Arabic MENA Press Releases

‫حصدت شركة فولانت تكنولوجيز جائزة “أفضل مزود للخدمات السحابية” في حفل توزيع جوائز مجلة “MEA Finance” لعام 2021

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة 11 نوفمبر 2021 / PRNewswire / – اليوم، أعلنت‏‏شركة فولانت تكنولوجيز، الشركة العالمية الرائدة في مجال المدفوعات السحابية والرسائل المالية، عن حصدها جائزة “2021 MEA Finance” لأفضل مقدم خدمات سحابية.

وتهدف هذه الجوائز إلى قياس التميز والأداء في مجال التكنولوجيا المصرفية والمالية وتعزيزها إلى جانب الاعتراف بفضل المؤسسات التي تضع ابتكاراتها بين أيدي عملائها في وقت المنافسة الشديدة والتكنولوجيا سريعة التغيير.

وتعد هذه ثاني جائزة تفوز بها فولانت في الشرق الأوسط هذا العام. وفي شهر أكتوبر، حصلت على جائزة MEA Finance Banking Technology لأفضل مزود حلول الدفع المبتكر.

وفي الآونة الأخيرة، أعلنت شركة فولانت عن اتساع نطاق خدماتها في المنطقة من خلال الشراكة مع موردي التنفيذ المحليين لتعزيز المدفوعات المصرفية وأتممتها، مما يثمر عن إقامة صلات أفضل بين خبرة المدفوعات العالمية والوجود المحلي.

 يشهد القطاع المصرفي في الشرق الأوسط تسارعًا في التحول الرقمي مع اتساق نطاق خيارات الدفع عبر الحدود  والدفعات الفورية. تمنح حلول المدفوعات السحابية الأصلية من شركة فولانت المؤسسات المالية في الشرق الأوسط مطلق الحرية في تجاوز قيود التكنولوجيا القديمة المفروضة لتقديم مزايا حلول المدفوعات الحديثة لعملائها.

صرح كينيث ميتشين المدير التنفيذي والناشر في مجلة MEA Finance  أن: “فولانت تكنولوجيز هي فائز مستحق لحصد جائزة أفضل مزود خدمات سحابية. ويكمن الفوز في مواصلة اعتراف صناعة الخدمات المالية بأن فولانت هي الشركة الرائدة في الخدمات السحابية والمدفوعات في جميع أرجاء الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا “.

 صرح فيجاي أوديراجو الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة فولانت تكنولوجيز: “لكم يسعدنا أن نحصد هذه الجائزة. حيث تهدف معالجة المدفوعات في السحابة إلى تحسين الإنتاجية وتقليل التكاليف وضمان المرونة والوصول إلى الخدمات المصرفية على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع – واستفادة العملاء من نقل فوائدها ومدخراتها. وفي نهاية، هذا سيساعد المؤسسات المالية في الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا على تحقيق الهدف الأوسع نطاقًا المتمثل في توسيع رقعة الشمول المالي وضمان حصول المستهلكين والشركات في المنطقة على وصول فوري ومنخفض التكلفة إلى رأس المال “.


MENA Press Releases

Drip Capital Connects with TradeLens to Provide Blockchain-Enabled Financing Solutions for Importers and Exporters

PALO ALTO, Calif. and MUMBAI, India, Nov. 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Drip Capital, Inc., a leading cross-border digital trade finance platform, today announced a collaboration with TradeLens, a blockchain-enabled digital platform, to provide easy access to credit for small and medium businesses (SMBs) across the world.

International trade is the backbone of the global economy. However, it continues to work with inefficient paper-intensive processes. Even today, most of the cross-border documents are exchanged physically, delaying the transaction by weeks. Lack of digital records also limits SMBs’ access to formal finance, restricting their growth trajectory.

Drip Capital provides collateral-free financing to SMBs engaging in cross-border trade. The company partners with operators across the global supply chain to increase access to finance for SMBs and aims to build a trade facilitation platform to help ease their pain points.

This collaboration will assist Drip in its mission to simplify global trade. TradeLens, through its network of connected carriers, issues electronic bills of lading (eBL), which eliminates paper-based BLs that are a key feature of all international trade transactions. Drip hopes to use these blockchain-enabled documents to provide SMBs with financing faster and in a more secure manner.

Elaborating on the collaboration, Pushkar Mukewar, Co-Founder and CEO of Drip Capital, said, “We at Drip are committed to making global trade easy and accessible for small businesses. Many stakeholders in the global supply chain support TradeLens, and we are thrilled to collaborate with them. Their blockchain-enabled solutions will allow us to offer enhanced customer experience through digital, secure and efficient processes.”

For TradeLens, the alliance opens new opportunities to scale their business and connect with various stakeholders to digitally transform the global supply chain. Daniel Wilson, Head of Strategy and Operations, GTD Solutions and TradeLens platform, shared, “Simplifying trade for SMBs is a shared objective for TradeLens and Drip Capital, and we are excited to have a leading-edge solution join our ecosystem. The TradeLens eBL can help Drip Capital drive for greater efficiency in trade finance for all involved parties.”

“Drip Capital has enhanced the export/import finance business for the SMBs,” said Bimal Kanal, Director of Network for South Asia, GTD Solution, and the TradeLens platform. “Collaborating with TradeLens as a network partner opens new opportunities for shippers as well as Drip Capital for digitizing documentation and ownership of the cargo. With more and more partners joining the TradeLens network, we are steadily moving towards strengthening the network that will benefit more stakeholders and rapidly digitize the global supply chains.”

About Drip Capital

Drip Capital is a market leader in the global trade finance space. The company offers trade financing solutions in the US and developing markets like India and Mexico by giving their clients access to working capital quickly. Drip works with over 3500 sellers and buyers spread across 80+ countries.

The Fintech firm has financed over $2 billion of international trade since its inception in 2016. Drip has raised about $520 million through venture capital and debt since 2016, including over $85 million in equity capital through investors such as TI platform, Irongrey, Accel Partners, Sequoia Capital, Wing VC, and Y Combinator. Drip Capital was honored as a CB Insight’s Top 250 Global Fintech Companies in 2020. Read more about the company here:

About TradeLens 

TradeLens is an open and neutral industry platform underpinned by blockchain technology, supported by major players across the global shipping industry. The platform promotes the efficient, transparent, and secure exchange of information to foster greater collaboration and trust across the global supply chain.

Media Contact
Vanita D’souza
Communications Manager, Drip Capital


Arabic MENA Press Releases

‫‫توسع شركة جيتاك مجموعتها من الأجهزة اللوحية الآمنة جوهريا والتي تعمل بنظام التشغيل ويندوز من خلال إطلاق F110-EX المتينة.

TAIPEI, 11 نوفمبر 2021, /PRNewswire  —

ملخص الاخبار

  • تم تصميم الجهاز اللوحي من الجيل التالي للاستخدام في البيئات الخطرة ATEX و IECEx Zone 2/22
  • يتميز الجهاز الجديد بنفس المواصفات القوية التي يتمتع بها الكمبيوتر اللوحي F110 من الجيل التالي، بما في ذلك معالج Intel® Core ™ من الجيل الحادي عشر، وتخزين PCIe NVMe SSD واتصال Wi-Fi 6
  • يوسع إطلاق مجموعة جيتاك من الأجهزة اللوحية القوية الآمنة التي تعمل بنظام ويندوز، مما يمنح العملاء الذين يواجهون بيئات عمل خطرة مزيدًا من الخيارات
F110-EX’s rugged reliability and powerful connectivity help maximise operational efficiency at all times, while its intrinsically safe technology protects employees from explosive hazards in ATEX & IECEx Zone 2/22 environments.

 أعلنت شركة جيتاك اليوم عن إطلاق الجيل التالي من F110-EX ، وهو نسخة آمنة جوهريًا من جهازها اللوحي القوي F110 المتين والمتعدد الاستخدامات، والذي يهدف إلى المهنيين الذين يعملون في/حول بيئات ATEX و IECEx منطقة 2/22 الخطرة. يعني الإطلاق أن جيتاك تقدم الآن خيارات ATEX و IECEx لثلاثة من الأجهزة اللوحية القوية المستندة إلى نظام التشغيل ويندوز – UX10-EX و F110-EX و K120-EX – للعملاء الذين يتطلعون إلى تحويل الجوانب الرئيسية لعملياتهم رقميًا.

أداء قوي
يتميز F110-EX بنفس المواصفات القوية مثل الجيل التالي الذي تم كشف النقاب عنه مؤخرًا F110 . تشمل الميزات معالج Intel® Core ™ من الجيل الحادي عشر مع بطاقة رسومية Iris® Xe مدمجة، وتخزين PCIe NVMe SSD افتراضيًا، و WLAN Wi-Fi 6 لسرعة بيانات أسرع بثلاثة أضعاف عن الأجيال السابقة، وتقنية Bluetooth 5.2 و 4G LTE WWAN . يوفر منفذ ThunderboltTM 4 المدمج اتصالاً بسرعة 40 جيجابت / ثانية لإمكانيات حل شاملة موسعة ، بينما توفر شاشة LumiBond® 2.0 مقاس 11.6 بوصة سطوعًا استثنائيًا (1000 شمعة في المتر المربع) وقابلية للقراءة في جميع الظروف الجوية

The F110-EX’s intrinsically safe design, wide operational temperature range, rugged reliability, and long battery life make it ideally suited to key tasks like mining.

تصميم آمن جوهريًا
بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يتميز F110-EX بمجموعة من عناصر التصميم الآمنة جوهريًا التي تمكنه من تلبية معايير شهادة ATEX و IECEx الصارمة للاستخدام في البيئات الخطرة في المنطقة 2/22. وتشمل هذه الأغطية المطاطية على دبابيس التوجيه والأجزاء المعدنية المكشوفة والموصلات المغلقة وحماية الشاشة، مما يساعد على التخلص من مخاطر الشرارات الكهربائية الذي يمكن أن يشعل الأجواء القابلة للانفجار.

تم تصميمها بمتانة من الألف إلى الياء
مثل جميع أجهزة جيتاك، تم تصميم F110-EX أيضًا من الألف إلى الياء. شهادة MIL-STD-810H و IP66، مقاومة السقوط من أربعة أقدام أثناء الاستخدام ونطاق درجة حرارة التشغيل من -21 درجة مئوية إلى +60 درجة مئوية (-6 درجة فهرنهايت إلى 140 درجة فهرنهايت) كلها توفر مزيدًا من راحة البال وتساعد في تحسين إنتاجية المستخدم.

الحل الأمثل لبيئات العمل الخطرة
أداء F110-EX القوي وعامل الشكل المضغوط والتصميم الآمن جوهريًا يجعله مناسبًا بشكل مثالي للمحترفين الذين يعملون في بيئات صعبة وخطيرة مثل تلك الموجودة في مجالات التعدين والنفط والغاز والصناعات الكيماوية والتصنيع. فيما يلي سلسلة من حالات الاستخدام المحتملة:

  • التعدين – عمليات التفتيش على سلامة أعمدة المناجم
    تلعب السلامة دورًا كبيرًا في عمليات التعدين، حيث يمكن أن يشكل الوجود المحتمل للغبار أو الغازات القابلة للاشتعال تحديات كبيرة. إن التصميم الآمن جوهريًا لـ F110-EX، ونطاق درجة حرارة التشغيل الواسع، والموثوقية القوية، وعمر البطارية الطويل يجعلها مناسبة بشكل مثالي للمهام الرئيسية مثل فحص أعمدة المناجم، مما يساعد في الحفاظ على سلامة العمال أثناء قيامهم بواجباتهم.

    The F110-EX’s 11.6” sunlight readable screen, optional barcode/RFID reader, FHD webcam, and 8MP rear camera simplify field data collection, while optional GPS and powerful connectivity options make sending/receiving information from remote sites quick and easy.
  • النفط والغاز – مسح الموقع وجمع البيانات
    يعد جمع البيانات الرقمية وتحليلها جزءًا أساسيًا من عمليات النفط والغاز الحديثة، مما يساعد على تحسين الإنتاجية وإدارة الموارد وتجنب التوقف غير المخطط له. تعمل شاشة F110-EX القابلة للقراءة بضوء الشمس مقاس 11.6 بوصة، وقارئ الرمز الشريطي / RFID الاختياري، وكاميرا الويب FHD، والكاميرا الخلفية بدقة 8 ميجابكسل على تبسيط عملية جمع البيانات الميدانية، في حين أن نظام تحديد المواقع (GPS) الاختياري وخيارات الاتصال القوية تجعل إرسال/استقبال المعلومات من المواقع البعيدة أمرًا سريعًا وسهلاً.
  • التصنيع – مراقبة مصانع الكيماويات والأدوية
    يمكن أن يكون التصنيع الكيميائي والصيدلاني صعبًا على معدات تكنولوجيا المعلومات، في حين أن العديد من المنشآت غالبًا ما تحمل مخاطر إضافية تتمثل في احتمال وجود غازات أو غبار قابل للانفجار. تساعد الموثوقية القوية والاتصال القوي لـ F110-EX على زيادة الكفاءة التشغيلية إلى أقصى حد في جميع الأوقات، بينما تحمي تقنيتها الآمنة جوهريًا الموظفين من المخاطر المتفجرة في بيئات ATEX و IECEx منطقة 2/22.

يقول ريك هوانج ، رئيس شركة Getac Technology Corporation : “يجب أن تكون سلامة العمال دائمًا أولوية قصوى وأن تكون المعايير الصارمة مثل ATEX و IECEx بمثابة معيار قوي للمنظمات التي تعمل في القطاعات الخطرة بشكل خاص”. “تُظهر مجموعتنا الواسعة من الأجهزة اللوحية ATEX و IECEx منطقة 2/22 القوية بالكامل التزامنا المستمر بسلامة العمال، مع تزويد العملاء أيضًا بمجموعة من الحلول التي تساعدهم على تلبية احتياجاتهم وتحدياتهم الفريدة.”

يأتي F110-EX أيضًا مع ضمان جيتاك لمدة ثلاث سنوات من المصد إلى المصد، والذي يغطي التلف العرضي بشكل قياسي. يساعد هذا الضمان الرائد في الصناعة العملاء على الحفاظ على الكفاءة التشغيلية من خلال إعادة تشغيل أجهزتهم بسرعة وتشغيلها دون القلق من التكلفة الإضافية أو تمديد فترة التوقف في حالة حدوث ما هو غير متوقع.

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نبذة عن جيتاك
شركة Getac Technology هي شركة فرعية رئيسية لشركة جيتاك القابضة ( TWSE : 3005)، جزء من MiTAC-Synnex Business Group بإيرادات سنوية لعام 2020 تبلغ 41.3 مليار دولار أمريكي. تأسست شركة جيتاك في عام 1989 كمشروع مشترك مع GE Aerospace لتوفير الإلكترونيات الدفاعية. تشمل أعمال Getac اليوم أجهزة كمبيوتر محمولة متينة وأجهزة لوحية متينة وبرامج وحلول فيديو محمولة للدفاع والشرطة ورجال الإطفاء والمرافق والسيارات والتصنيع والنقل والخدمات اللوجستية. لمزيد من المعلومات قم بزيارة: . شارك في مدونة Getac Industry أو تابع الشركة على لينكد إن و يوتيوب و فيسبوك و تويتر .

جيتاك وشعار جيتاك هما علامتان تجاريتان لشركة جيتاك القابضة أو الشركات التابعة لها. الأسماء أو العلامات التجارية الأخرى هي ملك لأصحابها. ©2021 Getac Technology Corporation.

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Africa MENA Press Releases South Africa

Kikitrade announces joint venture with Oxford Frontier to launch a digital asset trading platform targeting the Middle Eastern markets

  • Kikitrade, the cryptocurrency social investment platform, announced a joint venture with the UK-based emerging market specialist Oxford Frontier to launch a digital asset trading platform for the Middle Eastern markets.

HONG KONG, Nov. 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Kikitrade raised a total of $12M in 2021 to accelerate its growth in the APAC markets, backed by investors from the likes of British hedge fund billionaire Alan Howard, Dragonfly Capital and blockchain gaming unicorn Animoca Brands. It progresses forward with an aim to popularise digital assets adoption among everyday people, particularly the Generation Z, millennials and non-finance professionals.

Spearheaded by the UAE and Bahrain, the Middle East region is developing increasingly favorable regulatory regimes for digital assets to attract technology talent and enterprises. With the speedy development of Metaverse and broader acceptance, blockchain-based assets will become an important driver of the next wave of financial technology.

Kikitrade aims to provide a cryptocurrency investment platform and to create an “interactive and educationable” in-app community by integrating social and gaming elements to the platform. Whilst Kikitrade will focus the product and technical development for the retail investors in the countries, Oxford Frontier will secure local licenses and localise the platform with its solid knowledge and network in the Middle East, and expertise in the areas of online trading, capital markets, and blockchain. Kikitrade and Oxford Frontier will deeply synergise after the formation of the joint venture.

Muhammad Ali Khwaja, the CEO of Oxford Frontier, said: “We are encouraged by the regulatory initiatives in the Middle East and we think Kikitrade would be the ideal platform, especially for those investors who are new to digital assets, especially the Generation Z. We are delighted with our partnership with Kikitrade. We will be looking to hire a technology and sales team to accelerate its market expansion.”

Allen Ng, co-founder of Kikitrade, said: “The Middle East has become that provides an outstanding roster of customers with a friendly regulatory environment for digital assets. Kikitrade will extend its product and technical development expertise to set foot in the Middle Eastern markets. We are excited to join Oxford Frontier in this venture which has deep knowledge of fintech businesses and the Middle Eastern markets.”

About Kikitrade

Kikitrade is a social investment platform that allows beginners to purchase and manage digital assets at ease, with a minimum investment amount of just US$1. The company was incubated by Everest Ventures Group (EVG) in 2020, a digital assets group that has participated in many renowned blockchain projects. Kikitrade strives to be the most secure and user-friendly gateway for millennials and first-time investors to start their crypto investments.

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MENA Press Releases

Aurora Strategy Group Announces Expansion into the Middle East

Canadian public affairs firm opens offices in Israel and the United Arab Emirates

TORONTO, Nov. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Marcel Wieder, President and Chief Advocate announced today that the Aurora Strategy Group will be expanding its practice to include Israel and the Arabian Gulf region. “We have concluded a strategic partnership with Beyad Halashon Communications in Israel to represent clients there, while Aurora will reciprocate in Canada. At the same time, Aurora founding Principal Craig Hughson, is establishing a presence in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, to serve the Gulf region,” said Wieder. “This gives us a strategic presence in one of the fastest growing markets for Canadian companies. At the same time, it offers opportunities for Middle Eastern firms to access the Canadian market.”

Beyad Halashon Communications is headed by David M. Weinberg, a seasoned and well-respected public relations and government affairs consultant. According to Weinberg, “Trade between Canada and Israel, and Israel and the UAE, has been growing significantly and this is an opportunity to help clients understand the opportunities that are available to them.” Weinberg went on to say, “Partnering with Aurora, with a national footprint and an experienced team, will help Israeli firms access the Canadian market.”

“Opening up an office in Dubai is a terrific opportunity for Aurora,” said Hughson. “As the only Canadian owned public affairs firm to have a footprint in the UAE, we will offer clients unprecedent access to an important and growing market. Plus, with the addition of the Israel office, we will build on the recent Abraham Accords signed between the UAE and Israel.”

“The addition of Weinberg is an important milestone for Aurora,” Wieder said. “Together with Hughson in Dubai, this is a strong Middle East team that can serve the needs of clients in both markets.”

Aurora Strategy Group is also part of the International Public Relations Network that consists of more than 50 firms in over 40 countries. Aurora clients have access to this network to ensure their global message is delivered.

Aurora Strategy Group is a public affairs, government and public relations firm based in Toronto, Ontario with offices in Edmonton, Alberta and Moncton, New Brunswick.

For further information contact:

Marcel Wieder Tel: 416-907-2126 Email:

David M. Weinberg Tel: 972-54-776-7273 Email:

Craig Hughson Tel: 971-50-573-3647 Email:

MENA Press Releases

CGTN: Peng Liyuan urges advancing education for girls, women

BEIJING, Nov. 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Peng Liyuan, the wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, has called for sustained efforts to enable more women to receive a quality education that contributes to realizing the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.

Peng, a special envoy of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for the advancement of girls’ and women’s education, spoke in an interview with the Courier, a flagship magazine published by UNESCO.

Noting that eliminating poverty and realizing gender equality are the common ideals of humanity and the common aspirations of women worldwide, she said that through unremitting efforts, China had achieved the goal of eradicating absolute poverty, with education a very important vehicle.

“We should be more determined to promote girls’ and women’s education, work to ensure that more women receive quality education and contribute to the realization of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals,” Peng said.

She called on everyone around the world to work together and explore new ways and jointly meet challenges. “As COVID-19 continues to spread around the world, it is our common wish that no girl should be left behind,” she said.

Peng affirmed the significance of UNESCO’s Futures of Education initiative, saying that women are an important force for advancing human civilization and creating a better future for all.

She expressed her hope that governments of all countries, as well as international organizations, and non-governmental organizations, will take active actions to empower women through education, promote greater development of girls’ and women’s education, and inject new impetus into the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

In 2015, China and UNESCO jointly established the Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education. In recent years, the prize has continued to have a positive impact.

As UNESCO Special Envoy for Girls’ and Women’s Education, Peng expressed her willingness to continue to fulfill her role and that China will continue to work with the UN agency to ensure the success of the second edition of the Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education.

This year, as UNESCO marks its 75th anniversary, the Courier is publishing a special issue to highlight the major challenges facing education in the world today and to propose solutions.

Africa MENA Pakistan Press Releases South Africa

New Research from Cornell University and FreedomPay Reveals Cybersecurity Confidence Gap in Retail, Restaurant and Hospitality Sectors

Despite High Confidence in Their Risk Assessment Capabilities, Study Finds a Third of Companies Have Been Breached, and 89% Have Been Hit Multiple Times

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Nov. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) –New data released today by Cornell University’s Center for Hospitality Research and FreedomPay, a global leader in data-driven commerce, reveals that while nearly all (96%) surveyed retail, restaurant and hospitality stakeholders are confident in their companies’ internal risk assessment processes, their satisfaction (95%) in the security of their systems is misaligned with reality, as one-third of companies (31%) have experienced a data breach in their company’s history. Of companies that have been breached, 89% have been hit more than once in a year, and 69% of retail businesses have been breached upwards of three times in a year.

Check Please! How Restaurant, Retail and Hospitality Businesses are Managing Cybersecurity Risks – a joint study between Cornell and FreedomPay – is based on a new survey of small, medium, and large-size enterprises across the hospitality, retail, and food and beverage sectors.

“Especially over the past two years, cybersecurity has been top of mind for businesses as we navigate a highly complex eCommerce network,” said Chris Kronenthal, President of FreedomPay. “Retailers and hospitality businesses increasingly view their payments systems as more than transaction processing – they are important sources of data and customer insights. Merchants and consumers alike need the assurance that this data is being protected and managed properly.”

“These findings provide a baseline understanding of how key decision-makers are handling cybersecurity issues and offer key insights for optimizing and fortifying systems as we continue down this path of accelerated digital transformation,” said Professor Linda Canina, the Dr. Michael Dang Director of the Center for Hospitality Research at the Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration.

Threats Are Rising, Complexity Abounds

With new cyber threats emerging daily both internally and externally, business leaders are juggling a full slate of concerns and challenges. Threats such as payment integrity (59%) and malware (58%) are the most cited concerns, with risk management (57%) cited as the biggest challenge leaders say their systems face. Companies also fear internal threats, with hospitality companies most frequently citing human error (86%) and lack of employee education (81%) as negatively impacting cybersecurity systems.

Businesses’ best efforts to protect themselves and customers are spurring growing complexity and system proliferation. The findings revealed three-quarters (74%) of companies use more than one cybersecurity system. Medium merchants (80%) are significantly more likely than small merchants (67%) to use more than one system. More than half of companies (56%) have many cybersecurity systems in many locations. Overall, companies are split on whether systems are governed by a single department (51%) or multiple (49%). Small merchants (57%) are significantly more likely to keep governance to one department, while large merchants (63%) are significantly more likely to have multiple departments involved.

Roadblocks Remain

Businesses are challenged to balance security with customer preferences, with many implementing heightened cybersecurity measures to make their customers feel more secured and reassured when making a purchase. The study found that 91% of companies believe their customers deeply care about cybersecurity while 86% believe it increases customer loyalty. Yet, companies acknowledge the inherent tradeoffs – namely, two-thirds (65%) of leaders believe that customers are annoyed by extra security measures, and they want systems to be easy to use (67%).

Budgetary concerns may also play a factor in determining any potential system enhancements – among the few (15%) that currently do not have plans to enhance their system, they are most likely to cite preventative costs (61%) and an unwillingness to have a disruption in service (52%).

Despite these roadblocks, companies have said they are increasing or have increased their IT budgets, calling out the COVID-19 pandemic and technology as driving forces. Other notable findings include:

  • In The Dark: More than one-third (35%) of surveyed leaders do not know how much of their company’s budget is spent on cybersecurity.
  • Bicameral Opinion: While 91% of respondents agree that their customers do care about cybersecurity, 48% also believe their customers do not care about cybersecurity.
  • Inaction: Nearly all (96%) companies say they value the importance of security systems to protect their data, and 85% agree that their customers would be more satisfied if they had extra security measures in place. Yet, half (50%) have either not increased their IT security budget or decreased their budget since 2019.
  • Show Me The Money: Still, companies are divided on what precautions and guidance are worth the cost. Four-fifths (83%) of companies who do use a third-party to manage and secure information say this option is “more cost-effective” for their business, while half (51%) of companies who do not use a third-party supplier cite it as being “more costly” than their current process.
  • Checking The Box? Almost all merchants (91%) are very or extremely confident that their company adequately trains end-users, relying on conferences and seminars (71%) to keep them trained and engaged. Notably, small (92%) and medium (95%) merchants are significantly more confident than their large (79%) counterparts, where the most common form of end-user engagement comes from training videos (82%).
  • Looking for a Leader: A majority of companies (87%) say they would welcome involvement from the U.S. government to fight cybersecurity threats as well as enhance policy (84%). Large merchants (threats-76%, policy-74%) and retail companies (threats-81%, policy-75%) are significantly less likely to want the U.S. government involved.

Click here to download the report.


The survey was conducted by Hanover Research and included 300 respondents for small, medium, and large-size enterprises across hospitality, retail, and food & beverage spaces.

About FreedomPay

FreedomPay’s Next Level Commerce™ platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay’s technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce. The company maintains a world-class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay’s robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in-store, online and on-mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale.

About Cornell Center of Hospitality Research

Cornell’s Center for Hospitality Research (CHR) was created in 1992 for the purpose of expanding both the quality and volume of research supporting the hospitality industry and its related service industries. The CHR’s mission is to advance hospitality thought leadership by publishing and disseminating impactful and actionable research that industry leaders can put into practice today; facilitating the exchange of new ideas by bringing students, faculty, and industry professionals together at roundtables, panels, conferences, and other engaging events; and partnering with the other Centers and Institutes in the Cornell Nolan School of Hotel Administration to maximize research, event, and networking collaborations.


Hill + Knowlton Strategies for FreedomPay
MENA Press Releases

CGTN: China vows to treat market entities equally, build open market system

BEIJING, Nov. 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — China has pledged to better safeguard investment and business operations in the country to further its all-round opening-up and advance global economic recovery. The pledge comes almost two months after it announced applying for the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and about a month and a half before the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement takes effect.

China will treat all types of market entities equally and build a “unified and open market system with orderly competition,” said Chinese President Xi Jinping in his address at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit via video link on Thursday. In his keynote speech, Xi called for commitment to sustainable development and efforts to build an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future.

Explaining recent measures taken by Chinese authorities to improve the implementation of anti-monopoly laws and strengthen regulations of some domestic industries, he said the measures are necessary for the healthy development of China’s market economy, adding that they are also common practices across the world.

“We will work unswervingly to consolidate and develop the public sector, and encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public sector,” he said.

China will make continuous efforts to strengthen the foundation for the long-term development of its economy and provide a better safeguard for Asia-Pacific and global businesses to invest and start operations in the country, he said.

Established in 1989, APEC has become an important platform to facilitate economic cooperation among 21 economies in the Asia-Pacific region. The CEO Summit is part of the 2021 APEC Economic Leaders’ Week, hosted by New Zealand and chaired by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

In his speech, Xi called on economies in the region to “look and march forward” and “oppose discriminative and exclusive acts.”

“There will be no future to draw lines according to ideology and form small geopolitical circles,” he said. “The Asia-Pacific region cannot and should not go back to the state of confrontation and division of the Cold War era.”

Development and green transformation

Xi also elaborated on the relationship between economic development and green transformation, calling for a coordinated and holistic approach to promote green and low-carbon transformation.

“Without development, we cannot foster enough economic forces to sustain the green transformation; if people’s livelihood is neglected, there will be no social support for the green transformation,” he said.

China vows to introduce a series of measures to facilitate the overall green transformation of economic and social development during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025) and beyond. The country has pledged to peak its carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060.

Meanwhile, Chinese authorities vow to follow a people-centered philosophy for development. After eradicating absolute poverty and securing a landmark victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, the country is intensifying efforts to promote high-quality development that intends to bring common prosperity for all.

“We must have an accurate grasp of the concept of sustainable development, adhere to the people-centered approach, and coordinate economic growth with securing people’s livelihood, as well as energy conservation and emission reduction,” Xi said.

He called for efforts to “promote green transformation in economic development and achieve greater development in green transformation.”

Describing China’s campaign to reduce carbon emissions as a “profound socio-economic transformation,” he said the country will strive to make contributions to global green transformation.

Xi will attend the 28th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting via video link on Friday and deliver another speech.

Video –

Africa MENA Pakistan Press Releases South Africa

Zenfolio Acquires Format to Expand Services for Photographers

Menlo Park, California, Nov. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zenfolio, the leader in creative and business solutions for photographers, announced that it has acquired Format, a major website-building platform and marketplace based in Toronto, Canada, used by professional photographers and artists worldwide. Both companies offer Software as a Service (SaaS) business solutions – Zenfolio since 2006 and Format since 2010. Combined, these two market leaders provide the most comprehensive service offering to photographers and artists, leveraging their respective brands and complementary strengths.

John Loughlin, Zenfolio CEO, shared the rationale for bringing the two companies together. “We deeply respect the Format brand, their employees and community, and the business they have built,” he stated. “This combination will expand the capabilities and services offered to our respective customers.”

Lukas Dryja, Format CEO and Co-Founder, shared his enthusiasm for the merger. “Since creating Format, we have cared deeply about our community and team,” he said. “Partnering with Zenfolio is a tremendous opportunity for both. The Format community will benefit from Zenfolio’s extensive technology services while Zenfolio customers will have access to world class tools and designs to showcase their work online.”

The Format acquisition continues a strategy launched by Zenfolio three years ago to reimagine the company. Zenfolio recently unveiled a new cloud-based technology platform using artificial intelligence and machine-learning that is redefining the business of photography. Zenfolio leads the industry in workflow automation, helping photographers manage and grow their businesses, while spending more time behind the lens.

“Bringing together two leading platforms for photographers allows us to accelerate the development of new services by taking best in breed features and capabilities and making them available to customers of both companies,” Loughlin explained.

The two brands will initially operate in parallel, each retaining its current employee workforce and subscription base. Format will continue to be headquartered in Toronto. Zenfolio headquarters will continue to be located in Menlo Park, California.

About Zenfolio

Zenfolio Inc., a Centre Lane Partners company, offers advanced business solutions enabling photographers to easily show, share and sell their images. For the past 15 years, Zenfolio has proudly served photographers around the globe.

About Format

Format empowers professional photographers and creatives by transforming them into successful entrepreneurs. Founded in 2010 in Toronto, Canada, Format is a proudly self-funded company with a remote team distributed globally.

Vista Point Advisors acted as the exclusive advisor to Format in its sale to Zenfolio.


MENA Press Releases

Fortem Technologies Announces SkyDome System Long-Range Drone Mitigation at Dubai Airshow

Fortem’s CEO Timothy Bean to speak on counter-UAS at the USA Partnership Pavilion and on a Boeing panel at the show

PLEASANT GROVE, Utah, Nov. 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Fortem Technologies, leaders in airspace security and defense for detecting and defeating dangerous drones, today announced its participation at this year’s Dubai Airshow, taking place November 14-18, in tandem with the release of SkyDome® System 3.7, which now commands the furthest distance for safely stopping an autonomous drone threat approaching a protected venue, campus, or metro region.

Fortem Technologies

“Fortem’s latest software release further enhances the capability to protect our US and allied government customers from hostile drone attacks,” says Major General, USA (Ret.) Clay M. Hutmacher. “As the recent attack on the Iraqi Prime Minister shows, drones pose a significant and growing threat to all peace-loving people.”

On Monday, November 15 at 2 p.m. at the Forum within the USA Partnership Pavilion, Fortem’s CEO, Timothy Bean, will be speaking on counter-drone capabilities and lessons learned from their deployments. On November 16 at 10:45 a.m. at Vista, Timothy will speak on a keynote panel, sponsored by Boeing, about how to build a successful company through large strategic partnerships.

“The SkyDome System naturally evolves to safely defeat larger and multiple targets where other systems are limited by cost, size, power, range, safety, or single drone targeting,” said Timothy Bean, CEO of Fortem Technologies. “This 3.7 update is an example of that natural evolution where updates are added to a fundamentally disruptive autonomous architecture to create real, viable, ongoing solutions to the evolving drone threat.”

At the show, Fortem will be officially announcing the release of SkyDome System 3.7 which further extends Fortem’s leading long range end-to-end drone mitigation solution. SkyDome System 3.7 adds longer range target validation and implementation of additional unique urban clutter suppression algorithms. This update enables the defeat of low flying targets at longer ranges in urban and other highly-cluttered environments.

The Fortem SkyDome System consists of a low cost and small form factor family of TrueView® radar, the world’s most advanced low SWAP-C radar system with AI on the edge technology for detecting, tracking, and classifying multiple simultaneous small, low to the ground airborne objects; and the Fortem DroneHunter®, which autonomously pursues, captures, and tows away dangerous or malicious drones with no collateral damage. DroneHunter can now effectively be sent to safely defeat and intercept threats up to three times further than competing C-UAS solutions.

SkyDome System 3.7 also pairs DroneHunter’s extensive mitigation range with a long-range camera option that extends the ability to validate a target visually. While many competing drone solutions utilize camera systems that only have a ~30X zoom, SkyDome System 3.7 offers visual validation up to three times further utilizing an 88X zoom camera. In conjunction with Fortem TrueView radar, this enhanced visual validation range now allows Fortem to boast one of the longest end-to-end detection, validation, and mitigation ranges in the industry.

SkyDome System 3.7 also introduces urban clutter suppression algorithms which allows the system to accurately view threatening drones in urban and other high clutter environments.

“The urban clutter suppression algorithms leverage the massive parallel processing capability in each TrueView sensor to effectively detect drones and enable mitigation at long range of low flying targets,” says Adam Robertson, CTO of Fortem Technologies. “This advanced suite of algorithms and filters give a superior view of targets of interest in urban environments.”

This new capability, when combined with DroneHunter’s range, provides an opportunity to secure events, critical infrastructure, and other key areas of interest with the stand-off distances needed to keep them truly safe.

To learn more, please visit

About Fortem DroneHangar
The Fortem DroneHangar™ is an environmentally controlled hub that protects a DroneHunter from extremes in temperature and weather, keeping it charged and ready for flight 24/7. The DroneHunter NetGuns are easy to remove and reload in under ten seconds to resume secondary missions quickly. Other effectors besides nets are available as well. The low cost of both the overall system and the expendable effectors brings an operationally viable solution to the battlefield and installations that is available today.

About Fortem Technologies, Inc.
Fortem Technologies is the leader in airspace awareness, security, and defense for detecting and defeating dangerous drones. Through an advanced, end-to-end system of distributed radar, AI at the Edge, deep sensor integration, and autonomous drone capture, Fortem is deployed across five continents to monitor and defend the world’s airspace over venues, campuses, and metro regions. The same system is accelerating the safety of the world’s airspace for advanced air mobility (AAM). Based in Pleasant Grove, Utah, the company is privately held and backed by Toshiba, Boeing, DCVC, Mubadala Investment Company, Signia Venture Partners, and others. For more information visit

Contact: Amanda Mieczkowski
BAM for Fortem Technologies

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