للسكان المغاربة الذين يعيشون في الخارج.”

MENA Press Releases

Now Coinsfera enables visitors to sell USDT (tether) in Dubai, the UAE

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, July 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Coinsfera enables you to sell USDT (tether) in Dubai in the bear market. According to the company, you will be served by the dedicated staff at the office.

Due to the recent volatility in the market, the demand for selling USDT in Dubai has increased. Crypto enthusiasts can decide to sell their BTC, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrency holdings and buy USDT to keep their assets in a stable currency. The USDT cryptocurrency has the feature of being stable against the USD. Tether Operations Limited pegs it since 2014 and as per their press release, it is considered the most transparent stablecoin.

Coinsfera has worked with improved efficiency and effectiveness during the crypto volatile period in order to suit the demands of the clients. In only a few minutes, you can buy and sell USDT in Dubai at Coinsfera. During the period of market instability, the professional personnel operated under a more enhanced regime.

OTC desk to sell USDT in Dubai

As Coinsfera indicated in previous press releases, customers may purchase and sell USDT (tether) in Dubai without having to go through arduous processes. Unlike many other online crypto exchanges, Coinsfera prefers to keep the procedures simple and plain. Visitors sell USDT in Dubai only in 3 steps:

  1. Contact Coinsfera using Whatsapp or direct phone call
  2. Arrange a meeting
  3. Visit the Coinsfera crypto OTC desk and sell USDT quickly in Dubai

During market bull and bear periods Coinsfera sticks to its fundamental goal of making crypto accessible for anyone who visits the OTC office. Customers can visit just with their ID or passports to utilize Coinsfera’s services. The best case is tourists or any other visitors can readily buy and sell USDT with their passports.

Award-winning crypto exchange now enables to sell USDT in Dubai

Coinsfera has been nominated for multiple awards in the crypto space. The work Coinsfera put in crypto since 2015 finally brought some awards to the shelf. Coinsfera participated in the largest blockchain conference of MENA and the Eurasia regions and has received an award as a consequence of active participation in the Blockchain Economy Summit. It is worth mentioning that this conference is one of the prestigious ones in the crypto sphere.

About Coinsfera

Coinsfera is a cryptocurrency OTC desk that operates in 4 countries namely, the UAE, Turkey, Kosovo, and the UK. Coinsfera has offices in the main cities of those countries such as Dubai and Istanbul. More than 2000+ cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), Binance coin (BNB), and Ripple (XRP) can be bought and sold at Coinsfera offices.

Name: Coinsfera
Address: Jumeirah Lake Towers, Cluster F, Indigo-Icon tower – Office # 501 5th floor – Dubai – United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971 58 535 0505

Africa MENA Press Releases South Africa

Geospatial Industry Luminary Hired as Senior Strategic Advisor at AAM, a Woolpert Company

MELBOURNE, Australia, July 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Zaffar Sadiq Mohamed-Ghouse, Ph.D., a global geospatial leader, has joined the leadership team at AAM, a Woolpert Company. Mohamed-Ghouse will serve as a senior advisor for strategy and innovation within Woolpert’s geospatial leadership team, further strengthening the global geospatial company’s services and capabilities.

Zaffar Sadiq Mohamed-Ghouse, Ph.D., has joined AAM, a Woolpert Company.

Mohamed-Ghouse brings more than 25 years of experience with international engineering consultancies, working across government, academic, research and corporate sectors. He has held senior leadership roles at multilateral geospatial organisations, including United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management-Networks and World Geospatial Industry Council, and has led multimillion-dollar projects for state and federal government clients in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. A professor at universities in India and Australia, Mohamed-Ghouse outlines how spatial sciences improve the built environment.

Woolpert’s Asia Pacific Vice President and AAM Managing Director Brian Nicholls said that Mohamed-Ghouse’s extensive geospatial consulting expertise will provide Woolpert clients with tailored, impactful solutions.

“Zaffar has demonstrated his ability to deliver positive change throughout the industry, and we look forward to working with him, learning from him and building on his expertise and experience,” Nicholls said.

AAM was acquired by Woolpert in 2021. Woolpert Senior Vice President Joseph Seppi said the addition of Mohamed-Ghouse provides a strategic advantage for the company and greatly benefits its clients around the world.

Mohamed-Ghouse spoke of the opportunities he sees in joining Woolpert.

“This is an amazing, diverse, multicultural team with varied technical skills and expertise,” Mohamed-Ghouse said. “I look forward to working with this group and expanding our broad service portfolio to advance the geospatial industry.”

About AAM, a Woolpert Company
AAM, a Woolpert Company, is a geospatial technology company, specialising in collection, analysis and integration of geospatial information. AAM believes that digital maps and measurement make our world a better place. By capturing, measuring and presenting geospatial data, AAM helps clients make more informed decisions in an increasingly complex world. Woolpert is the premier architecture, engineering, geospatial (AEG) and strategic consulting firm, with a vision to become one of the best companies in the world. Founded in 1911, Woolpert has been America’s fastest-growing AEG firm since 2015. The firm has 1,900 employees and 60 offices on four continents. Visit and

Media Contacts:
Steven Henderson, +61 431 090 338,; and Jill Kelley, 937-531-1258,

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MENA Press Releases

UNESCO-Huawei Technology-enabled Open Schools for All Project Progress Reviewed in Cross-country Seminar

The three-year project is being implemented in Ghana, Ethiopia, and Egypt to ensure the continuity and quality of learning under normal and crisis situations.

SHENZHEN, China, July 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ —  A three-day cross-country seminar hosted in Accra, Ghana on the subject of the Technology-enabled Open Schools for All (TeOSS) project drew to a close on July 7.

A three-day cross-country seminar hosted in Accra, Ghana on the subject of the Technology-enabled Open Schools for All (TeOSS) project drew to a close on July 7.  Following the official launch of the TeOSS project on 25 November 2021, the seminar was co-organized by Huawei and UNESCO as part of the project’s implementation phase. The event included a progress report on the first phase of the project, including results so far, and discussed the implementation of the second phase.

Following the official launch of the TeOSS project on 25 November 2021, the seminar was co-organized by Huawei and UNESCO as part of the project’s implementation phase. The event included a progress report on the first phase of the project, including results so far, and discussed the implementation of the second phase.

UNESCO is assisting the Ministries of Education and other partners in Egypt, Ethiopia, and Ghana with the delivery of the three-year TeOSS project, which will run until August 2023. Developed under the framework of the UNESCO-Huawei Funds-in-Trust, the project spans the design, pilot testing, and scaling-up of open technology-enabled school systems. Including curricula, teacher-student interaction, and social care, these systems will be accessible in schools, homes, and other venues, ensuring education continuity and quality even if a crisis such as the pandemic occurs.

“There three axes to steer the digital revolution, which are all reflected in this project: to ensure connectivity for all; to build free, public digital learning content and platforms; and to focus on how technology can enhance pedagogical innovation and change,” said Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO.

Planned in close collaboration with the governments of Egypt, Ghana, and Ethiopia and aligned with their respective national strategies, each TeOSS project has been developed to meet specific local needs.

In Egypt, an ICT skills framework has been developed for teachers and students in K12 schools. Digital courseware development experts and primary and junior high school teachers will receive training, and a National Distance Learning Centre will be established for use by educators nationwide to ensure continuity in professional development.

“Since Egypt launched its new system, the President has provided unprecedented commitment to modernize the country’s education model,” said Dr. Hanem Ahmed, Head of International Cooperation for the Minister of Education and Technical Education of the Arab Republic of Egypt on behalf of H.E. Dr. Tarek Shawki, Minister of Education and Technical Education of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

The TeOSS project in Ethiopia is focusing on ICT infrastructure build-out to connect pilot schools, train teachers and students, and build a Learning Management System integrated with a Teacher Training Platform.

“The project perfectly aligns with Ethiopia’s national strategies regarding the need to use ICT and digital content in our system. We will also scale up this system by adopting and customizing all activities according to the local context,” said Dr. Zelalem Assefa, CEO of ICT and Digital Education for the Ministry of Education of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

In Ghana, the focus is on creating digital content for all subjects, as well as providing training for teachers and students of primary and junior high schools. The project is also building an e-repository that teachers can use to upload content and which learners can access online and offline with little or no supervision.

“We need to be able to embrace technology to enhance our education delivery. If we want to be able to achieve SDG-4, we need digital platforms as an enabler and leverage to achieve that,” said John Ntim Fordjour, Deputy Minister of Education, on behalf of H.E. Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, Minister of Education of the Republic of Ghana.

TeOSS is aligned with the Tech4Education domain of Huawei’s digital inclusion initiative TECH4ALL, which aims to drive education equity and quality with technology, and is working to enhance digital access, improve digital skills, and develop high-quality courses. Huawei ICT Academy program is designed to help cultivate ICT talent by improving digital skills.

“To achieve global education equity and share education resources, Huawei has launched the comprehensive one-stop service platform ‘Huawei Talent’,” said Zhang Jing, Senior Director of Huawei Education Talent Ecosystem, Huawei ICT Academy Development. “To bridge the gap between talent supply and demand in the digital era, Huawei is building talent alliances, improving skills, developing talent standards, and promoting the value of talent to help the world become more digital.”

Technology is already demonstrating intrinsic value in transforming education, a value that will continue to grow in the future.

“Digital technology has become a new driver of productivity that supports innovation in education models, the transformation of education methodologies, and smarter education environments,” said Kevin Zhang, CMO of ICT Infrastructure for Huawei. “We are exploring how to apply AI, such as computer vision, natural language processing, and speech processing, to education. Innovative technology can help solve the world’s most pressing challenges. And we must continue working together to innovate.”

The collaborative and innovative approach of the TeOSS project is helping to create inclusive, equitable, and quality education for all and underpin lifelong learning opportunities. It will empower nations to rethink education and underpin a new generation of digital schools and digital learners.

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Arabic MENA Press Releases

المراكز الثقافية تقيس رضا الزوار فورياً

مدينة الكويت, 17 يوليو / تموز 2022 /PRNewswire/ —

ضمن سعيها الدؤوب والمستمر نحو رفع مستوى الخدمات وضمان تجربة مثالية للضيوف ، استحدثت إدارة المراكز الثقافية تجربة جديدة في مركز الشيخ جابر الأحمد الثقافي ومركز الشيخ عبدالله السالم الثقافي عبر نشر عدداً من الأجهزة الخاصة بقياس مدى رضى الزوار في ٢٠ موقع ونقطة تم توزيعها بدقة كي تعطي إنطباعاً واضحاً لكل مرفق على حدة وتساعد الزوار على تقييم تجربتهم في كل مرة تتجدد بها زياراتهم وذلك على غرار ما تتبعه كبرى الشركات والمواقع العالمية كمطار هيثرو ومطار حمد الدولي .

JACC and ASCC Measure Visitors' Satisfaction On The Spot

 قياس الأداء للزوار ..السعي لابتسامة دائمة

الرصد الفوري لآراء الزوار يعطي انطباعاً حقيقياً وواقعياً حول التجربة مما يساعد الكوادر الإدارية على تحسين الخدمات وتفادي السلبيات في كل مرة وهو الهدف الأساسي في إستراتيجية التطوير المستمرة ، الدراسات المتخصصة في هذا المجال تؤكد على أن الهفوات المتعلقة بمعظم الأعمال لا يمكن رصدها سوى من قبل العميل وهذا من شأنه أن يساهم بشكل كبير بتقييم دقيق لمستوى تجربة الزيارة للمراكز وهذا ما يهدف إليه المسؤولون بجعلها ذكرى لاتنسى

الزائر يبدي رأيه .. إذاً هو يهتم لأمرك

  يميل الإنسان بطبيعته للرغبة بإبداء رأيه وهذا ما أكدته إحدى الدراسات بأنه 89٪ من المستجيبين للمشاركة بالتقييمات يريدون تقديم تعليقات لتجاربهم الخاصة وهو ما يجعل مهمة جمع التعليقات في غاية السهولة ، قد تكون ثواني قليله تلك التي يستغرقها الزائر بتقييم التجربة بينما تبقى النقطة الإيجابية حاضرة في ذهنه وتنم عن إهتمام المسؤولين برأيه ، ففي كل مرة يتم فيها إستخدام النظام تعني بأنه هناك زائر مهتم بإيصال رأيه بشكل واضح ومفهوم ويحمل ولاء للمكان الأمر الذي يعزز التجربة ويقدم فرصة لتحليل الاهتمامات واتخاذ قرارات أفضل في المستقبل .

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أكثر من خمسة آلاف مشارك خلال أسبوع

في الفترة التجريبية للنظام الجديد وخلال سبعة أيام قدمت من خلالها المراكز عروض متنوعة وقامت مجموعة كبيرة من الزوار تجاوز عددهم الخمسة آلاف زائر بتقييم زيارتهم للمراكز الثقافية ما يشكل قوة تعزيزية إضافية لوسيلة التقييم السابقة عن طريق الرسائل النصية والتي تعطي فرصة للتقييم بشكل مستفيض

ويسعى القائمون على المراكز الثقافية دائماً للإستماع الى الاقتراحات وتصحيح الأخطاء والتطوير المستمر للمرافق كافة .

مركز الشيخ جابر الأحمد الثقافي هو معلم معماري وثقافي في قلب مدينة الكويت أفتتح عام ٢٠١٦ ويهدف لتسليط الضوء على الفنون والإبداعات المحلية والعالمية ويشكل مركزاً وطنياً للثقافة في البلاد ، يتكون من ٤ مباني بتصميم جذاب مستوحى من الجواهر وتحتوي على مسارح ، قاعات للمؤتمرات والحفلات والمعارض والمطاعم محاطة بحدائق ومسطحات خضراء

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Temperatures forecast to rise above annual average on Monday

Amman, A slight rise in temperature on Monday is expected to bring back hot weather conditions across most of the Kingdom, the Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD) said in its daily update.

A new rise in temperature is forecast on Tuesday, becoming 3-4 degrees above annual average, and bringing dry and hot weather to the heights and plains, while scorching conditions will prevail in most parts of the Kingdom, with moderate northwesterly winds.

Similar weather will persist on Wednesday despite a slight drop in mercury levels, with clouds at high altitudes in the central and eastern regions, the JMD added.

The highs in Amman and other highlands across the Kingdom today will range between 34 and 30 degrees Celsius, dropping at night to 22C or even 16C in the northern highlands. In the Gulf city of Aqaba, it will be much hotter with mercury reaching a high of 40C and a low of 29C

Source: Jordan News Agency


China’s crude oil output up 4 pct in January-June

Beijing, Chinese official data showed Monday that the country’s crude oil output saw steady expansion, rising 4 percent year on year in the first six months.

According to the Chinese National Bureau of Statistic, the output totaled 102.88 million tons from January to June.

In the same period, China imported 252.52 million tons of crude oil, down 3.1 percent year on year.

In June alone, China’s crude oil output went up 3.6 percent to 17.19 million tons, while crude oil imports fell 10.7 percent to 35.82 million tons, the data showed

Source: Jordan News Agency


Falling euro bodes well for Jordan’s foreign trade, finances: Pundits

Amman, Economists believe that the depreciation of the euro against the US dollar will benefit Jordan’s economy and finances by lowering the trade deficit with European Union countries and bolstering foreign exchange reserves.

In interviews with Petra, they also stated that a cheaper euro meant cheaper imports from the EU, as well as a lower cost of servicing the kingdom’s non-US dollar loans.

In the first three months of this year, trade between Jordan and European Union member states amounted to approximately JD1.029 billion dinars, with the balance heavily skewed in favor of the bloc countries, according to official data.

The Kingdom’s imports from EU countries totaled approximately JD939 million, while exports did not exceed JD90 million, resulting in a JD849 million deficit.

Head of the Jordanian European Business Association (JEBA), Ali Murad, noted that the Euro has dropped by around 20 percent since the start of 2022, which will have an impact on the Kingdom’s trade deficit with the bloc.

Iyad Abu Haltam, Vice-President of the East Amman Industrial Investors Association, agrees that the euro’s low exchange rate will reduce Jordan’s trade deficit with the EU, but warns that a cheaper euro will boost the appetite for imports, harming local products.

According to Abu Haltam, the damage may result from importing duty-free European goods, despite the fact that similar locally-produced alternatives are readily available on the market.

Source: Jordan News Agency


Parliamentary delegation attends UN Forum on SDGs

Amman, A Parliament delegation has participated in the United Nation’s High-level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), recently held at UN Headquarters in New York.

The delegates, led by MP Zaid Atoum, emphasized the correlation between SDG 17, which revitalizes the global partnership for sustainable development, and the other SDGs, particularly SDG 16, which promotes just, peaceful, and inclusive societies.

During the Forum, Atoum offered a briefing on the Jordanian perspective regarding the role of the Parliament in advancing legislation supporting the SDGs and efficiently exercising its oversight function in this area.

“Without a Parliament that is capable of exercising its legislative responsibilities, there will be no effective oversight to achieve any of the desired SDGs,” he added, pointing out some of Jordan’s SDGs achievements and others that still need to be developed, primarily those related to poverty and unemployment.

The Kingdom’s Voluntary National Review 2022 was also presented during the Forum

Source: Jordan News Agency


Global Covid-19 cases top 562mln

Amman, The total global caseload of the coronavirus amounted to 562 million as of Monday morning, according to the latest figures.

Johns Hopkins University’s data showed that the pandemic’s death toll rose to 6.3 million.

The total number of vaccines administered worldwide increased to 11.8 billion, according to data.

Source: Jordan News Agency