Arabic MENA Press Releases

‫صندوق “أميثيس” يستثمر في ترجمة، الشركة رائدة في مجال التقنيات والخدمات اللغوية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا

باريس, 23 نوفمبر / تشرين ثاني 2021 /PRNewswire/ — أتمّ صندوق “أميثيس” الثاني للشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا (AMF2)، الذي أطلقته “أميثس” حديثًا، استثماره في شركة ترجمة.

Tarjama secured a strategic investment from a French investment firm to propel growth prospects and continue to invest further into technology

تأسست شركة “ترجمة” في عام 2008 على يد رائدة الأعمال الأردنية نور الحسن، وأصبحت الشركة الرائدة في تقديم الخدمات والتقنيات اللغوية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، حيث تلبي احتياجات مجموعة واسعة من الشركات في أكبر أسواق المنطقة في مجال الخدمات اللغوية وخدمات التوطين. وقد طوّرت الشركة منتجات تقنية لغوية خاصة بها، بما في ذلك محرّك ترجمة آلية من الطراز الأول يركز على اللغة العربية، بالإضافة إلى نظام إدارة الترجمة عالي الأداء CleverSo. وتتمتع شركة ترجمة بحضورٍ متزايد في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا. وكونها شركة تترأسها سيدة، تلتزم ترجمة بمبدأ التكافؤ بين الجنسين، وتؤمّن كذلك فرص عمل للشباب في جميع أنحاء المنطقة.

وسيدعم استثمار “أميثيس” في ترجمة مساعي الشركة لتحقيق خارطة الطريق التي وضعتها في مجال تكنولوجيا الذكاء الاصطناعي، كما سيساعدها على تنفيذ استراتيجيات نمو داخلي وخارجي طموحة في الأسواق الرئيسية في المنطقة.

وقالت نور الحسن، مؤسِسة شركة ترجمة ورئيستها التنفيذية: “يمثل هذا الاستثمار الجديد من صندوق أميثيس فرصة كبيرة بالنسبة لنا في تطوير قدراتنا التكنولوجية والنجاح في جعل شركة ترجمة الجهة الرائدة في عالم الذكاء الاصطناعي للغات في المنطقة. نحن على أتم الاستعداد للانتقال إلى المرحلة التالية من النمو وقد بدأنا بها بالفعل، حيث سنتمكن من تطوير محفظة منتجاتنا بشكل كبير، والخروج بمنتجات مصممة خصيصًا حسب رغبات العميل، وتوسيع حضور شركتنا لكي يشمل الأسواق العالمية.”

ومن جانبه، قال توفيق الخويري، الذي مثّل “أميثيس” في الصفقة: “يجسّد استثمارنا في شركة ترجمة استراتيجيتنا المتمثلة في دعم رواد الأعمال المتميزين الذين يركزون على النمو ويعملون بنجاح في القطاعات سريعة النمو. لذلك، يسرّنا أن ندعم نور الحسن وفريق ترجمة في الانتقال إلى المرحلة التالية.”

ومن جانبه، قال لوران ديمي، الشريك المؤسس لـ “أميثيس”: “من خلال استثمارها في ترجمة، تفخر أميثيس بدعمها لشركة لا تتميز فقط بمكانة رائدة في سوق التوطين الجذابة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، بل أيضًا بكونها مؤسسة سريعة النمو تقودها سيدة، وقد حققت بالفعل مبدأ التكافؤ بين الجنسين.”

وقد استعانت نور الحسن وشركة ترجمة بشركة ديشيرت إل إل بي للحصول على خدمات استشارية قانونية، فيما اتخذت “أميثيس” شركة الحوراني وشركاه كمستشار قانوني واستعانت بخدمات شركتي بي دبليو سي وسلايتور لإجراءات العناية الواجبة المالية والضريبية والتجارية.

نبذة عن ترجمة

تقدم شركة ترجمة خدمات وتقنيات لغوية ذكية تساعد الشركات على التوسع السريع من خلال محتوى متعدد اللغات والصيغ. قامت نور الحسن بتأسيس ترجمة في عام 2008، وسرعان ما نمت الشركة لتصبح رائدة في سوق توطين اللغة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا من خلال مجموعة خاصة من الحلول اللغوية المبتكرة والمصممة خصيصًا للغة العربية.

وانطلاقًا من رسالتها الرامية إلى مساعدة الشركات على تحقيق إمكاناتها للنمو العالمي، تلتزم ترجمة بتقديم حلول لغوية تلبي المعايير الدولية للجودة والسرعة وكفاءة التكلفة. وتقدّم الشركة مجموعة متكاملة من الخدمات اللغوية القائمة على الذكاء الاصطناعي، بما في ذلك الترجمة والتوطين والترجمة الشفوية وكتابة المحتوى وتفريغ المحتوى الصوتي وترجمة الفيديو والاستشارات الاستراتيجية.  لمعرفة المزيد عن شركة ترجمة، يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني

نبذة عن “أميثيس”

أسس لوك ريغوزو ولوران ديمي شركة “أميثيس” بالشراكة مع مجموعة إدمون دو روتشيلد. وتدير الشركة صندوقًا استثماريًا يركز على القارة الأفريقية ومنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، حيث تتجاوز قيمة الأصول الخاضعة لإدارتها مليار دولار أمريكي، مع إنجاز ما يقرب من 30 استثمارًا حتى الآن.

وتوفر “أميثيس” رأس المال اللازم للنمو للشركات الكبرى الواعدة في مجموعة متنوعة من القطاعات من خلال شبكتها الدولية في أوروبا وأفريقيا. ويضم فريق “أميثيس” 40 موظفًا من ذوي الخبرة الواسعة في المنطقة والقطاع، موزعين على خمسة مكاتب في كل من باريس وأبيدجان والدار البيضاء ونيروبي ولوكسمبورغ.

ومن خلال صندوق أميثيس الثاني لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، والذي أتم إغلاقه الأول بمبلغ 101 مليون دولار أمريكي في يوليو 2020، ستستهدف شركة “أميثيس” استثمارات في حصص أغلبية وأقلية في مؤسسات صغيرة ومتوسطة سريعة النمو في المغرب ومصر وتونس والأردن.

نبذة عن إدمون دو روتشيلد

انطلاقًا من إيمانها بضرورة استخدام الثروة لبناء عالم الغد، تتخصص مجموعة إدمون دو روتشيلد، وهي دار استثمار تلتزم بمبادئها الراسخة، في مجال الخدمات المصرفية الخاصة وإدارة الأصول، وتقدم خدماتها لعملاء دوليين من العائلات ورواد الأعمال والمستثمرين المؤسَّسِيين. كما تنشط المجموعة في مجالات تمويل الشركات والأسهم الخاصة والعقارات والخدمات المقدمة للصناديق. ونظرًا لكونها تحت إدارة عائلية حاسمة تتمتع إدمون دو روتشيلد بالاستقلالية اللازمة لاقتراح استراتيجيات جريئة واستثمارات طويلة الأجل ومتجذرة في الاقتصاد الفعلي. وقد تأسست المجموعة في عام 1953، ويبلغ مجموع الأصول التي تقع حاليًا تحت إدارتها 173 مليار فرنك سويسري (أي 160 مليار يورو). وتضم المجموعة حوالي 2,600 موظفًا، كما يوجد لديها 32 مقرًا حول العالم.

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Sharon Stone asks for people to “say a prayer” after her mother an acute stroke

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BANG Showbiz English

Sharon Stone has asked fans “say a prayer” for her mother who suffered an acute stroke. The 63-year-old actress called on fans to send some support for her 88-year-old mom Dorothy as she is having health issues, having previously suffered another stroke in the past. The ‘Basic Instinct’ star wrote on Instagram on Monday (22.11.21) evening: “Say a prayer for Dorothy Marie Stone, my mom, who has suffered another acute stroke tonight. Thx.” Many of Sharon’s famous pals offered kind words for her and her mother, including Debra Messing, who commented on the post: “Oh Sharon, sending love and sayin…

MENA Press Releases

Seegene Announces Q3 2021 Earnings, Continuing COVID-Era Momentum

  • Q3 Revenue held steady at KRW 305.3 billion
  • Operating profit dipped slight due t powerful investment in R&D
  • Scheduled to introduce new diagnostic tests capable of screening 22 targets, including 3 genes of COVID-19 and 19 respiratory viruses in a single tube

SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Seegene Inc. (KQ 096530), a leading biotechnology firm specializing in molecular diagnostics (MDx) has announced financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2021.


Seegene reported third-quarter sales revenue of KRW 305.3 billion (approx. USD 260 million) and operating profit of KRW 128.6 billion (approx. USD 108 million), up 1% and down 11% QoQ, respectively.

To date, Seegene’s accumulated sales stand at KRW 960.8 billion (approx. USD 814 million), a 40% increase compared to the same period last year. Its accumulated operating profit also increased by 11% year-over-year, standing at KRW 466.7 billion (approx. USD 395 million). Given such figures, the total sales this year seem to have surpassed the KRW 1 trillion mark, however, the slight drop in operating profit is driven by an aggressive increase in research and development spending. Throughout 2021, Seegene has already invested approximately KRW 53.4 billion (approx. USD 45 million), the doubled amount of the previous year’s total R&D spending, in digitizing the assay development process and developing indigenous technologies for PCR instruments and assay ingredients.

“As we look ahead to the final months of 2021, the world is fortunate to have a range of highly effective COVID-19 vaccines and therapies, which are reaching more and more individuals. However, the need for testing remains, particularly as influenza and other viruses make their return in winter season,” said Myungkun Kim, Seegene’s Senior Managing Director. “Seegene is committed to being at the forefront of this diagnostics field, by anticipating and supporting new assays for COVID-19 and other infectious illnesses. Even as the pandemic evolves and more companies enter this space, we will continue to identify opportunities, staying competitive and working quickly to meet global demand through our various subsidiaries.”

Seegene has been a leader in the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, leveraging its proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) platform to develop one of the world’s first COVID-19 assays in a matter of days. With full automation and integration, the company has also shown it can rapidly scale its manufacturing to serve regions around the world. In response to a recent introduction of ‘living with COVID’ initiatives and vaccine passports, Seegene will continue this targeted innovation by producing a series of additional tests. It will soon offer a new testing solution with a much faster turnaround time, which will help streamline and scale up surveillance testing. Furthermore, Seegene will introduce new diagnostic tests that can screen 22 targets, including 3 genes of COVID-19 and 19 respiratory viruses in a single tube to prepare for a possible surge of both influenza and COVID-19 cases in winter season.

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MENA Pakistan Press Releases

Micro Insurance Company and Bikmo Partner to Enhance Cycle-To-Work Schemes in Austria

NEW YORK, Nov. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Micro Insurance Company (MIC) and Bikmo are partnering to provide digital solutions to encourage Cycle to Work schemes in Austria. In this partnership, MIC brings their underwriting expertise, with the ability to create unique solutions for very specific, non-traditional use cases. Bikmo, a European-based insurtech that specializes in bicycle insurance, will control product sales as well as handle the claims process.

A Cycle to Work scheme is an initiative to promote healthier commutes to and from work while also reducing environmental pollution. It allows employers to loan bicycles (or advance a loan for the purchase of a bicycle) to employees as a tax-free benefit. It’s a win-win scenario. If employees are cycling to and from work, they’ll be healthier, and thus, less likely to take sick days. It also means employers can supply less car parking spaces, which reduces their costs and is also good for the environment. Lastly, for employees looking for an alternative to public transportation post-covid, cycling to work is a good option. It keeps employees active and happy.

In an effort to further boost the attractiveness of these cycle-to-work schemes in Austria, MIC and Bikmo have designed a service warranty product that is embedded into the bicycle loans given by employers. This insurance-based product allows employees to take their bicycle in for service annually, which is a great added benefit for them. It also gives peace of mind to employers, knowing that if an employee needs a repair or replacement for their bike, they are covered. In other words, the cost of an unexpected circumstance related to their bicycle will not be the reason an employee stops biking to work. Having a built-in warranty means they can take care of any of their bicycle servicing needs and be back in action quickly.

Richard Leftley, EVP of Micro Insurance Company, says:

“We are very excited to make our first entry into the EU market and to do so with an innovative insurtech such as Bikmo is an endorsement to our focus on underwriting simple, effective insurance products.”

David George, CEO at Bikmo, adds:

“It’s been a delight to work with an insurer as agile and responsive as MIC to bring a product to market in record time for Bikmo. We’re looking forward to working with Richard and the team as we develop this product and new initiatives.”

This collaboration between MIC and Bikmo is pedaling down a great path towards improving the lives for countless Austrians.

About Micro Insurance Company

MIC is a full stack digital insurance platform that combines insurance capacity, in-country insurance licenses, world class distribution, and scalable tech. MIC provides insurance to the millions of people and businesses that are unserved by the current insurance models.

For more information, please contact Richard Leftley at or visit

About Bikmo

Bikmo is an award-winning cycling insurance specialist who invests in technology to protect the world’s cyclists. They insure bikes, kit and riders across the UK, Ireland, Germany and Austria.

For more information, please contact David George at or visit

MENA Press Releases

Introducing Asia Investment Research: Tracking Global Investment Flows into China and Asia

SINGAPORE, Nov. 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Asia Investment Research – AIR – is a new, unique data source for tracking Asian investment intelligence.

Tracking where the money is heading is an excellent way to find new investment trends and where the best and fastest returns are likely to be found. In this brand-new report, Asia Investment Research looks at where capital is flowing from the United States, EU, and UK into China and Asia – the volumes, companies, and the projects involved.

This is essential reading for Asia Financial Analysts, Government Trade Officials, International Banking, Financial, Private Equity, Pension and Venture Capital Analysts, Corporate Lawyers as well as Executives looking to Asia for the latest opportunities.

Jointly produced by China Investment Research and Dezan Shira & Associates, AIR provides unique, primary source reconciled data regarding Asian inbound investments.

In this brand-new, complimentary first issue we cover:

Q3 2021 Asia Inbound Report

  • US and European outbound investments into Asia and China – including volumes, companies, and projects;
  • Chinese outbound investment into ASEAN;
  • Regulatory market updates for China and ASEAN with analysis of new market openings;
  • Overview of the most recent Free Trade negotiations impacting Asia – including RCEP, CPTPP and many other bilateral discussions affecting Global-Asian trade

Download Your Complimentary Issue Now

Visit Our Website Here

What People Say About This Report:

“Absolutely fascinating” – Nirj Deva, ex British and European Parliamentarian, Chair of Commonwealth Union, London 

“Supports investment decisions with original analysis of crucial trends in Asian investment flows. AIR is frequently ahead of the curve and adds real value to investment data in a concise, readable format” – Julia Charlton, Charltons Law Firm, Hong Kong

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MENA Press Releases

Accor introduces Emblems Collection – a captivating portfolio of unique luxury hotels


PARIS, Nov. 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Accor, a world leading hospitality group featuring one of the industry’s most diverse and fully integrated hospitality ecosystems, is delighted to introduce Emblems Collection, a unique global portfolio of boutique hotels and luxurious resorts. Emblems Collection is launching with a magnificent flagship hotel – Guiyang Art Centre Hotel, Emblems Collection in China’s Guizhou province, slated to open in December 2022. The luxury brand is expected to grow to 60 properties around the world by 2030.

Emblems Collection is Accor’s newest hotel brand – the captivating luxury brand is expected to grow to 60 properties around the world by 2030.

“Emblems Collection adds a fresh and exciting new dimension to Accor’s luxury offerings. A key focus of our growth and development strategy is to add aggressively across our strongest lines and leading business accelerators, which includes luxury as well as collection brands, while ensuring all 40+ brands in our global network continue to grow, evolve and flourish,” said Sébastien Bazin, Chairman & CEO, Accor. “The hotels we will feature in Emblems Collection are those sought out by travelers who appreciate high-end, boutique-style experiences, as well as by hoteliers who cherish the independent brands they’ve built while desiring the benefits that come with a global partner.”

With the creation of Emblems Collection, Accor is broadening its footprint in the collection brands space and will look to replicate the success it has achieved with another of the Group’s brands – MGallery Hotel Collection, a storied portfolio that now counts more than 100 boutique hotels worldwide. With a similar free-spirited approach, yet focused on the luxury segment, Emblems Collection will feature unique hotels that are ’emblematic’ of their designers, demographics or destinations. Appealing to the stylish and the smart set, signature elements of the brand’s hotels will include luxurious surroundings, Instagram-worthy pools, and vibrant public spaces. Hotels and resorts joining the Emblems Collection will fall into three categories:

  • Emblems Collection Heritage – hotels that are landmarks of a destination – the buildings that contribute to the character of a city, place or nation; properties that celebrate the hallmarks of history and classic cultural traditions.
  • Emblems Collection Retreat – resort properties along blissful beaches, bucolic countrysides or nestled in the mountains, offering sumptuous spa and wellness experiences with holistic care and enrichment through rituals, serenity and wellbeing.
  • Emblems Collection Signature – design-led hotels that embody an aesthetic universe, an ode to the style and signature of the designers or original residents who contributed to the hotel’s unique legacy.

Designed for independent hoteliers
The Emblems Collection brand is designed with the needs of independent and boutique hotel owners in mind. For those seeking to upgrade their property’s luxury status and give their global profile a boost, the hotel brand standards of the collection are flexible, light, and easy to attain, with opportunities to sign franchise agreements – the only Accor luxury brand to offer this option. The new brand will encourage its hotels to retain their unique identities, which is important to hoteliers who have invested in creating a certain style for their hotel and/or market. Moreover, Emblems Collection provides direct ROI and the opportunity to maximize revenue with immediate access to the power of Accor’s sales, distribution and loyalty platform.

Guiyang Art Centre Hotel, Emblems Collection, slated to open in December 2022 in China’s Guizhou province, is the new brand’s first hotel.

“For owners and developers who have created unique luxury hotels, or are looking to develop a new upmarket offering, we offer a collection brand that can boost their property’s status and profile with limited investment in marketing and branding, along with an easy transition process,” said Agnes Roquefort, Chief Development Officer, Accor. “With Emblems Collection, a hotelier can optimize their costs and operations right away by leveraging Accor’s powerful global distribution and supply networks, while expanding their audience reach from the moment they join. We look forward to working collaboratively with more hoteliers and development partners to bring more hotels around the world to this outstanding collection.”

First Stop: China

Guiyang Art Centre Hotel, Emblems Collection is the inaugural flagship of the new hotel portfolio, residing in the city’s famous Guiyang Art Centre. Originally built as an opulent private residence, this crown jewel of the capital city attracts visitors with its lush landscaping, sprawling grounds, and serene wellness ambience.

Guiyang Art Centre Hotel, Emblems Collection

The city of Guiyang is well-known for its lovely warm climate, being centrally located in the province of Guizhou, and enjoys an enviable location along the north bank of the Nanming River. Often referred to as the ‘capital of summer resorts in China’, Guiyang is one of the fastest growing cities in the country, a leading tourism hotspot, and a popular destination for luxury travelers, both domestically and from afar.

“As one of the most important hospitality markets in the world, China is the perfect location for Accor to launch our newest luxury brand, and we are honored to work with our trusted partner, HLC Group on this landmark project. HLC is a respected business leader in Guizhou province and recognized as one of China’s top private enterprises; we are delighted to partner with them to bring our shared vision of the new Emblems Collection hotel in Guiyang to life,” said Gary Rosen, CEO, Greater China, Accor. “This grand and enigmatic property has long captured the attention of residents and visitors to Guiyang. Emblems Collection will bring a fresh, modern expression of luxury living to this iconic landmark, setting the high standards of hospitality and style that we expect for this brand as it expands to other markets worldwide.”

With 64 extraordinary suites and two magnificent ballrooms, guests will love the new Emblems Collection hotel, with its exciting mix of atmosphere, grandeur, style and innovation. Whether enjoying the serenity of the swimming pool, spa and fitness area, or the social buzz of one of the sophisticated hotel’s stylish bars, lounges and restaurants, the Guiyang Art Centre Hotel, Emblems Collection is certain to become one of the most popular hotels of the capital city of Guizhou province.

With a plan to grow the collection to 60 properties by 2030, Accor is actively seeking new properties to be part of Emblems Collection in targeted destinations across the globe. Paris and Prague are two key cities where luxury heritage hotels might be candidates for Emblems Collection Heritage or Emblems Collection Signature. Other target cities for potential growth include London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Madrid, Marrakech, Cairo, Amman, Doha, Moscow, Bangkok, Seoul, Sydney, Montréal, New York, Havana, Cartagena, Santiago, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, and Santiago, among others. For the Emblems Collection Retreat, short-listed destinations include Tuscany, Mykonos, Bodrum, Algarve, Bali, Australia’s Gold Coast and Mexico’s Riviera Maya.

Accor is a world leading hospitality group consisting of more than 5,200 properties and 10,000 food and beverage venues throughout 110 countries. The group has one of the industry’s most diverse and fully-integrated hospitality ecosystems encompassing more than 40 luxury, premium, midscale and economy hotel brands, entertainment and nightlife venues, restaurants and bars, branded private residences, shared accommodation properties, concierge services, co-working spaces and more. Accor’s unmatched position in lifestyle hospitality – one of the fastest growing categories in the industry – is led by Ennismore, a creative hospitality company with a global portfolio of entrepreneurial and founder-built brands with purpose at their heart. Accor boasts an unrivalled portfolio of distinctive brands and approximately 260,000 team members worldwide. 68 million members benefit from the company’s comprehensive loyalty program – ALL – Accor Live Limitless – a daily lifestyle companion that provides access to a wide variety of rewards, services and experiences. Through its Planet 21 – Acting Here, Accor Solidarity, RiiSE and ALL Heartist Fund initiatives, the Group is focused on driving positive action through business ethics, responsible tourism, environmental sustainability, community engagement, diversity and inclusivity. Founded in 1967, Accor SA is headquartered in France and publicly listed on the Euronext Paris Stock Exchange (ISIN code: FR0000120404) and on the OTC Market (Ticker: ACCYY) in the United States. For more information visit, or follow Accor on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Press Contacts: Charlotte Thouvard,; Mike Taylor,; Line Crieloue,

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Down 2-0 early, Blues breakthrough in 5-2 win over Vegas

Published by
St. Louis Post-Dispatch

ST. LOUIS — The Blues turned what looked like it would be another installment of Frustration Theater into something that could leave them all feeling happy thanks to a spirited 135 seconds in the first period of their game with Vegas on Monday at Enterprise Center. Down 2-0 less than seven minutes into the game, the Blues turned everything upside down, with three goals in 2:15. When the game was done, they had goals from some names who have been strangers to the goals column. Tyler Bozak and Niko Mikkola, playing just his third game of the season, had their first goals of the season. Ryan O’Re…

MENA Press Releases

5G Vitality Set to Strengthen as Market Growth Exceeds Expectations

DUBAI, Nov. 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The 5G market continues to enjoy impressive momentum globally. Early leadership from ‘pioneer’ operators in South Korea and China has given way to extensive deployments and healthy adoption across developed, and a growing number of developing, markets. With smartphone vendors building strong portfolios of affordable and attractive 5G smartphones, the 5G market is enjoying growth that has exceeded expectations influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic and global supply chain challenges.

According to the GSA, by the end of September 2021 180 operators in 72 countries/territories had launched 3GPP-based 5G services, either mobile or fixed wireless access (FWA) broadband deployments: 172 were offering commercial 5G mobile services and 66 5G FWA services. At the same time in the 4G lifecycle, Strategy Analytics counted just 75 commercial 4G LTE networks.

Those networks have grown at an impressive rate. More than 1.5 million 5G base stations have been deployed in the last two years, with over one million of these in China. Few operators globally have moved at the pace of the Chinese, but there are a growing number of operators who have built out 5G to more than half of the population in their market. By the end of 2021, Strategy Analytics forecasts that 2.3 billion people will be covered by at least one commercial 5G network, 29% of the world’s population. As with the network launches, this rate of coverage growth is more than 2x that seen with 4G LTE. We forecast that 5G networks will cover two-thirds of the world’s population by the end of 2026.

While the rate of 5G network expansion has been encouraging, Strategy Analytics has been impressed with the momentum building behind Standalone 5G in 2021. Again, the GSA has counted 19 operators in 15 countries who have launched public 5G Standalone networks by October 2021.

As you would expect with these deployment trends, 5G subscriber growth has also been strong and significantly outperformed 4G. The number of 5G subscriptions globally increased from 510 million at the end of June 2021 to 640 million in September, a level that it took 4G over five years to reach. According to our device technologies team, 425 million 5G phones were shipped in the first nine months of 2021, 3x above 2020 levels, and they forecast that 60% of smartphones sold in 2022 and 77% sold in 2026 will support 5G. Very early in the 5G technology cycle there is already ‘something for everyone’ in the smartphone market, with Apple dominating the high end and a growing number of (Chinese) vendors producing sub-$200 models for a global audience. While there has been healthy growth in FWA services and emerging enterprise applications, 5G phones are accounting for the bulk of 5G volumes today.

At Huawei’s recent Mobile Broadband Forum in Dubai, operators and industry bodies spoke clearly about the benefits they see 5G bringing to their business, to customers and to society. At a high level, the GSMA reiterated its call to the industry “to unlock the full power of connectivity so that people, industry, and society thrive“, emphasizing the upside for 5G operators in value generation and in contributing to society by connecting the unconnected, unlocking economic growth and enabling carbon emission reductions. The SAMENA Telecommunications Council built on this message by highlighting the contribution 5G is making in the Middle East with the growth in 5G utilization in the healthcare vertical, a sector that has seen rapid digitalization as part of the COVID-19 response, and in the oil and gas industries.

One area where 5G has made a positive contribution to the COVID-19 response has been in the deployment of 5G FWA services to support the significant changes in working patterns and education. Zain’s operations in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have seen an encouraging performance boost from promotion of 5G FWA services, with revenue and profitability improving as it has focused on high-coverage, high-performance 5G for broadband connectivity. Zain has 450,000 5G FWA connections and 15,000 5G leased line connections delivering an ARPU of US$70 (versus a mobile ARPU of US$26 in Kuwait and US$20 in Saudi Arabia). 5G already accounts for 40% of traffic for Zain in Kuwait.

Zain is one of a number of Middle East operators enjoying early success with 5G. As the region leads globally in 5G FWA deployments it is also seeing healthy adoption of 5G smartphones supported by strong network footprints. For example, in the UAE, du has over 10% of its subscribers on 5G (on a network covering 90% of the population), with smartphone adoption complementing the role of FWA as a mainstream revenue source for the operator.

Alongside these successes in the Middle East, we often talk about successful 5G developments in China, South Korea, and the US, where 5G accounted for 27%, 26% and 17% of subscriptions respectively at the end of September. It is worth also looking to emerging markets to see 5G growth already happening. In the Philippines, both Globe and Smart have built good 5G FWA businesses and 5G mobile B2C adoption is also starting to develop, with over 1.8 million 5G connections in that market (albeit just 1.2% of the total). While in Thailand, AIS had 1.6 million 5G handsets on its network delivering 1.5 million ‘5G package subscriptions’, equivalent to 4.3% of its total customer base or 13% of its postpaid base. AIS’s 5G network covers 42% of Thailand’s population (90% of the capital region) and 5G phone prices start at low as US$45 on a US$30 service plan contract. It’s 5G ARPU is over US$18, offering a 10-15% uplift over postpaid ARPUs, with good gains made in its postpaid market share in 2021.

The speed with which developing nations have entered the 5G market (embracing the economies of scale unlocked in China) sets it apart from the early days of 4G dominated by developed markets. The scale of 5G today, on most measures 2-3 times the size of the 4G market at the same time in its lifecycle, is impressive and significantly exceeds the expectations as the technology came to market in 2018 and 2019. There is still much work for operators to do to support the 5G application and services ecosystem and deliver on its promise, but the foundations are very much in place.

MENA Press Releases

Impermanent Loss, Crypto’s Silent Killer, Threatens the Core Tenets of DeFi: Bancor

ZUG, SWITZERLAND / ACCESSWIRE / November 22, 2021 / One of the original creators of DeFi is aiming to fix one of the industry’s most pressing problems.

When Bancor launched the first-ever DeFi liquidity pool in 2017, the project’s founders saw a tragic flaw in their invention: That when a token rises in price, investors are prone to lose money, fast. The issue, known as “impermanent loss”, costs users billions in crypto gains each year. Today, more than $20 billion staked in liquidity pools is affected.acces-1

Bancor released a solution in late 2020 that fully protects users from impermanent loss by insuring against the risk at the protocol level. Now, one year later and with over $200 million earned by Bancor depositors in the last 10 months, the project is gearing up for the release of its third protocol version. Like its predecessor, Bancor V3 will fully protect users from a risk that threatens to undermine the core tenets of DeFi.

Impermanent loss (IL) is the risk that liquidity providers take in exchange for fees they earn in liquidity pools. If IL exceeds fees earned by a user when they withdraw, it means the user has suffered negative returns compared with simply holding their tokens outside the pool.

“Due to the complex nature of impermanent loss, only a small handful of the most active and sophisticated users are able to reliably hedge against the risk and minimize its impact on their DeFi earnings,” said Nate Hindman, Head of Growth at Bancor.

“If staking in liquidity pools is only profitable for the most advanced users, liquidity is likely to become concentrated in the hands of far fewer actors, reducing DeFi’s resistance to censorship and manipulation,” Hindman said.

A recent study on impermanent loss conducted by crypto consultancy Topaze Blue found that around 50% of users staking their tokens in Uniswap V3 are suffering negative returns. In certain pools, the percentage of users who lost more from IL than they gained in trading fees was as high as 70-75%.

Impermanent loss is known as a silent killer in the industry, since it is difficult for users to notice it. The value of a user’s holdings in a liquidity pool may rise if the composite tokens increase in price, creating the illusion of profits. However, compared with simply buying and holding the staked assets in the contributed amounts, the user may still be incurring losses.

To shed more light on the issue, Bancor and DeFi analytics provider APY Vision recently teamed up to launch The site allows users to input their Ethereum wallet address and see how much cumulative IL they’ve suffered in their lifetime, and which pools have burned them the most. Users who share their IL on Twitter with the hashtag #BancorBailouts qualify to receive $1000 in relief. One recent post revealed a $400,585 loss from providing liquidity to 27 pools.

The push to expose users to the perils of impermanent loss and the risk it poses to decentralized liquidity markets comes as Bancor is preparing to release its upcoming V3. Core contributors will unveil the key features on a community YouTube livestream on November 29th at 8:30pm EST.

“Bancor V3 is designed to make decentralized finance as simple and safe as possible for everyday users,” Hindman said. “The soul of DeFi is on the line. We must prevent DeFi from becoming a playground for the rich and connected to extract value from protocols and dump on everyone else — and this starts with fixing liquidity pools.”

About Bancor Protocol

Bancor is the only decentralized staking product that allows you to earn money with single-token exposure and full protection from impermanent loss. Bancor generates millions in fees per month for users who deposit their tokens in the protocol, offering up to 40% APR on tokens like ETH, WBTC, LINK, USDT, MATIC & more. Bancor is owned by its community as a decentralized autonomous organization (the BancorDAO).

Learn more about Bancor Safe Staking

Learn more about Impermanent Loss

Media Contacts:

Kim Bazak, MarketAcross

Or Bancor
Nate Hindman, Tel +972586993434
Head of Growth

SOURCE: Bancor


Arabic MENA Press Releases

‫شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية (CGTN): يركز البرنامج الخاص “InnoBay 2021” على ديناميكية الابتكار في منطقة الخليج الكبرى

بكين, 23/نوفمبر/2021  PRNewswire// — برزت منطقة خليج الكبرى التي تضم هونج كونج، وماكاو، وتسع مدن في مقاطعة قوانجدونج كأحد الأسباب الأساسية للابتكار التكنولوجي في الصين. ولزيادة إطلاق إمكانات التكنولوجيا وريادة الأعمال في المنطقة، عقدت كلا من شبكة تلفزيون الصين GGTN، وHong Kong X Foundation– وهي منظمة خيرية تابعة ل Sequoia China برنامجًا خاصًا “InnoBay 2021” في 22/نوفمبر.

'InnoBay 2021' special program focuses on Greater Bay Area's innovation dynamism

تبادل صناع السياسات ورجال الأعمال والخبراء وجهات النظر بشأن الابتكار وتطوير التكنولوجيا في هونج كونج فيما يتعلق بمنطقة الخليج الكبرى، إلى جانب الإجراءات اللازمة لزيادة الاستفادة من المزايا لبناء اقتصاد قائم على الابتكار.

وياتي من بين المتحدثين البارزين ليونج تشون ينج، نائب رئيس اللجنة الوطنية للمؤتمر الاستشاري السياسي  للشعب الصيني، والرئيس التنفيذي السابق لهونج كونج، إلى جانب الزعيم الحالي كاري لام. أعرب كلاهما عن أملهما في جعل هونج كونج مركزً للابتكار الدولي ، والتكنولوجيا حول العالم.

 في غضون ذلك، تبادل شين هايشيونج، نائب وزير وزارة الدعاية باللجنة المركزية للحزب الشيوعي، ورئيس مجموعة الصين الإعلامية الرؤى المستمدة من خبراته العملية الشخصية في المنطقة، وقدم اقتراحات بشأن الطريق نحو المستقبل.
