Africa MENA Press Releases South Africa

Cuamba Solar PV + Energy Storage Project Breaks Ground In Mozambique

MAPUTO, Mozambique, June 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — In a significant step toward a clean energy future, Globeleq, a leading independent power company in Africa and its project partners, Source Energia and Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) have celebrated the start of construction of the 19MWp (15MWac) Cuamba Solar PV plant and a 2 MW (7MWh) energy storage system.

Globeleq - Powering Africa's Growth

The Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Dr Ernesto Max Tonela, was the official guest at the power plant site in Cuamba where the ground breaking ceremony was held. The project will contribute to the Government’s “Energy for All” strategy, aiming to have universal energy access by 2030.

The US$32 million project is located in the Tetereane District of the city of Cuamba, Niassa province, about 550 kms west of the coastal town Nacala. The project is the first IPP in Mozambique to integrate a utility scale energy storage system and includes an upgrade to the existing Cuamba substation.  Electricity will be sold through a 25-year power purchase agreement with EDM.

The project is expected to receive US$19m of debt funding from The Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund (“EAIF”), a member of the Private Infrastructure Development Group (“PIDG”). Furthermore, the project will receive US$7m in grant funding from PIDG’s Viability Gap Funding (“VGF”) grant facility and a US$ 1m grant from CDC Plus to enable an affordable tariff and the energy storage system.

Jonathan Hoffman, Globeleq’s Chief Development Officer commented: “This project is a trailblazer for future utility-scale energy storage in Mozambique and the region.  Cuamba Solar, along with all our energy projects we are working on, cements our ongoing commitment to contribute to the long-term energy security and development of the country on a low carbon pathway.”

Globeleq and Source Energia are also developing one of the first wind projects in Mozambique located near the town of Namaacha 40km west of Maputo.  In addition, Globeleq has recently pre-qualified to compete for the 40 MWp Dondo solar power project in Sofala Province and has been selected for two 15MWp solar projects in neighbouring Eswatini.

Pedro Coutinho, Source Energia’s Founding Partner and Managing Director added: “Source is excited to have reached this significant milestone to Mozambique and the Niassa Province with the Cuamba Solar PV and energy storage project. We are committed to work towards developing projects that are in line with the Mozambique energy goals for universal access that are led by EDM.”

Marcelino Gil, EDM Chairman explained EDM’s commitment to the country energy mix based on the abundance of resources in Mozambique, with the visibility to promote clean and renewable energy toward the commitment of universal access to energy to all Mozambicans by 2030.

It is expected the project will need around 100 workers during construction, many of which will be hired from the local community. The Spanish company, TSK, has been appointed as the project EPC contractor.  Globeleq will oversee the construction and operations of the power plant, supported by Source Energia.

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Arabic MENA Press Releases

هيتاشي فانتارا وريدنجتون الخليج:حلول التخزين يجب أن تلبي تحديات اليوم وأهداف الأعمال التجارية بالمستقبل

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 14 يونيو 2021 /PRNewswire/ — وفقًا لاستطلاع ماكنزي العالمي الأخير للمسؤولين التنفيذيين، قامت الشركات بتسريع رقمنة تعاملات العملاء وسلسلة التوزيع وعملياتها الداخلية لمدة ثلاث إلى أربع سنوات.بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فقد تسارعت حصة المنتجات الرقمية أو الممكّنة رقميًا في حافظاتها بسبع سنوات.

Hitachi Vantara and Redington Gulf

ونتيجة لذلك، أصبح تخزين البيانات مكونًا رئيسيًا للأعمال التجارية في جميع أنحاء العالم.واحدة من الاتجاهات الحالية في سوق تخزين البيانات واتي تحظى بشعبية واسعة وبطلب كبير بسبب ارتفاع قدرة التخزين من حيث تيرابايت وبيتابايت للبيانات الضخمة التي تنتجها المنظمات.

وطبقاً لتقرير صدر مؤخراً عن IndustryARC، فإن من المتوقع أن يصل سوق تخزين البيانات إلى 4.2 مليار دولار بحلول عام 2026، وأن ينمو بمعدل قدره 32.3% في الفترة من عام 2021 إلى عام 2026 بسبب الزيادة السريعة في تطورات بيانات المستهلكين والآلات.سيكون السوق مدفوعًا بتزايد الحاجة إلى الهواتف الذكية ، وأجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة، وأجهزة الكمبيوتر، وبرامج التخزين على الإنترنت لدى المؤسسات الصغيرة والكبيرة.ومن المتوقع أن تنمو سوق تخزين البيانات بسبب الاعتماد الكبير لتكنولوجيا التخزين السحابي وأجهزة تخزين البيانات الخارجية “.

تشهد منطقة الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا زيادة مماثلة في الطلب على منتجات تكنولوجيا التخزين.وفقًا لسانجاي نيثاني، المدير العام – لشركة Hitachi Vantara،في لشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا “كانت مهمة هيتاشي منذ إنشائها في عام 1910 تطوير أحدث التقنيات للبنى التحتية الاجتماعية وتحسين جودة المعيشة والمساهمة في المجتمع.ونهدف إلى تقديم حلول تساعد على حل تحدياتنا العالمية المتنامية في سوق سريع التغيّر لأن ذلك سيقرب الشركة من العملاء ويتماشى مع احتياجات المجتمع.في الشرق الأوسط، نواصل الاستثمار في الموارد والجهود ونتبع نفس الاستراتيجية، لنبقى قريبين من عملائنا وشركائنا القيمين “.

Hitachi Vantara storage solutions هي المعيار الذهبي لتخزين البيانات عالية الأداء وتثق بها المؤسسات المالية العليا ومجلة فورتشن لأفضل 500 شركة.تُظهر بيانات IDC أن عمالة المعرفة العادية تقضي ساعتين ونصف الساعة يوميًا، أي ما يقرب من 30٪ من وقتها، في البحث عن المعلومات.نظرًا لأن 80 ٪ من بيانات الشركة غير منظمة وتنمو بنسبة تزيد عن 50 ٪ سنويًا ، فهذا هو السبب الرئيسي الذي يجعل المؤسسات بحاجة إلى بنية تخزين الكائنات سريعة وقوية.تعد بنية تخزين الكائنات من هيتاشي للتعامل مع كميات كبيرة من البيانات غير المهيكلة باستخدام خوارزميات البيانات الوصفية بمثابة USP لحلول تخزين البيانات الخاصة بها.

بعضًا من الأسباب الرئيسية التي تجعل المنظمات تفضل حلول هيتاشي فانتارا:

1.تسليم المشروع المُعجل

انتقل إلى السوق بشكل أسرع باستخدام تخزين البيانات الحديث الذي يزيد من الكفاءة التشغيلية، ويسرع من اعتماد عمليات تجارية جديدة، ويحسن تجارب العملاء.

2.حماية بياناتك بثقة تامة.

حافظوا على حماية بياناتكم على النحو الواجب بالبرامجيات والخدمات التي تكفل استمرار توافرها والتقيد بمتطلبات الامتثال.

3.تعزيز مواردك

قم بقيادة مرونة الأعمال على المدى الطويل من خلال تخزين البيانات القابل للتطوير الذي يساعد في الحفاظ على تكاليف الإدارة تحت السيطرة مع دعم مجموعة متنوعة من أنواع البيانات وأعباء العمل.

4.موثوقية “الضبط والنسيان”

تستغرق القليل من الوقت والمال على الصيانة، التحديث، والتدريب على المهارات، مع العلم أن العمليات الذكية والإبلاغ الموثوق بها سوف تبقيك ومركز البيانات الخاص بك في مستوى السرعة.

5.بناء مؤسسة للمستقبل

الحصول على سمات ووظائف شبيهة بالمؤسسات على أساس احتياجات وموارد اليوم.مع إمكانات المقياس الخطي، ستحصل على القيمة الكاملة لاستثمارك.

وتتوفر حلول هيتاشي فانتارا لمنتصف المدة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا من خلال موزعها الرسمي، ريدنغتون الخليج FZE ومقره دبي.


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MENA Press Releases

CGTN: China to build Zhejiang into demonstration zone for common prosperity

BEIJING, June 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — China’s eastern Zhejiang province is expected to make substantial progress in building a demonstration zone for common prosperity through high-quality development, according to a guideline released by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council on Thursday.

The guideline rolled out multiple measures to guide the province in setting an example for promoting common prosperity.

By 2025, Zhejiang should achieve solid progress in building the demonstration zone, with its per capita gross domestic product (GDP) reaching the level of moderately developed economies, while a social structure with a middle-income population as the majority should be generally developed by then, the guideline said.

And 10 years after that, the province will achieve greater success in high-quality development, achieving common prosperity on the whole, according to the guideline.

Promoting the common prosperity of all Chinese people is an arduous and long-term task that cannot be fully implemented in a short time. Thus, the urgent need is to select some areas with relatively sufficient conditions as a pilot, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said in response to reporters’ question on China’s plans in Zhejiang.

Zhejiang’s pioneering role

Building the demonstration zone in Zhejiang is conducive to promoting more coordination between urban and rural income distribution, boosting industrial development and optimizing public services, according to a research from Bank of China Research Institute.

As China is now the second-largest economy in the world, more attention should be paid to the coordination between urban and rural income growth and economic growth to narrow the income gap and strengthen middle-income groups. Zhejiang demonstration zone will broaden the income channels of urban and rural residents, and explore ways to increase the income of low-and middle-income groups, as well as improve the salary distribution policy for skilled talents, the research said.

Zhejiang has a developed economy, a strong sense of reform and innovation, and enjoys the foundation and advantages for the building of demonstration zones. The guideline said Zhejiang should build a coordinated advancement of industrial and consumption upgrading, to better meet people’s diversified needs, which requires high-end, intelligent, and market-oriented development in the industry, and promote the vitality of labor, technology, state-owned and private capital and other factors, according to the research.

Why was Zhejiang selected?

Zhejiang Province has achieved obvious results in exploring and solving the problem of unbalanced and insufficient development; the fruits achieved through reforms there will provide experience for other parts of the country, China’s state planner said.

Zhejiang is a comparatively wealthy province. Its residents’ per capita disposable income stood at 52,400 yuan (about $8,199) in 2020, second only to Shanghai and Beijing.

The development there is also well-balanced as rural residents account for half of its total population, but the income differential between urban and rural residents is 1.96, much lower than the national 2.56.

All parts of Zhejiang generally show a relatively strong sense of reform and innovation, offering various advanced reform experiences such as quick and easy one-stop services. Despite all these services, the potential for further growth and prosperity remains strong in the province, for instance, in anti-monopoly management and preventing disorderly expansion of capital.

According to the NDRC, the problem-oriented guideline focuses on the weakest link hindering common prosperity and puts forward key measures to narrow the gap between urban and rural regional development and income distribution among different groups.



Global oil derivatives prices rise in 2nd week of June

The prices of oil derivatives in global markets have risen in the second week of June, according to data released on Monday by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

The ministry’s figures showed that the price of 90-octane gasoline went up by 1.8 percent, going from $645.7 per ton in the first week to $657.1, while the price of 95-octane gasoline rose from $661.8 per ton to $672.2 , an increase of 1.6 percent.

Diesel prices also increased by 1.5 percent going from $565.2 per ton to $573.9, while the prices of kerosene rose by 1.3 percent, from $587.3 to $595 per ton.

The prices of liquefied gas for June went up by 9.6 per cent, going from $480 to $526.3 to per ton.

Benchmark Brent crude prices also increased in the second week of the current month, from $69.9 to $71.3 per barrel.

Source: Jordan News Agency


AmCham-Jordan meeting explores Jordan-U.S. trade

The American Chamber of Commerce in Jordan (AmCham-Jordan) has hosted an online session titled “The National Tijara Coalition: The ongoing work of local partners to support enterprises in growing their exports to the U.S.”

The meeting featured Wissam Rabadi, former Minister of Planning and International Cooperation and Chairman of Jordan Exports, Fathi Jaghbeer, Chairman of Jordan Chamber of Industry and Amman Chamber of Industry, and Mohammad Al-Shoha, Chairman of Irbid Chamber of Commerce and Jordan Chamber of Commerce Board Member, according to an AmCham-Jordan statement released Monday.

The session was attended by more than 50 companies and private sector representatives, and was moderated by AmCham-Jordan CEO Rose Alissi.

It shed light on the future plans and joint activities of National Tijara Coalition – a dedicated public-private platform for dialogue and work established in 2001 and aimed at enhancing bilateral economic ties between Jordan and the U.S.

It comes as part of a twelve-month series of events and activities to mark the 20th anniversary of the Jordan-U.S. Free Trade Agreement that came into force in 2001, implemented with support of USIAD Middle East Economic Growth Best Practices Project (MEG).

The discussions revolved around the set of identified strategic priorities and actions for the coming two years, which will target specific challenges to help companies in the manufacturing and services sectors in their post-COVID recovery, by leveraging the Jordan-U.S. relationship in trade and investment to strengthen Jordan’s economy.

The U.S. is Jordan’s top export market as over 20% of Jordan’s global goods exports go to the U.S., where Jordan, generally, enjoys a trade surplus. Strengthening business ties with American corporations can have a key role in boosting competitiveness of Jordanian firms and supporting job growth.

Chairman of the Jordan Chamber of Industry Fathi Jaghbeer said the Jordan-U.S. Free Trade Agreement is one of the most successful trade agreements Jordan has in terms of trade volume supported by smooth administrative processes and low bureaucracy.

He called on manufacturing and services companies to explore the opportunities offered by the Agreement by benefiting from the Tijara Coalition’s support programs, where the public and private sectors are working together in true partnership to support companies grow their business with the US.

Wissam Rabadi, Chairman of Jordan Export, underlined the strong relation with AmCham-Jordan and expressed commitment and support to work as part of the National Tijara Coalition to help companies access the U.S. market. He noted that disruptions in the supply chains due to the unprecedented global situation require Jordanian companies to not only rely on traditional markets but consider expanding into non-traditional markets, such as the U.S. to diversify their imports and exports.

Mohammad Al-Shoha, Chairman of the Irbid Chamber of Commerce, explained that trade is a critical aspect of local economic activities and more needs to be done to integrate the sectors which will add value and enhance competitiveness. He indicated that overcoming challenges can only be achieved through concentrated joint action and Jordan Exports and the National Tijara Coalition reflect partners commitment to working together.

Chairman of AmCham-Jordan Mohammad Bataineh stressed the value of the Jordan – U.S. economic partnership which anchors Jordan to the world’s largest economy, and the role of the National Tijara Coalition to further develop Jordan-U.S. business ties.

Source: Jordan News Agency


Legal action planned against poultry syndicate over price fixing

The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply is initiating legal action against the Poultry and Feed Investors Association (PFIA) after the latter lodged an official request with the Jordan Chamber of Commerce (JCC) to ask traders to sell fresh chicken at a flat price.

According to a letter sent by Minister Maha Ali to the JCC, the minister asked the chamber to disregard the association’s request and said the ministry will take all legal measures necessary to block any anti-competitive practices in the market.

“The Competition Law prohibits, on pain of prosecution, any practices, alliances or agreements, whether explicit or implicit, that constitute a breach of, limit or prevent competition, especially those whose subject or objective is the price-fixing of goods or services or terms of sale or the like”, Ali said in the letter, a copy of which was seen by Petra.

Ali noted that a recent decision by her ministry canceling a price ceiling it set in February for poultry meat was meant to allow prices to float in the market according demand and supply and fair competition, stressing that the PFIA’s move was a clear violation of the law.

She emphasized that the ministry will continue to monitor markets and will take the appropriate decision if “unjustified” price hikes are reported.

Source: Jordan News Agency


Gov’t, U.N. launch National Food Systems consultations ahead of Food summit

The Ministry of Agriculture in cooperation with the United Nations on Monday, embarked on a series of national consultations on Jordan’s food system ahead of the UN Food Systems Summit scheduled to take place this year.

The first dialogue held today in Irbid Governorate, will be followed by two sub-regional dialogues in Balqa and Karak, and a National summit in Amman, which are designed to provide an opportunity for all stakeholders, from producers to consumers, to discuss the sustainability of food systems in the Kingdom.

“The COVID-19 outbreak emphasized the importance and need for world countries to work together not only to combat the pandemic, but also to address and reduce its economic, social and environmental impacts. Jordan, like other countries in the world, has committed itself to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (the seventeen goals and their multiple goals) that are directly related to the issue of food security, hunger and nutrition, and we are aware that in order to achieve our goals and meet our commitments by 2030, we must develop plans and strategies to transform Food systems to ensure the adoption of healthy and affordable diets as part of the efforts required to put an end to hunger and all forms of malnutrition alike.”, said Minister of Agriculture Khaled Hunaifat.

Organized in collaboration with the UN Resident Coordinator Office, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), World Food Programme (WFP) and ESCWA, the dialogues will discuss enhancing food systems resilience, promoting equitable livelihoods and access to safe food for all.

“Our food systems should be transformed to be more inclusive, resilient and sustainable. This will be one of the key topics of the Food Systems Summit, hosted by the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in September this year. We are glad to collaborate with the Government of Jordan in conducting these consultations at the national and local levels to identify challenges and solutions and bring voices of Jordanians to the global conversation on food systems in the Global Summit,” said Anders Pedersen, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Jordan.

In 2015, the UN adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved before 2030. Goal two of those 17 goals is to end hunger by 2030 and reduce malnutrition and double agricultural productions.

FAO Representative in Jordan, Nabil Assaf said “2021 marks the beginning of the Decade of Action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, and working towards healthier, more sustainable and equitable food systems. Dialogues are a key opportunity for fully recognizing the potential of local food systems stakeholders to play a catalytic role in accelerating actions towards sustainable agriculture and food systems at all levels. It is important that the views of all stakeholders are captured and reflected when shaping the principles on global food systems that will guide actions in the next decade and beyond.”

“Any country needs strong and efficient food systems, producing and transforming food as well as delivering to consumers with maximum efficiency and minimal losses. Many factors are involved in sustainable food systems including agriculture, water management, supply chains, food waste, climate change issues, employment and social welfare systems. All of these have to function well to ensure people have access to adequate food and nutrition. WFP looks forward to supporting the Government of Jordan in these consultations, fostering national dialogue with various stakeholders around sustainable food systems. Ultimately, this should not only benefit the economy and the livelihoods of people involved in these food systems but improve the efficiency of putting food on our tables and ensure better nutrition for everyone in Jordan,” said Jonathan Campbell, WFP’s Deputy Country Director in Jordan.

The UN Secretary-General will convene this year a Food Systems Summit with the aim of maximizing the co-benefits of a food systems approach across the entire 2030 Agenda and meeting the challenges of climate change. The Summit aims to provide a platform for ambitious new actions, innovative solutions, and plans to transform food systems and leverage these shifts to deliver progress across all of the SDGs.

Source: Jordan News Agency


China sees 23 new COVID-19 cases

China on Monday recorded 23 new coronavirus infections over the last 24 hours, including 4 local cases, according to the National Health Commission (NHC).

In a daily statement, the commission said that it had received reports of 91,451 confirmed cases and 4,636 deaths in the Chinese mainland.

“86,344 patients had been cured and discharged from hospital. There still remained 471 confirmed cases (including 13 cases in serious condition),” it added.

Source: Jordan News Agency


Gaza: 5 COVID-19 deaths, 132 infections recorded

Health Ministry in the Gaza Strip on Monday reported 5 new COVID-19 deaths and 132 new infections during the last 24 hours.

In a daily epidemiological report, the ministry said that the total number of coronavirus cases in the coastal enclave reached 112,077, including 3,688 active cases and 1,045 fatalities.

“Some 266 COVID-19 patients have recovered, raising the total recoveries to 107,344, while 600 PCR tests were collected,” it added.

The report also said that 67 cases needed hospitalization and 51 were serious or critical.

Source: Jordan News Agency


COVID-19 deaths in Canada surpass 25K since outbreak

The Canadian health authorities on Monday announced that the total number of coronavirus deaths in the country since the outbreak of the pandemic has reached 25,931, along with 1,400,128 cases.

In a statement, the authorities said that some 1,359,240 patients have recovered.

“Quebec province topped the number of COVID-19 related deaths compared to the other Canadian provinces, with 11,172 fatalities, followed by Ontario with 8,957 deaths,” it added.

Source: Jordan News Agency